Topic: Muslims just practicing their right to their Religion | |
The New World Order is a subject that would deflect this present thread, as it is indeed a topic of great extensive and varied view points. Perhaps a thread could be created to further have dialogue. However on this thread my points of view are not peculiar at all. What happenes is that it is quite disturbing the true facts regarding our stance on Islam. My position come from carefull observation to the untold events iv witnessed myself. The war against Muslims is all about securing the strategic landlock that is the middle east. Very crucial if we are to maintain our influance and supremacy in the region. As for the Aztecs, primitive thinking produce primitive results. By the way, I DONT ARGUE, EVER!, ill leave that to you. I merely present my position. I stand for truth, justice, and equallity, that is who I am, my service for my country only reaffirmed my position, as I understand the mechanics that drive our foreign policy. We will tell you anything that will affirm those policys. As for my service, not that is on topic nor any of your business, but I understand why you ask, you are in a debate with yourself, and need validation. But I served four tours in mainly Fallujah. I served in the US Army. The 325 Airborne Infantry regiment 82 Airborne division 3rd Battalion was among the first deployed along with the 2nd to Iraq. But that is not on topic, so ill return to reaffirm to my position that the so called war on terror has nothing to do with Islam. The middle east has one of the smallest Muslim populations in the world. Indonasia has the worlds biggest Muslim populations. Not counting the 57 million Muslims in China(Uyghars). So your position on the war on Islam is not only misleading, but false altogether. Nothing you say will change the fact that the truth regarding this war is sheer politics. The American people are truly gullible. An effective war requires the well seasoning of the masses to except their sons being sent to fight. Unfortunately we lied, the war is for power, gains, resources, strategic positioning. Why cant people understand that they have been had? BUT BEFORE TROOPS ARE DEPLOYED, THE MASSES MUST FIRST APPROVE, THAT APPROVAL COMES AFTER HOLLYWOOD AND THE MEDIA HIT YOU WITH SHOCK AND AWE, HATE MUSLIMS, THEN WE CAN SET IT OFF. FRANKLY, AMERICANS ARE DUMB. First of all wanted to be sure I was addressing a real soldier of the armed forces of America. Not some pretendabe Veteran. Over the years I have come across a lot of pretenders. I can respect your service and in that I can at least give you a measure of respect that is deserved. The fact here is that I am not seeking validation. I want to make sure you are not BSing me! But to see how you point fingers and bash one side (America) and give lauds to a religion of Bigotry and hate such as Islam baffles me. There are other religions that are far less hypocritical, of them is Buddhism, Taoism, and Sikh. the thing is some of us have decided that all paths presented to heaven are WRONG and either lies, fallacious, or miss the whole truth somewhere. All religion is a form of thought control. And Islam like Christianity is just as if not more extreme. My war on Islam is because of their war on me! I read a Quran and I am sorry but seven years of seven day a week of having the bible pounded into my head and then learning to dissect an argument and asking a lot of questions about hypocrites found in the bible that led me to figure out that nothing wrong by the hand of man does any good when it is in the name of god. You act like China has not been dealing with Terrorism. Well, BBC news carries stories of that going on as does other odd ball news sources. The Uyghars have been very naughty lately. China has had a bombing and suicide bombing here and there in their eastern frontiers. Now here is a thought, Tibet was a nation based on peace and coexistence and China took them over. The whole "we have a claim to this land" argument! It was so easy to quash the people of Tibet but the Uyghars are a whole different story. Dude, how many people scoffed the release of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" while the brown Shirts were gaining power in German politics preying off of the anger and hatred Germany felt for being screwed so badly by the treaty of Versailles? And then as Germany started to pull their blitzkrieg how many of those who scoffed Mein Kampf as rhetoric began to realize the error of ignoring what was coming to them spelled out in black and white? What the Quran preaches and teaches is not love or respect. For as demented as the bible is it is not anywhere near as screwed up as the Quran. Within this year alone several churches in Indonesia were burned down and Christians attacked en mass! Hmmmm, Uganda, Somalia, Libya, Tanzania, Kenya, all seem to be having problems with Islamic militants attacking them.... not Christian militants... No I do not trust the media but some stuff may be disinformation but it is mixed with real information. But when the DEMOCRATIC party began to deregulate stuff en masse Broadcasting was one of those areas and laws meant to protect us from the lying and twisting of facts have new been thrown out the window! SO GEE, What to do about the media. maybe the FCC needs to have its fangs reinstalled and the old rules brought back? If you want to put a face on the head of the snake look back at the foundation of the East India Trade Company. The Corporation goes back into the 1600s. But the East India Corporation was founded in the early 1700s. These were the first Globalists making money off of the exploitation of others. Let us look back at the Aztecs for a moment. They reigned trough terror and blood shed. When the Conquistadors