Topic: Good Morning Its Monday!! | |
Good Morning Everyone! How was everyones weekend? Are we all looking forward to the upcoming holidays?? And is everyone ready for the fall to turn into a winter wonderland?? I love the fall and winter seasons! Its truely the best time of the year. I love to walk in the snow, gives me a chance to clear my head, think of wonderful times ahead and see all the new ways the man upstairs shows us his GREATNESS! Take time out of your busy days, and give thanks now and again. I havent been on much lately, my grandson has some serious ear problems, and will be having surgery on the 23rd of this month of October.....hes getting tubes put in his ears, along with his tonsils and adnoids are being removed. They think his ear drum has been damaged,hes only 1yr old....Too small for all of I am very worried. But being a grandmother, My love and support are constant along with my many prayers. I miss you all and your goofy discussions and all your replies....Your good people.....Lots of huggs for all of you! Just to let you know...I MISS YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! take care one and all.........god bless and have a nice day.............and REMEMBER.................A HUGG IS BUT AN ARMS LENGTH AWAY!!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS! Dakotas55 |
Good morning, I just thought I would try to put your mind at ease. Years
ago my son had the same problem. He was 3 at the time. His ears were so bad that he could not eat anything. Something about the suction when he would chew. Anyway he had the surgery and has not had ome problem with his ears or anything. He has perfect hearing now. At the time they didn't know if there would be permanent damage. SO good luck and I hope this helped you . Nancy |
Good sorry bout ur grandson, ny son has the whole
asthma/alllergy thing going on, and it gets worse during the winter months. hope everyone has a wonderful monday and be safe.. |
Good Morning everyone
I wish your grandson a speedy recovery Dakota55. Hope everyone has a good day!! Home now Jen?? |
Good morning all! Another work week in the future! Hope all goes well
for your grandson Dakotas55! I also love the fall, my favorite time of year!! Nerves |
yeah im home it was a nice service ....lots of flowers...thanks for the
email. smiles jen |
Thankyou Nancy, Jen, Cherub, Herves! It was so nice to hear from all of
you. Ty Nancy you have eased my mind a great deal. I am so glad to hear from all of you. Its not often anymore I get to come on line and read all the cute discussions from each one who posts them. I miss that. But I have not forgotten all of you and just thought Id stop by and say hello and fill you all in on whats been happening in my life. I thankyou all for your concern, it makes my heart happy. and guess what?? U ALL GET ONE OF DAKOTAS HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS & let me tell yah...ONCE U BEEN HUGGED BY ME...............You will have a PERMANENT SMILE on ur face.....and maybe a tear or two....why?? because your my freinds..........& Im blessed just to have met you and hear you speak to me...TY VERY VERY MUCH.. Much love my dear freinds! Dakotas55 |