Topic: you know what really grinds my gears
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Mon 07/30/07 11:37 PM
and i will comment to add perspective and balance wherever i lackofgoddammed well please!!!!!!!!!!flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 07/30/07 11:43 PM
totally agree with the lack of turn signal....

one thing that really grinds my gears is people who come into the bakery to order something, and want me to tell them what they im psychic and know what they like!

Mon 07/30/07 11:45 PM
i hear that beebee when i was a waitress they looked at me like i suppose to come at them with an answer laugh

no photo
Mon 07/30/07 11:47 PM
i try to offer suggestions of our best sellers...but i also always tell them well i cant tell you what to get...i may like something that you dont so you have to tell me what you like then maybe i can help!

jwaddy's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:03 AM
i hate that too... i spend the time to send out unique emails that are friendly and actually pay attention to what they wrote in their profile. usually takes me about 10 minutes per message to read and type it out, maybe more. there's a lot of thought going into them. 3/4 girls don't ever respond once... not even to tell me they're not my type. nothin, not even a hi... that's pretty disrespectful to not even be able to spend 3 seconds writing a reply.

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:04 AM
jwaddy....which pic is really you??

jwaddy's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:05 AM
all of them.

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:06 AM
ok cool.....someone took your body and pasted another head on it...sent it to me as another profile so i was just curious....

no worriesflowerforyou

jwaddy's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:08 AM
LOL seriously? can i see? that's pretty flattering lol...

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:11 AM
lol that reminds me of what happened along time ago .....a friend of mine on line, as a joke, took a pic of my head and attached it to some asian naked woman who was sticking her finger up some guys bum while eating oreo cookies!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

jwaddy's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:14 AM
reminds me of the times i used to mess with girls that a friend would introduce me to online. i got a few great pics from, so when they asked for pics i sent those.

what, not hot enough for ya? ok ok you got me, that's what i really look like... (send another ugly pic)

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:16 AM
I love!!!! Ive gotten a few of my fave pics from there!!!laugh

jwaddy's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:18 AM
hmm, would i be breaking the terms of service to put one up?

ajhagena's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:20 AM
"he wasn't hit by a car...he was hit by a bullet from a car..... "

Okay. My point still stands.

"one thing that really grinds my gears is people who come into the bakery to order something, and want me to tell them what they im psychic and know what they like!"

Haha, that happens to me all the time. Only I work at a smoothie store.

and it usually goes something like

"so what should I get?"
"well, what kind of fruit do you like?"
"well, I like rasberries."
"okay, then how about the rasberry smoothie."
"yeah, I'll go with that!"

Honestly, like they couldn't have figured that out by themselves.

I mean, it doesn't really bother me, since hardly anyone comes into the store anyway, but it's still perplexing.

Ooh ooh, also what gets me is when people drive at eratic speeds... so they'll pass me one minute, and then in the next I have to brake and deactivate cruise control because they're suddenly going to forty and the passing lane ended.

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:22 AM
Buckethead!!!! Take me to the concert!!!love laugh laugh laugh

ajhagena's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:23 AM
okay! meet me at payphone by the abandoned warehouse.

*shifty eyed*

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:24 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

ajhagena's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:36 AM
Ooh, and make sure to bring your handcuffs.

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:41 AM
<---------play the Violent femmes

when Im a walking .....I strut my stuff.....and Im so strung out.... Im high as a kite......I just might stop to check you out!!!:wink: laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 07/31/07 12:42 AM
HUMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm ya know what really grids my gears grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is when someone post a poem and takes credit for it why not just be honest and admit who the Poet is and give credit were credit is due Shssssssssssssh if ya wondering what I'm talking about the name of the poem is

Am I with you or you with me

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