met them they found on the way to their capital that the Aztecs had enemies. The Spanish allowed the locals to overthrow the one power that could have had a chance at repelling them from the new land, weakened the indigenous people, and turned on them for GOLD GLORY AND GOD in that order! Bankers have a plan. One thing they want to destroy American currency and force us onto the American Unified Currency which in principle is just like the European Union. It isn't a government bent on taking over but a clique of businessmen using money to leverage power on us through the auspices of law! Take the Federal Reserve bank for instance. You know it was voted in during Congress's off season by THREE CONGRESSMEN, NOT A TRUE HOUSE VOTE? And WHO IS the Federal Reserve bank? Bankers. A huge issue right now no one is facing is the Sovereignty of our government and its authority base. We allow media to spoon feed us tainted information (as an example the Treyvon martin shooting case where the media was busted red handed!) through a deregulated media in America. The reporters were not sanctioned for their crimes! neither were the media outlets. the whole thing is who gets funded and why are they being funded. Well, Who did Obama help and who did he make foot the bill? I know homeowners of all races right now who tried and got no help. Why is it Jessie Jackson has never appeared for the benefit of any WHITE VICTIM OF BLACK CRIME? How is it he takes the criminal's side in these situations or just hides in the shadows? A white or Asian civil rights leader that comes to the call of all suffering oppression no matter the color is more respectable than a color myopic or opportunistic bigot. To me the Al Sharptons, Jessie Jacksons, and Lewis Pharrokahns are the Ambulance Chasing Attorneys of Civil Rights. Yes I am passionate about this problem. I see what goes on in the house of my neighbor (metaphor) and what I see in my own house is contradictory of everything I stand for. I would never treat a woman like property. I would never send a child to die intentionally. I would not make promises of an afterlife I myself am not sure exists. I don't like fighting or killing or cheating. So why is it I am supposed to tolerate something by its own book of rules is something I really should fear? I can tolerate a Wolverine in the wild but I sure in the hell don't want one in my house! Who wants a pissed off ball of fur trying to eat them all the time? That is a case of animal nature. But Islam is a little different from Wolverines. it is more akin to a disease of thinking! Sadly most religion is a social sickness. Well, if I know Muslims will lie to me because I am an infidel how can I trust them? Trust does work both ways doesn't it? |
BTW, I am terrified of the legacy our generation is leaving behind for our children and their children! We are led by corrupt sell outs who gave us up for their own personal comfort!
And what faith (or honor) is behind the drone attacks in which Americans are responsible for well over 1,000 innocent lives, including pregnant women, babies, and children and there seems to be no pattern or reason for this abhorant action.
And what faith (or honor) is behind the drone attacks in which Americans are responsible for well over 1,000 innocent lives, including pregnant women, babies, and children and there seems to be no pattern or reason for this abhorant action. ![]() |
And what faith (or honor) is behind the drone attacks in which Americans are responsible for well over 1,000 innocent lives, including pregnant women, babies, and children and there seems to be no pattern or reason for this abhorant action. it's "not a novel concept" to target enemy leaders for death, pointing out such attacks were made against al-Qaida's chief Osama bin Laden and during World War II, including shooting down an aircraft specifically because it was carrying Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, leader of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He said Congress has given the president authorization to use lethal methods under a resolution passed a week after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that authorizes the use of all necessary force to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States. He said that authority was not limited to battlefields in Afghanistan, because the nation faces a threat of terrorism from "a stateless enemy, prone to shifting operations from country to country." "It is preferable to capture suspected terrorists where feasible — among other reasons, so that we can gather valuable intelligence from them," Holder said. "But we must also recognize that there are instances where our government has the clear authority — and, I would argue, the responsibility — to defend the United States through the appropriate and lawful use of lethal force." Holder said that doesn't mean the administration can use military force whenever it wants and that it must respect other nations' sovereignty before acting alone on their soil. "But the use of force in foreign territory would be consistent with these international legal principles if conducted, for example, with the consent of the nation involved or after a determination that the nation is unable or unwilling to deal effectively with a threat to the United States." Or just watch President Obama discuss the issue in the clip below. "It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." -John Curran |
And what faith (or honor) is behind the drone attacks in which Americans are responsible for well over 1,000 innocent lives, including pregnant women, babies, and children and there seems to be no pattern or reason for this abhorant action. ![]() Ah I see - What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet; |