Topic: 'US political system hostile to Americans'
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Sat 08/11/12 10:49 AM
'US political system hostile to Americans'

The money-ruled American political system has a pretty straight-ahead Wall Street agenda and is designed to eliminate opposition the way dictatorships do, Jill Stein, the US presidential candidate for the Green Party, shared with RT - READ FULL SCRIPT

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Sat 08/11/12 10:54 AM
She calls Mit Romney a wolf in wolf's clothing. He's all for wall street.

Barak Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is clear who he serves with all of his track record for bail outs etc.

A very good video to watch.

Optomistic69's photo
Sat 08/11/12 11:14 AM

She calls Mit Romney a wolf in wolf's clothing. He's all for wall street.

Barak Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is clear who he serves with all of his track record for bail outs etc.

A very good video to watch.

There is no difference between the two party system any more...The same is True in the UK.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 08/11/12 11:51 AM
Ron Paul. He actually got Congress to vote for an Audit of the Federal Reserve!

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Sat 08/11/12 11:56 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 08/11/12 11:57 AM

Ron Paul. He actually got Congress to vote for an Audit of the Federal Reserve!

Yeh, and now "the government" are allegedly looking at the "gold" being held by the Federal Reserve and actually drilling some bars to see if they are pure gold and not drilled and filled with tungstan...

The question is... whose gold is it? Do they have it on loan? That information is "classified" because of "National security."

What good will an audit do by the government? Who is doing the audit? The IRS? (Tell me it ain't true.)

rofl ill

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 08/11/12 12:02 PM

Ron Paul. He actually got Congress to vote for an Audit of the Federal Reserve!

Yeh, and now "the government" are allegedly looking at the "gold" being held by the Federal Reserve and actually drilling some bars to see if they are pure gold and not drilled and filled with tungstan...

The question is... whose gold is it? Do they have it on loan? That information is "classified" because of "National security."

What good will an audit do by the government? Who is doing the audit? The IRS? (Tell me it ain't true.)

rofl ill

If I remember the plan is to have an independent 'outside' committee formed as well as a senate investigation. On top of this the FBI is supposed to be involved in it too! one could hope.

no photo
Sat 08/11/12 12:13 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 08/11/12 12:14 PM

Ron Paul. He actually got Congress to vote for an Audit of the Federal Reserve!

Yeh, and now "the government" are allegedly looking at the "gold" being held by the Federal Reserve and actually drilling some bars to see if they are pure gold and not drilled and filled with tungstan...

The question is... whose gold is it? Do they have it on loan? That information is "classified" because of "National security."

What good will an audit do by the government? Who is doing the audit? The IRS? (Tell me it ain't true.)

rofl ill

If I remember the plan is to have an independent 'outside' committee formed as well as a senate investigation. On top of this the FBI is supposed to be involved in it too! one could hope.

Outside of what? rofl rofl

(Sorry but I find that really hilarious.)

Anyway just as they "investigated" Goldman Sachs, and did not find enough evidence to prosecute him.... what they discover at the Federal reserve will turn their hair white and they will find it necessary to stall and stall until its way too late.

The economy. Will it collapse or will it get better?

Since we are so deep in debt and there is not even enough money (paper dollars) in the world to pay that debt, and since the gold in the Federal Reserve does not even belong to them (they probably leased or borrowed it) any kind of audit is a moot point anyway.

So who has all the gold.... really?

Who indeed.huh

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/12/12 05:17 AM

Ron Paul. He actually got Congress to vote for an Audit of the Federal Reserve!

That may be so but The Powers that be are the ones that would decide who does the investigating.

The Nation state is no more. The people have the real power but only if they club together and as one can see simply from this thread alone there is no consensus and there never will.

We are being governed by an elite, it has been in the making for a hell of a long time. Party politics is a complete and utter waste of time as it stands.

We continue to believe that one man can make a difference.

We continue to believe that one party can make a difference.

We are kidding ourselves ...pure and simple.

If voting could change anything THEY THE CABAL ELITE WOULD ABOLISH IT

This is what happens to men who try to make a difference.

There was a man named Mahatma Ghandi
He would not bow down, he would not fight
He knew the deal was down and dirty
And nothing wrong could make it right away

But he knew his duty, and the price he had to pay
Just another holy man who tried to make a stand

Another man from Atlanta, Georgia
By the name of Martin Luther King
He shook the land like rolling thunder
And made the bells of freedom ring today

With a dream of beauty that they could not burn away
Just another holy man who dared to be a friend

The only son of God Almighty
The holy one called Jesus Christ
Healed the lame and fed the hungry
And for his love they took his life away

On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy son of man we'll never understand

Sing about Mahatma Ghandi
Sing of Martin Luther King
Sing Of Jesus Christ Almighty
And the brothers Kennedy

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 08/12/12 05:48 AM

Ron Paul. He actually got Congress to vote for an Audit of the Federal Reserve!

That may be so but The Powers that be are the ones that would decide who does the investigating.

The Nation state is no more. The people have the real power but only if they club together and as one can see simply from this thread alone there is no consensus and there never will.

We are being governed by an elite, it has been in the making for a hell of a long time. Party politics is a complete and utter waste of time as it stands.

We continue to believe that one man can make a difference.

We continue to believe that one party can make a difference.

