Topic: Things that pisses U off | |
The best fighter is never angry.
Gee, where to start. Feeling like women either are looking fot a project, or they are looking for gold.
It always pisses me off when a women on the system has four or five kids and makes more than i do going to work everyday. As far as im concerned if you are on M.A. u should only be allowed to have 1 child.
When people live there life off of lies. To see people take the advange of others. People thats dumb finded to the world or whats going on around them.
The stigma of farting in public.
People that complain constantly in front of you about the same thing over and over until you get one of those headaches that just won't go away!
Most people
Hippie's stigma of farting in public.
having a Asthma attack when I take a walk in cool air
Child proof bottle caps I can't open.
Bag-less vacuums.
That's easy! Back stabbing motherfu*kers! :D
when u go out with a group of friends and one of them decides that no one likes her and sits and pouts in a freakin coat when its like 80 degrees in the damn bar...sorry about happened recently lol
our phone ringing all the time while I am trying to watch my TV shows
people wanting your email address instead of chatting on here!!
Meanies piss me off!