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Topic: evidence a universe existed before the Big Bang.
RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/16/12 05:10 PM

Penrose is well known for fringe speculation. If something like this pans out it would be world shattering, but that is the same with most of his ideas, he loves extraordinary ideas . . . sadly they usually have a lot of problems to overcome, so far he is striking out.

I have not looked very hard, but somewhere out there is some fairly good criticisms of the research paper linked in the OP, basically that they failed to rule out the concentric circles being caused by some other mundane source that would be within the universe or caused by inflation. Cant remember its been a while.
Yep i agree with this people forget that Penrose and Hawkings removed quantum mechanics when they came up with the "singularity theorem".In other words if you remove quantum mechanics then their theorem is possible.

i don't know, they both know a little more about it than i do...but the Big Bang Theory seems really outdated now... maybe they are the only ones looking for evidence against the BBT, while most of the others are not thinking about it...
Actually i'm not a big fan of the big bang theory either so you're not alone.

no photo
Sat 06/16/12 05:17 PM
I think the universe is infinite.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 06/17/12 07:33 PM

I think the universe is infinite.


Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 06/17/12 07:50 PM
didnt they discount the big bang thing a long time ago?

The multiverse is infinite. The universe is curved upon itself with a beginning and a end


Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 06/17/12 07:54 PM
People seem to forget the scientific method

Gather the facts and find a theory

Nowadays they find a theory and look for facts to support it
Otherwise known as "junk science"

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 08:59 PM

I think the universe is infinite.



no photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:00 PM

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/18/12 12:11 PM

I think the universe is infinite.

i disagree, even there is no way to prove it either way right now... i think the only thing that is "infinite" is the meaning of the word infinite...

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/18/12 01:27 PM

didnt they discount the big bang thing a long time ago?

The multiverse is infinite. The universe is curved upon itself with a beginning and a end


Who are they?

How about providing a link to a scientific study or journal that supports your belief?

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/18/12 01:30 PM

I think the universe is infinite.




How about a scientific reason?
Do you have one of those?

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 03:05 PM

I think the universe is infinite.




How about a scientific reason?
Do you have one of those?

Fractals are very scientific.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 03:25 PM

Fractals are very much into mathematics and I have not given them a great deal of personal attention or study.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 03:30 PM
A Fractal Theory of the Origin and Meaning of the Universe

Meaning of the Universe

All of reality, from the smallest microcosmic sub-atomic particle, to the largest galactic cluster, seems to follow the same basic fractal structures - structures based on number and dimensions. Looking at the big picture of nature, we see an evolution of consciousness, from small systems or entities of consciousness, to progressively larger and more complex consciousness. There seems to be a basic drive which compels all conscious entities on an upward spiral of ever expanding consciousness, and coherent intelligence. We all seem to have an innate need to evolve to ever more expansive and integrated fields of consciousness, to ever larger coherent databases of processed information. Conscious beings are like fractals evolving to ever greater scales of magnitude. Along the way we follow the same basic patterns, but at each stage there are some unique variations. This variety adds spice to life, spice which can easily lead to confusing chaos, to an over load of data, if you do not know the underlying patterns, the basic laws. But if you know what to look for, the key fractal structures, you can look beyond the millions of trees and start to see the forest, the unity behind the great diversity of nature.

To read more:

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