Topic: start going to church again? | |
so i used to church with my grandparents when i was younger..
and as i grew older it came to my attention that too many people can tell others how to live thier life but cant practice what they preach! dont get me wrong i believe on god,heven and hell,but i know need people pushing thier believes down my throat and telling me im wrong about my faith. my parents are catholic,and ive tried a few different religions. so im just wondering why try when someone is gonna be a nagging hypocrite? |
You cannot live your life for someone else or the way they want you too. You will come to your realization when it is time.
As for church; there are many church goers that are wrong. And there are many churches that teach wrong. Keep searching and you will find what it is that best suits you. Kat |
just like with everything else in life you have to see the good in the situation and not let someone knock you off your box.
I actually went to church all the time when I was younger! Now that I am older and have children of my own, I also want to raise them in the church. I myself started going back to church after I recovered from cancer.
I honestly do feel better after going to church. I also feel that its a personal choice, I wasn't forced to go back but decided that I feel better on the inside when I go back. If you feel that the Catholic religion isn't for you, maybe try a different religion? It isn't carved in stone that you have to be a maybe go to another church. There are so many friendly churches out there. I hope you find happiness in the decision that you make...if its church that is great, if you decide not to go to church you can still worship God in your home and still be saved. God Bless and good luck |
Unsure; I feel the same way when I get to go to church. I just feel lifted and clearer minded. I feel a joyful exsistance with myself and the world around me. It just seems that things run smoother and I feel uplifted in spirit.
Now; I cannot say that I feel that way with many churches. I have really only felt that way with one church. It is one that maes me want to be early, and walking peppier when I leave. Kat |
Sometimes I think my non-religious/non-believing friends actually live "holier" lives than the ones who do believe in God and who do go to church. In the end, 'tho, I just came to realize that it doesn't really matter what everyone else is doing (sort of) and that you have to keep searching for your own answers. Cut yourself (and others) some slack and just be patient with yourself. Don't let the naggers/hypocrites get to you! |
I was reared strictly Catholic, but I have been to other Christian churches as well and participated in various services. I determined at some point that I no longer believed in Catholicism or Christianity or God — a long, difficult realization — but I continued to attend Catholic services for several years. I didn't particularly enjoy the services or the people who attended the nearby Catholic church, so I stopped going.
I have considered, though, attending a Unitarian service or something a little more relaxed than Catholic services — not for the religion, but for the serenity and for the sense of community. There is something soothing about some religious gatherings, provided the people around you aren't cramming religion down your throat. As for the hypocrisy, I am reminded of an analogy I heard many years ago about not attending church and not bathing: 1. I was forced to wash as a child. 2. People who wash are hypocrites. They think they are cleaner than everyone else. 3. There are so many different kinds of soap, I could never decide which one was right. 4. I used to wash, but it got boring so I stopped. 5. I wash only on special occasions, like Easter and Christmas. 6. None of my friends wash. 7. I'm still young. When I'm older and have gotten a bit dirtier, I might start washing. 8. I really don't have time to wash. 9. The bathroom is never warm enough in the winter or cool enough in the summer. 10. People who make soap are only after your money. 11. I get along very well without washing. 12. I work hard all week and am too tired to take a bath on the weekend. 13. The first bar of soap I ever used gave me a rash, so I haven't gone near soap since! Okay, so it's a little silly, but basically it drives home the point that others here have pointed out: You cannot let others determine how you are going to live your life and you cannot allow others to drive you away from the things you consider to be important. If you find value in practicing a religion, find a community in which you feel comfortable — even if the theology doesn't match your beliefs 100% (as no two people have _identical_ understandings of their faith, etc.). If you feel that you are being pressured to attend a church but do not feel an inward attraction, again, don't let people push you around. Live for yourself. They will tell you you can't sleep along in a strange place. Then they'll tell you you can't sleep with somebody else. Oh but sooner or later you sleep in your own space. Either way it's okay, you wake up with yourself. — Billy Joel |
I go to a Unitarian Universalist Church- unless I end up going to the beach instead. I actually feel closer to God at the beach but Church is nice for the sense of community, ritual and the singing. Unitarian churches generally accept everyone's beliefs (Christian, jewish, buddhist, etc.) and they don't try to make you feel guilty if you miss a Sunday or two.
My point is that you don't have to go to church to feel close to god. But if you would like that structure (and it seems like you would) then as others have already pointed out all churches are different so if you try a few hopefully you will find one you like. |
Wow! just about as exciting as when the joho's come up the walkway!!! nothing like diving behind the couch in the living room to AVOID them!!!!