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Topic: zombies apocalypse
TiMyDa's photo
Fri 06/29/12 05:49 AM
do you believe in zombie apocalypse? why or why not? ohwell what would you do it the zombie apocalypse was to happen tomarrow?
:angel: waving :angel:

no photo
Fri 06/29/12 06:03 AM
Edited by Torgo70 on Fri 06/29/12 06:19 AM
People keep promising a zombie apocalypse and it has yet to happen. Looks like I memorized The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead, and watched all those zombie flicks for nothing.

lilott's photo
Fri 06/29/12 08:34 AM
No such thing as zombies.

no photo
Fri 06/29/12 08:57 AM

No such thing as zombies.


no photo
Fri 06/29/12 09:05 AM

No such thing as zombies.

Thanks for the news flash.

no photo
Mon 07/09/12 08:23 PM

The Zombie Apocalypse scared

Filmfreek's photo
Thu 07/12/12 09:44 AM
"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth."

The government will put "bath salts" in our water supply.

It is coming. And I'm ready. Stock up at work, and head over to the Air Force base where my bro in law is in charge of the weapons armory supported by 10 foot thick steel walls.

When **** gets real head to Navarre, FL & we'll see if we can't squeeze ya in.

no photo
Thu 07/12/12 11:03 AM
I'm building my own Dead Reckoning, then kidnapping Asia Argento...though I really don't need a zombie apocalypse as an excuse.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/12/12 11:06 AM

"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth."

The government will put "bath salts" in our water supply.

It is coming. And I'm ready. Stock up at work, and head over to the Air Force base where my bro in law is in charge of the weapons armory supported by 10 foot thick steel walls.

When **** gets real head to Navarre, FL & we'll see if we can't squeeze ya in.

they keep saying "bath salts", but i have yet to see one case that it was proven...

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/12/12 11:07 AM

I'm building my own Dead Reckoning, then kidnapping Asia Argento...though I really don't need a zombie apocalypse as an excuse.

asia says you won't have to kidnap her if you have a dead reckoning... she likes that type of vehicle...

no photo
Thu 07/12/12 11:09 AM

I'm building my own Dead Reckoning, then kidnapping Asia Argento...though I really don't need a zombie apocalypse as an excuse.

asia says you won't have to kidnap her if you have a dead reckoning... she likes that type of vehicle...


no photo
Thu 07/12/12 11:11 AM

I'm building my own Dead Reckoning, then kidnapping Asia Argento...though I really don't need a zombie apocalypse as an excuse.

asia says you won't have to kidnap her if you have a dead reckoning... she likes that type of vehicle...


woah, i seem to remember the bster was promised a seat

no photo
Thu 07/12/12 11:12 AM

I'm building my own Dead Reckoning, then kidnapping Asia Argento...though I really don't need a zombie apocalypse as an excuse.

asia says you won't have to kidnap her if you have a dead reckoning... she likes that type of vehicle...


woah, i seem to remember the bster was promised a seat

There's plenty of room.

necromancerlord's photo
Thu 11/01/12 06:41 AM
pitchfork :angel: well its simple really i been thing of that for awhile everr since i heared that science was trying to reanimate the dead. and being a necromancer i now thats a bad idea. zombies are the greatist plague known to man. and difficult to control.
my plan is to go to walmart and fortify it. cuz it has everything you ll need. to survive.shocked

mossyoakduckblind's photo
Tue 04/02/13 12:33 PM
Get behind me lol

starchild30's photo
Sat 11/09/13 09:52 PM
I dont even know...but I seriously hope zombies are NOT real and dont take over the planet. Yikes!
Of course I just heard a really creepy noise outside

no photo
Sun 11/10/13 08:37 AM



Chris8945's photo
Sun 11/10/13 09:02 AM
It is not as farfetched as it seems. It hasn't happened... yet.

no photo
Sun 11/10/13 09:05 AM
The benefits of video gaming...



mightymoe's photo
Sun 11/10/13 11:53 AM
the best apocalypse to have....

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