Topic: Why don't dating sites really work anymore? | |
WTF is up with that? I can't find a decent girl worth getting to know in my day to day life, so I spend 300 dollars trying to find someone worth my time on line, and that doesn't work, so I go to the free dating sites, and they don't even work. Where the hell are all the women worth getting to know that are looking for a semi decent relationship? I want someone who is going to put something into a relationship. I'm tired of being single, and I don't want everyones advice on why I don't want a relationship. Cause I do want one. I've never had one, so damnit, I want one. But where are the women at? Am I the only chivalrous male around anymore? Why do I not have my princess!
Dude get out and live a little You live in a cool city known for beautiful Women I mean whats the problem.
it can't be that bad???????????? |
****!!!!!!1 pay $300 you might as well enter the excourt service for that why pay that amount for a dating service.... there are woman out there you just have to be patient and you sure dont sound like it
You're only 19 and you paid money for a dating service? Let alone three hundred dollars?
Man... just chill out and be patient. And enjoy life a little. Get a dog too. Dogs are awesome. And they're smarter than girls. |
My My first thing is to chill out a bit.
Hummm now at 19 you sure are in a big hurry to get into a relationship. Well I know you don't want to hear this but don't rush it get out while you are young and enjoy your life. Go do things that you would love to to do make plenty of friends kick back relaxe. Even tho you are on dating sites all the site does is put you with a group of others that are also single. In no way it is a guarantee you will find the one that your looking for It is up to you to show others who you are and to appeal to the ladies. By going in like a Bull in a China closet hummm is not what most want to portray. ![]() So just take the time and get to know others you never know what or who maybe watching your actions and reading your thoughts. ![]() By the way welcome to the site and enjoy the forums ![]() ![]() |
Patience bro
Patience ![]() |
geeze when i was 19 i was home taking care of my daughter not much thinking about guys. as my daughter was more important in my life.... but yea i admit we all get lonely but be patient and give it time. why rush anything
Oh wait... he's in Las Vegas... and he's only 19.
No wonder. That's gotta blow. |
That truth aside. Granted this city is known for beautiful women, but Jesus H. Christ are they shallow. Out of the maybe 20 or so women I have approached and initiated conversatino with, like 95% of them all had the same first question. "What do you do for a living?" They weren't even interested in my name at first. I said I was unemployed at the moment because I had just moved down here. They walked away. And yes, I'm only 19, and have already shelled out money for a dating site. I'm not like most guys in that I'm looking for a serious solid relationship. Not saying that that's not what you guys want, but most guys are looking for just sex. And that's not me. Ya know? I want a quality female who will actually want to try and make a relationship work.
And Queene. I'm patient. Or at least, I try to be. But Jesus I hate being single. |
NEVADA is full of love and you shouldnt have any form of problem there specially in your field.. come on..
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I my field? What do you mean in my field? And where are all these people you are talking about? Because I haven't seen any of them yet. You need to tell me where I need to be hanging out, because I'm obviously not in the right locations.
"I want a quality female who will actually want to try and make a relationship work. "
That's why dogs are awesome! My dog was female, quality, and she tried to make our relationship work. ![]() But then she ran away just like a human girl. Figure that one out. ![]() |
your profile states Profession: Student/ aspiring actor singer
Also. Everyone saying that I'm awfully young to be wanting a seriosu relationship..... Let me give you a lil background on myself. At 15, I started working to pay bills in my house. I did this throughout high school until I graduated and moved out. Arsehole of a stepdad, abusive at times. I'm not exactly a typical 19 year old. I had to grow up much quicker, and I matured with that. However, as I matured, so did my relationship views. So I don't want something petty and meaningless. I'm tired of being hurt. I want something that means something. A feeling of belonging, of love. Something I haven't exactly had before. But not pity. God I hate it when people pity me. I didn't mention this to get pity, just to kind of give a background that way when I say I'm more mature than your typical 19 year old, I have evidence as to why.
And I promise you I will melt your heart with my voice. And I'm not exactly a student. I'm trying to break into the business.
still you cant rush into a relationship so fast and when you get one. dont feel you have to hit home run. go slow and easy. you seem to be to determined to fast and that doesnt work that way most of the time and let you know beauty is the eye of the beholder as her attitude my stink and she would be the one then you find another that her soul is full of love and harmony.
Hummm ya think it sucks being alone tell ya what when you have two kids and then take the next 16 years to raise them. Dating but not living with them and your kids are finaly grown and ya find yourself alone then ya can tell me how hard it is to be lonely.
I promise you one thing no matter how bad one thinks life is there is always someone that has it worse. And actually for patience I have yet to see you have patience take that drive you have and put it towards a career. You have pleanty of ambition. Use it for your advantage. ![]() |
TxsGal3333 exactly i have 2 kids and 3 grandkids and when im around them i dont feel lonely as they fill that emptiness and when im home alone i think at times about my life and where it should be where im going. but you have to live day by day. i raised my kids without there jurk of dads but had help from my family. i have been in love more than once and things happen so i know how it feels to be some what in his shoes but dont rush things you have to take its course even if you had been in ""f of family issue
I've put my drive into my career for as long as I can remember. I don't have the money to afford headshots, so I can't get my face out to the people I need, and I can't get an agent without headshots. In order to get most jobs, I need an agent. I've got bills to pay, so..... How is that not putting my drive into that? I'm doing what I can, but I can't live on the streets so that I may have headshots. Ant then, I just moved out to Vegas.. I have no job here still. I go out every day and look. Anyplace on the Strip requires more cards than I've ever heard of, it's like high school all over again. Sheriffs card, non-gaming card, health card..... WTF? Back home all you needed was a Givernment ID and a SSI card to get a job.