We are kidding ourselves ...pure and simple.

If voting could change anything THEY THE CABAL ELITE WOULD ABOLISH IT

This is what happens to men who try to make a difference.

There was a man named Mahatma Ghandi
He would not bow down, he would not fight
He knew the deal was down and dirty
And nothing wrong could make it right away

But he knew his duty, and the price he had to pay
Just another holy man who tried to make a stand

Another man from Atlanta, Georgia
By the name of Martin Luther King
He shook the land like rolling thunder
And made the bells of freedom ring today

With a dream of beauty that they could not burn away
Just another holy man who dared to be a friend

The only son of God Almighty
The holy one called Jesus Christ
Healed the lame and fed the hungry
And for his love they took his life away

On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy son of man we'll never understand

Sing about Mahatma Ghandi
Sing of Martin Luther King
Sing Of Jesus Christ Almighty
And the brothers Kennedy

think you had better take a closer look at your Mahatma!

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 08/12/12 05:51 AM
I hear Iran,and Gaza are taking Citizen's Applications at this time!
So is Russia and Afghanistan!
They love disgruntled Westerners!

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 11:38 AM
"If voting could change anything THEY THE CABAL ELITE WOULD ABOLISH IT"

:tongue: SO VERY TRUE.

As far as I'm concerned, they may as well just abolish it now. Why continue the pretense? They just want to keep the illusion alive that we are a democracy, when what we really are is a corporation.

The United States of America is a corporation. President Obama is a corporate president. He does not even have to meet the requirement of being born on American soil for that, so where he was born is irrelevant. That argument is a big waste of time for the "birthers" even if they could prove they were right. It would make NO DIFFERENCE. The corporate Elite are just laughing their ***** off at those people.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 11:40 AM

I hear Iran,and Gaza are taking Citizen's Applications at this time!
So is Russia and Afghanistan!
They love disgruntled Westerners!

Unfortunately, everywhere you go..... there they are.

They own the world.

It's not simply about "America."

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/12/12 11:44 AM

She calls Mit Romney a wolf in wolf's clothing. He's all for wall street.

Barak Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is clear who he serves with all of his track record for bail outs etc.

A very good video to watch.

what is clear

he continued with the bail out of the banks, but also the auto industry which employes quite a few AMERICANS,,and also signing onto extending the unemployment benefits of millions of AMERICANS,,,and trying to help homeowners who were losing their homes,,,

but he cannot do it alone, without the support of congress and non congressional AMERICANS,,

I dont think he is a perfect magician who can serve EVERY American the way they want, but I believe he works hard to come close,,,

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 11:53 AM

She calls Mit Romney a wolf in wolf's clothing. He's all for wall street.

Barak Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is clear who he serves with all of his track record for bail outs etc.

A very good video to watch.

what is clear

he continued with the bail out of the banks, but also the auto industry which employes quite a few AMERICANS,,and also signing onto extending the unemployment benefits of millions of AMERICANS,,,and trying to help homeowners who were losing their homes,,,

but he cannot do it alone, without the support of congress and non congressional AMERICANS,,

I dont think he is a perfect magician who can serve EVERY American the way they want, but I believe he works hard to come close,,,

He certainly talks a good game. But ultimately, he does what they permit him to do. (By they, I mean the major world banks and the people who control them.)

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/12/12 11:54 AM

She calls Mit Romney a wolf in wolf's clothing. He's all for wall street.

Barak Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is clear who he serves with all of his track record for bail outs etc.

A very good video to watch.

what is clear

he continued with the bail out of the banks, but also the auto industry which employes quite a few AMERICANS,,and also signing onto extending the unemployment benefits of millions of AMERICANS,,,and trying to help homeowners who were losing their homes,,,

but he cannot do it alone, without the support of congress and non congressional AMERICANS,,

I dont think he is a perfect magician who can serve EVERY American the way they want, but I believe he works hard to come close,,,

He certainly talks a good game. But ultimately, he does what they permit him to do. (By they, I mean the major world banks and the people who control them.)

by definition, doesnt that apply to anyone with a job?

they can do what they are allowed to do?

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:04 PM

She calls Mit Romney a wolf in wolf's clothing. He's all for wall street.

Barak Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is clear who he serves with all of his track record for bail outs etc.

A very good video to watch.

what is clear

he continued with the bail out of the banks, but also the auto industry which employes quite a few AMERICANS,,and also signing onto extending the unemployment benefits of millions of AMERICANS,,,and trying to help homeowners who were losing their homes,,,

but he cannot do it alone, without the support of congress and non congressional AMERICANS,,

I dont think he is a perfect magician who can serve EVERY American the way they want, but I believe he works hard to come close,,,

He certainly talks a good game. But ultimately, he does what they permit him to do. (By they, I mean the major world banks and the people who control them.)

by definition, doesnt that apply to anyone with a job?

they can do what they are allowed to do?


The "alleged president" of America is SUPPOSED TO represent the people of this country. NOT follow orders and restrictions from the banksters that put him in office with their billions of dollars.

That is the illusion we are supposed to believe.... that the president was elected by the people and serves the people of America.


He is not supposed to answer to the banksters. He is supposed to answer to THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA.

no photo
Thu 09/06/12 10:54 AM
Glad to see another Jill Stein supporter, how do we get the rest to open their eyes?