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Topic: Are you good?
Ladywind7's photo
Fri 06/22/12 03:44 AM
Live and let live. Precisely! Nobody asked you about your religious beliefs or lack of. But thanks for sharing. :smile:

Kahurangi's photo
Fri 06/22/12 03:54 AM

I am not a good Cristian, because I can't worship a god created by a roman in the year 400. because he needed to stay in power.

I am not a good Muslim, because I can't believe in a warrior general that writes in quatrains.

I am not a good Buddhist, because I can't clear my mind.

I am good at creating art and I am good at living and let live.

Guess I can't be a tea party member.

That made me laugh...so you can stick that on your "i'm good" list too. And who wants tea when you can have Mr Beam over? happy

no photo
Fri 06/22/12 06:11 AM
It turns out I am really good at picking out fantastic oranges, but not nearly as good as turning them into reasonable orange juice.


Ladywind7's photo
Fri 06/22/12 06:21 AM

It turns out I am really good at picking out fantastic oranges, but not nearly as good as turning them into reasonable orange juice.

Yes, very strange. Who would have thought? ohwell

no photo
Fri 06/22/12 06:49 AM

It turns out I am really good at picking out fantastic oranges, but not nearly as good as turning them into reasonable orange juice.

Yes, very strange. Who would have thought? ohwell

On an additional note, I am good at making a messy kitchen counter to.

no photo
Fri 06/22/12 07:13 AM
"growing hair"

MariahsFantasy's photo
Mon 07/02/12 10:59 AM
Mariah is good at the following...

Running at an incredible rate
Gymnastics (splits, flexibility, yada yada)
Dirty talk
Speed reading
Having sexy/silky hair
Long sensual sessions
Being a good friend
"Guess Who?" and "Trivial Pursuit"
Being right
Figure skating
Giving guys a humor boner
And last but not least: Slinky's, yes they love me, I use the force to make 'em stretch. I was born different :tongue:

no photo
Mon 07/02/12 11:07 AM
I am a really good live partner and the world best kisser :-)

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 07/02/12 11:27 AM
I can make awesome popcorn!

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