Topic: The Truth About "The Ex" | |
i think i may have had the worst evil ex ever! doing things behind my back while i thought we were still together teling me to leave her alone after she got caught. i thought i was the bomb but i guess i was not i wonder if karma really works? how do you forgive someone that didn't want forgivness? oh well you just have to move on. You are probably "the bomb"; for the right person. Sad that you had to have a "training" period with someone deceitful, and yes I believe in Karma, but maybe your karma is really good and you just don't know it yet. This "bad" pick is out of your way now; right? Forgiveness is not about letting them off the hook for what they did it is about letting you off the hook for how it made you feel. What a cheat does is wrong not the person who was cheated on. You forgive yourself for not seeing it and you will feel a lot better. Good luck. |
i think i may have had the worst evil ex ever! doing things behind my back while i thought we were still together teling me to leave her alone after she got caught. i thought i was the bomb but i guess i was not i wonder if karma really works? how do you forgive someone that didn't want forgivness? oh well you just have to move on. You are probably "the bomb"; for the right person. Sad that you had to have a "training" period with someone deceitful, and yes I believe in Karma, but maybe your karma is really good and you just don't know it yet. This "bad" pick is out of your way now; right? Forgiveness is not about letting them off the hook for what they did it is about letting you off the hook for how it made you feel. What a cheat does is wrong not the person who was cheated on. You forgive yourself for not seeing it and you will feel a lot better. Good luck. ![]() ![]() |
The truth about my ex is that there is no truth.
I was naive at the end of our relationship and believed every word he said. But I cant knock him too much. I can say that I learned a very valuable lesson because of it. I have healed and now ready to move on. |
Edited by
Tue 07/10/12 12:24 PM
Settling settling for what? I'd rather be single for the rest of my life then not have what I want. You're hard-pressed to find someone that would be willing to live on a ranch. Without running water and electricity. They can butcher and so on and so forth. My ex was Native American. She can cut a sheep's throat and let it bleed out for blood sausage. You're not going to find that every day. Our society is so full of fake people that got their phone shoved up their ***. They'd rather be on Facebook than a relationship. And so on and so on. So yeah maybe a little bit difficult especially living in Denver Colorado at the moment. So full of liberals. I so wish I could get it accross to you that sometimes the greatest love of your life might actually be the person you least think is going to be the one. When my late husband met me I would not have given him a Tinkers Damn Chance in Hell for being my "ONE". Friends that knew him actually ask me after they saw him talking to me did I give him the number to the morgue rather than make and issue of one more guy hassleing me for a number. Not that long off and abusive divorce, Mother of a profoundly disabled child,seriously disabled myself, him clear out of my league of NCO's as an Officer, on orders to soon go, bla...bla...bla; I had a hundred and thirteen reasons NEVER GONNA HAPPEN and you know what BAM that all was knocked down like so many dominoes. The right person listens to your dreams and their dreams become yours. That pretty little Liberal in high-heel sneakers yapping on her cell phone just might be a rancher in the city buying supplies an to let loose for a weekend and do all and more than you think a gal should. Be really sad if you threw your life away on saying something doesn't exist when it might be close enough for you to reach out and touch. But if you paint everything you see with bitterness and dissappointment, greif, and predudice before you even get to know them it will look like satan's spawn wheather it is an ANGEL or not. Some thoughts to ponder. Good Luck in your search. Hope you start looking. This is so true, My hubby is a city boy, I am a country girl. I can cut a sheeps throat, not that I do it anymore and I dont like blood sausages, I was raised in the bush and power and running water are not a necessity. However my man has never been bush, except on a visit with me. I thought my ideal man was someone tough a a bloke who new his way around the bush, but I have found that even though my man has no idea about how i was brought up or even how to survive in the bush. ![]() ![]() I may drive him nuts at times because I am different, but he loves me anyway. Give people a chance, you never know who you will meet. ![]() |
My boyfriend usd 2 be dat kind of a person whoz romentic suddenly no callz,dot empty promises,z he chaeting o some serious prblmz.
I look at things differently....I recognize the relationship and ex for what it was both good and bad and both my responsibility for the relationship's failure as well as his. When all is said and done, I do not deny that I had love for this individual, I simply realize no matter what my feelings were/are we simply were not right for each other. In looking at it as a whole, I'm able to put aside any hurt I may have felt and be thankful for the good that came from the relationship and the growth I received as a person having had the experience.
They are called ex's for a reason, and what's in the past should stay there.................
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I guess, in this case, X does NOT mark the spot???
The truth about my Ex was that it was all a lie - I met him when I was 20 and he was a wonderful gentleman, kind hearted, soft spoken and very caring. I stopped dating him after a year because I had my own issues and thought he was too nice for me. 15 years later our paths crossed again and I knew it was FATE even heard the violins playing in my head. We married 6 months later, but his true colors were there before then I just ignored the warning signs because I felt we were meant to be. He was cheating, lying, stealing from my checking account. I thought how could I be so wrong about this I was sure that God had given us both a 2nd chance, but I now realized it was my expectation and ego that I couldn't let go of - after 8 years of back and forth emotional and financial abuse - I let go and let GOD