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Topic: Military
djkrisnka's photo
Wed 06/20/12 05:06 AM
i have an appointment with an army recruiter today in a few hours so if anyone has served can you give me some advice before i go to the appointment.

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 05:25 AM

i have an appointment with an army recruiter today in a few hours so if anyone has served can you give me some advice before i go to the appointment.

Ask yourself, "Why, after the Taliban destroyed the opium trade we went to war with Afghanistan and now they produce 8000 tons of opium per year?" After serving a term in Iraq or Afghanistan, would you, like many other soldiers become suicidal? Why, after this last invasion of Iraq, are they too growing opium? How did our nation become so infected by drugs? Military service is not to protect us. It's to protect corporate interests, fill prisons, and create a society of slaves, of which, include 1% of all American men. Other opportunities are out there. Sorry, I don't have much more productive advice on this topic. I see the government as being an entity at war with the people it claims to serve, and unfortunately, there's ample evidence to support this statement.

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 05:50 AM
recruiters lie. check with all the branches, each has incentives for college, and they vary. you have options, but the individual recruiters are not obligated to tell you what the other branches offer. semper fi

djkrisnka's photo
Wed 06/20/12 06:16 AM
thanks esebulldog i didn't know that i'ma look into that right now before i go to the appointment.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 06/20/12 06:36 AM
You may want to ask yourself if you'd be capable
of turning your guns on your fellow americans if told to do so....
before you enlist.

djkrisnka's photo
Wed 06/20/12 06:54 AM

You may want to ask yourself if you'd be capable
of turning your guns on your fellow americans if told to do so....
before you enlist.

i am capable of turning a firearm on a person if i'm told to do so as it will be my duty.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:02 AM

You may want to ask yourself if you'd be capable
of turning your guns on your fellow americans if told to do so....
before you enlist.

i am capable of turning a firearm on a person if i'm told to do so as it will be my duty.

An innocent civilian that is your fellow american?

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:12 AM

You may want to ask yourself if you'd be capable
of turning your guns on your fellow americans if told to do so....
before you enlist.

i am capable of turning a firearm on a person if i'm told to do so as it will be my duty.

We may well have our guns pointed at each other then. I'll be the one protecting my family.

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:12 AM

You may want to ask yourself if you'd be capable
of turning your guns on your fellow americans if told to do so....
before you enlist.

i am capable of turning a firearm on a person if i'm told to do so as it will be my duty.

Would you not ask questions?

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:14 AM

You may want to ask yourself if you'd be capable
of turning your guns on your fellow americans if told to do so....
before you enlist.

i am capable of turning a firearm on a person if i'm told to do so as it will be my duty.

We may well have our guns pointed at each other then. I'll be the one protecting my family.

Now there is a reason to carry a protect oneself and ones family....not in a foreign country thousands of miles away.

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:18 AM

You may want to ask yourself if you'd be capable
of turning your guns on your fellow americans if told to do so....
before you enlist.

i am capable of turning a firearm on a person if i'm told to do so as it will be my duty.

We may well have our guns pointed at each other then. I'll be the one protecting my family.

Now there is a reason to carry a protect oneself and ones family....not in a foreign country thousands of miles away.

Yes it is a good reason. I have much more than a gun, though. I know how to disabled an enemy invader in an armored vehicle with an object the size of a brick and have shared the concept with others, for their protection. What's scariest about it all, is to what lengths the goverment is going to to make an enemy out of the people of America. This guy has no clue how bad it's gotten and probably no idea of what the constitution is supposed to mean.

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:23 AM

I'm sure others have similar videos in mind on this topic.

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:39 AM
op, you don't have to acknowledge posts that are off topic. people will post their opinion, it's a public forum. joining the military is a personal choice, and i encourage you to weigh out all your options. i'm sure not enlisting is an option you have considered. you may ask about reserve duty, where you will receive training and some financial aid. it's good that you are seeking advice before making a commitment. remember that pro, anti, and even neutral people making comments may have their own interests in mind, and not what could be right for you

djkrisnka's photo
Wed 06/20/12 09:05 AM

op, you don't have to acknowledge posts that are off topic. people will post their opinion, it's a public forum. joining the military is a personal choice, and i encourage you to weigh out all your options. i'm sure not enlisting is an option you have considered. you may ask about reserve duty, where you will receive training and some financial aid. it's good that you are seeking advice before making a commitment. remember that pro, anti, and even neutral people making comments may have their own interests in mind, and not what could be right for you

i'm at the point of my life it's either keep doing what i love -djing- or do i serve and i have thought of this for a long time so i'm finally going to enlist and was hoping someone who has served would reply to this telling me how their basic training was.

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 09:28 AM
well good on ya mate. basic training is much like any other endeavor in life. you get out of it what you put in. it's challenging mentally, physically, and emotionally. (mostly physically in the marine corps)

there is military history, traditions, (plenty of acronyms), and a lifestyle to learn. sop (standard operating procedure) marksmanship, combat technique, survival training, and advanced courses you could take at jump school, scuba school, or specialty schools if you are interested in being a sniper or special forces

lots to see and learn in the military, but for the term of your enlistment, decisions are not yours to make. you can google each branch separately and get an idea of what they are about (of course each branch toots their own horn)

godspeed to you my friend

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 06/20/12 03:40 PM

i have an appointment with an army recruiter today in a few hours so if anyone has served can you give me some advice before i go to the appointment.

What branch are you thinking of?

Navy or Air Force will have the best technical training.

Army or Marines if you just want to see what it's like to tote a rifle.

blueeyes2000's photo
Wed 06/20/12 04:23 PM
I haven't served personally, but have grown up in a military family, everyone from siblings/parents/aunts/uncles/cousins and a lot of friends. Growing up, there was always lots of talk about it,and still is. Most of my family served in the Navy, Marines, and Air Force. I'd say do lots of research and weigh all your options carefully. Also, if you don't already know, decide what it is you would like to do in which ever branch you choose and decide which branch has the best rep. in that. Good luck though!

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 06/22/12 11:00 PM
Military Service depends a lot on how adaptable and patient you, and your family, are when you get in. It can be a really great opportunity and a good life or it can be really miserable.

One thing you want to keep in mind is you will probably not be any more successful as a soldier than you are as a civilian so it is not a magic "fix" for anything.

One consistent thing is that fewer and fewer military members are being allowed to stay in as long as they wish or to retire even if they want to so do NOT consider that something you depend on in making a life plan. It is UP or Out. And even being very good at your job will not give you a place to go if there are no openings. Yes there are some improvements with Exit planning but with 156,000 troops being "laid off" the chances of you doing anything but only temporairily putting off your civilian life is good.

Nor will the military necessarily give you anything but military skills. Yes if you are willing they can and will attempt to help you learn various life skills and support you improveing yourself but you do it AFTER you compleate the Mission which always comes first.

Ms_Independant's photo
Wed 08/01/12 08:49 PM
It's a truly personal choice. If you love it go for it. It's a career choice just like any other. Major military decisions are in the hands of politicians anyways. It sucks that people point the finger at the military as they are just doing their job.

no photo
Wed 08/01/12 08:53 PM

Do not sell your soul to the government.

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