Topic: car dipstick question
Classyjeff's photo
Thu 08/02/07 05:03 AM
if its bent a little is that going to be a problem. i think i bent mine a little this morning checking my oil

Classyjeff's photo
Thu 08/02/07 05:29 AM
yes i totally don't know much about cars

carebear19622's photo
Thu 08/02/07 05:43 AM
no big deal there is a smsll tube it goes through to reach the pan, just a little more difficult to insert

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/02/07 05:44 AM
i hope not

i have had many a bent dip sticks in the vehicles i have had

exspecially the vans

but no real problems related to it

carebear19622's photo
Thu 08/02/07 05:50 AM

Classyjeff's photo
Thu 08/02/07 06:25 AM
ok. i just figured cause its a piece of metal that isnt really connected.. thanks guys

no photo
Thu 08/02/07 11:13 AM
Now if there was lipstick on your dipstick........Id be worried!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ok my bad!!!!:tongue: