Topic: Erotica 8 | |
Like all frontier hamlets, Donashey had a small tennis court set just to the south of the living area. Intended for daylight use of
course, this court had two determined players. Wendy and Janet were old school friends who were far too busy for daytime games. They knew the old trick of inserting a plastic card into the lock and opening the gates. Carrying lanterns that night the two players prepared to play their own grand final. For them, it would be their last. “How many sets should we play?” Janet thought it over quickly. “How about one?” Wendy nodded as they both stepped out onto the dark court carrying their bright lanterns. When Janet reached her baseline, she bounced the ball thrice before throwing it skyward and smashing the serve. Wendy countered with a backhand shot and Janet struck back. Wendy had to run to collect but Janet’s drop shot caught her lifelong friend out. “That’s one to me.” Wendy laughed, collecting herself as Janet prepared for her second serve. She watched Janet for a second before an ace whizzed straight past. “Oh come on!” Janet giggled with pleasure knowing full well that the game was hers. They changed ends and Wendy served. She smashed the yellow ball, expecting no return play but Janet got to it just in time. As the ball returned, Wendy played forehand that Janet smashed back. Wendy smashed back but her friend had seen that one coming. She collected and sprinted towards the net before knocking the reply towards the asphalt court. “Three to me,” Janet boasted as Wendy’s shoulders drooped. Wendy decided to try something different for a change. She served before running at the net. Janet countered this crazy bravado by tipping the ball over her head and yelling, “Four!” Wendy was really annoyed as they changed ends. “You could at least give me a chance.” Janet shook her head firmly. “You must be joking. I was school champ remember. I have a reputation to protect.” Janet now knew only two points was needed and tossed the ball very high. As it dropped, she smashed an ace leaving Wendy nonplussed. “Five!” Now Janet screwed her eyes and readied herself for the final game. She smashed it softer and Wendy collected easily. As it swung back, Janet did a backhand smash to the right and Wendy stretched. Luckily, the racket connected and the ball whizzed back. Now Janet stretched sending her friend to the left. Sadly for her though, the ball went right and Janet leaped at once in joy. “Six naught!” “Oh I’ve had enough!” As the friends shook hands at the flimsy net, an unexpected handclap took them by surprise. “Well done,” Trayhas muttered creeping forward. “Where did you spring from?” Wendy asked noting the darkly clad companion. “We popped in to watch of course. Hope that you don’t mind.” “Tennis lovers?” Janet queried. “Always,” Hollandia replied as they reached the two doomed women. “Perhaps we could play doubles?” Wendy suggested. Trayhas shook his head. “We are not as good as you two. I think my partner has a much better suggestion.” Hollandia stared at him and said involuntarily, “I do?” “Of course my love. Show them what you can do eh?” Hollandia saw the two players stare and decided to go for broke. “Hand me a racket then.” Wendy handed it over and watched as Hollandia crouched. “What the hell are you doing?” Hollandia gave no reply as the racket vanished beneath her dark, sequined dress. “You're not riding that are you?” Janet asked. Wendy managed to insert the handle into herself, and slowly rose and fell as the players looked on in shock. “That’s perverted!” Wendy called out. “Just watch,” Trayhas suggested. “It gets far more interesting.” The women did not know where to look as Hollandia rose and fell against the stiff metal. She squeezed her inner, ribbed cage as fluid dripped onto her upper thighs. “Oh this feels damn good.” “I’m not watching this,” Wendy said. As she turned, Trayhas stopped her. “I would stay if I were you.” “Watch that hoar screw herself?” “Why not,” he replied. “This is the highlight of your match. Janet took her friend’s arm and said, “I find it interesting.” Wendy looked on shocked. “You a ruddy lessee then?” Janet was about to reply when Hollandia moaned loudly. “Show me your damn dick Trayhas!” The vamp pulled his dark cloak back and his erect member came into full view. “Oh sh..!” Wendy gasped as she gazed upon the firm, but rather unmanly piece of flesh. “Toss yourself dam it!” Trayhas needed no urging. He grasped the rod and swiftly pulled at the hellish foreskin. The two women seemed frozen in time, eyes now locked towards that dark purple head. Hollandia rose and fell rapidly attempting to climax at the same time as he. Fingers now swept across her own hard knob as Trayhas moaned at last. “I’m not watching these perverts!” Wendy said breaking free at last. Janet did not move as her friend headed for the changing room. Her eyes were locked upon those slithering fingers, that trembling carrot of flesh. Trayhas however was fully aware of the attempted escape. He redoubled his fingers until a bright green fluid spewed from the single eye just as Hollandia peaked. She fell upon her back, dragging the dress well above her cold, dead thighs. She pumped the handle hard as if life depended upon it as Trayhas moaned before rising toward the night sky. Wendy had almost reached the changing rooms when he dropped down in front of her. “Going somewhere are we?” Wendy froze at the obviously inhuman movement. “What are you?” Trayhas smiled. “Denizens of the night my dear. You know what? It’s supper time.” Wendy stared in horror as he drew back the black cloak. “I’ve seen larger ones on a gnome.” Trayhas laughed it off. “I wonder what lies beneath your tennis skirt?” “You’ll never know buddy.” Trayhas suddenly knelt and hauled the white skirt down. Before Wendy could react, the panties had been dropped too. “Hmm. Plenty of hair then.” Wendy moved her hands over the private part as the creature stared. “There is no point trying to escape my dear. Sadly your time is up.” “What do you mean by that?” Trayhas smiled coldly and suddenly reached for her long hair. He managed to pull her down and stuffed the dick inside her gaping mouth. “Now that’s a little better my dear.” Wendy gagged as the animal thrust his hips forward, driving his dick to the rear of her throat. Wendy whimpered as savage fingers clawed at her hair, holding the head firmly in place. “Now suck me *****!” Wendy tried, she really did, but the organ was now cutting off that vital supply of air. She started turning blue as Trayhas drove himself further forward. “A little more I think!” He thrust one last time as Wendy passed into history. Rather disgusted now, he snapped her neck before turning toward his dark and evil wife. “Finished her off?” Hollandia rose from the dead woman and adjusted the dress. “I suffocated her with my fanny. Simple really.” Trayhas smiled and lifted his arm as she approached. “We still should feed though. Playing with these two has given me quite an appetite.” Hollandia smiled as they transmuted, leaving the two players to the insects, and of course the police. Their travels did not go far though. As the bats swung through that truly awful night, a distant cry caught their attention. They swooped and saw the mother upon the street, attempting to quiet her newborn. “There there...” Trayhas landed first and startled her. “That is no way to treat kids.” The woman looked up. “Where the hell...?” Hollandia suddenly landed, grabbing her from behind. “Shut up *****!” She pushed her fingers into the mother’s throat, ripping the flesh apart as he lifted the newborn gently. “A light snack my dear.” Hollandia threw the dying woman aside and slobbered. “Do we dare?” He glanced around. “Why not? Join me in a new feast.” Hollandia moved forward as Trayhas turned the babe over. Presented with the soft buttocks, she licked a finger and drove it deep into the fundament. The babe squealed in pain as she felt for an organ. Gripping the living viscera tightly, she pulled it free and sucked the living blood. Trayhas laughed at the sight. He laughed, even though his infernal history strongly suggested that this immoral act was wrong. Even as the babe died, he laughed. As Hollandia licked her grotesque lips, he twisted the young head off the shoulders and drank the cooling fluid. A green light slowly appeared at the west of this Canadian frontier town. A strange figure emerged and gazed around. “It seems that Dyan missed me for a change. To hell with the timeline!” He reached inside his yellow cloak and pulled out his prong shaped device. Examining the read out he hissed. “Something is damn wrong here. What do you mean negative energy?” Jerrix the cat put it back inside his deep pocket, his paw fingering the golden throat clasp. “Something terribly wrong here. It’s definitely dark. Negative energy...Hmm...” He stood and scratched at his deep brown fur. His cold blue eyes drifting off into eternity. “You know Jerrix; you can be such a clot! That device detected negative life energy and we all know what that means...Vampires!” The cat turned, the yellow cloak swaying in the cold breeze over his five foot frame. “I’m damn glad Tarra ain't here! Those ruddy creatures are in trouble now...” He saw the darkness of the unlit streets but his superior blue eyes penetrated even that. “Instinct tells me that trouble lies this way.” Jerrix shrugged his shoulders and marched off. |
Will try to push on..Never intended Jerrix to appear..When he appears you really can't argue! At a very low point despite last night..I suspect prayers needed...