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Topic: Are you willing to invest in making it work?
navygirl's photo
Mon 08/13/12 03:33 PM

We live in a world where we want everything now. A lot of people do not have the patience to wait for something. You can live in the same city and find someone whom you really like, and you jump in to a realtionship not realizing how much work there is going to be. I have watched myself do it, friends do it, and the result is always the same. It fails. Yeah, there are times that relationships started this way can work. But from what I've seen, they just never work.

For me, I am at the point where my life isn't defined by being with someone. I started off years ago wanting to be "in love" with a woman (the kind of romance you see in film). I believed I had that when I was married at 23, but turns out I was wrong. Doesn't mean I don't believe someone special is out there. Just means that my life is not defined by it like it once was. If I do meet someone then I would be willing, ready and able to give my all for the relationship. Would I be afraid it wouldn't work? Of course......but to not give my all would make me regret, and I have been there too. Basically, I would risk it and would devote myself to her and to the relationship. Who knows.....it could be magical. Goof out!

Well; I can't speak for anyone else but I will admit that I don't have it in me to work on a relationship but not because I want it now; I am simply too exhausted. I work out, I work at my job, I work at keeping my sanity commuting to and from work; I work at keeping my house clean, renovated, and my yard looking good. I even work at helping out my community. I simply don't have the energy to work on a relationship. At the end of it all; there simply is nothing left of me to give which is why I just avoid the relationship thing. altogether.

Animat3d's photo
Thu 08/16/12 10:13 PM
we're willing to give them there "space" and be understanding about all the other pressures in there life. At the same time, we become angry because we aren't getting what we want and need. It can get so confusing that no matter what we do, we end up feeling awful.

oldhippie1952's photo
Thu 08/16/12 10:18 PM

Hi all,
We all dream of the perfect relationship! But are we really sure we're always ready to fully open up and give love the chance it really needs to blossom?
Are we ever able to allow let go of our inner fears and prejudices? Are we ever able to give ALL without fearing it might not get ALL?

I don't see where prejudice has anything to do with love. Either you care about them or you don't. Now fear, yeah, it could make you hold back.

No such thing as a perfect relationship, all of them take work which will make them seem "perfect." But you always have give and take.

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