neuroglia's photo
Thu 06/21/12 03:40 AM
Taming the tongue is a very crucial event in ones life if i should say.
what should be noted about this tongue as it serve important physical purposes such as tasting is even spiritually more dangerous than you can think of.James 3:7,8.
fortuately for us , the bible reassures of us of its usefulness since it can also bring to life , the dead. halleluyah.
i think every believer should pray the prayer of the psalmist in psalm 141:3 before starting the day.


Ladywind7's photo
Thu 06/21/12 07:12 AM
Amen! My tongue has so many teethmarks from holding it back from being too outspoken, I think what comes out of the mouth, comes from the heart. So we should deal with our hearts foremost.Mathew 15.18~19.

neuroglia's photo
Thu 06/21/12 03:27 PM
yeah, you got a point there too.

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 06/21/12 10:25 PM
But your point is excellent also :-)

no photo
Fri 06/22/12 07:17 AM

"For out of the overflow of his heart the mouth speaks."
- Matthew 12:34, Luke 6:45

Oops! The minute the words were out of my mouth I regretted saying them. I thought, “I can’t believe I said that!”
Next thought, “I wish I could take that back.” But once words are spoken , they’re out there.
No chance of taking them back.

Words are powerful.

In olden days, when a king spoke a decree, there was no rescinding it even if it meant terrible consequences.
In Proverbs 18 we read, “The tongue has the power of life and death.”

One of the things I continue to struggle with is my speech. Many times I have resolved to think before I speak.
“I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin.” (Psalms 39) “The tongue is a small part of the body,
but …consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.” (James 3)

I have asked the Lord to “Set a guard over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.”(Psalm 141)
That was written by none other than King David.

Bottom line, though, here’s the deal.
My tongue only says what is already fixed in my heart.
So the problem doesn’t really lie in my mouth, but in my heart.

I have ‘decisioned and purposed’ to clean-up and purify my heart.
That won’t happen overnite. It will be an ongoing process.

That’s OK;
we’re all a work in progress. It will also require divine help. Like the beautiful song says,

“Change my heart, oh God..”

- – - written by Sally I. Kennedy