Topic: Still winning dispite GOP fraud & rule breaking | |
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Mon 06/04/12 04:48 AM
This is the 3rd time the brainwashed GOP/Robme crowds have gotten physicaly violent and attacked the RP delegation.
Campaign fraud has been reported at ALL conventions against GOP/Romney camps, video recordings and testimony submitted to the RNC, and legal actions in progress for election fraud! Subgate (the illegal attempt by Romney/Ryan to by votes on an election day) is NOT a single occurance, and is still in legal debate, being defined by definition as criminal, illegal, and should have been cause for arrest and may still be prosecuted. The list continues! If these strong arm, law breaking, election and vote fraud actions occur during a primary process AGAINST MEMBERS OF THEIR OWN PARTY, what kind of leadership can we hope to get from a Romney presidency? These are Obozo tactics! Think Black Panthers at election sites and ACORN activities! Just more of the same is the promise with either of these two as the nominees for their parties! |
Amen brother! Maybe people will open their eyes, I doubt it though, most would rather just hit the snooze button and keep dreaming!
The average voter is an idiot! We have a special election for Gabby Giffords seat and one of the candidates is republican Jesse Kelly who claims he'll lower gas prices and there are morons here who actually believe that, they really think that one congressman can lower gas prices ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 06/04/12 07:43 AM
The average voter is an idiot! We have a special election for Gabby Giffords seat and one of the candidates is republican Jesse Kelly who claims he'll lower gas prices and there are morons here who actually believe that, they really think that one congressman can lower gas prices ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe he intends to stand at the pumps with a credit card linked to his corporate interest bribery acct But no. Just another Robamney.... tell them what they want to hear until you get in office....they'll buy it! |
The average voter is an idiot! We have a special election for Gabby Giffords seat and one of the candidates is republican Jesse Kelly who claims he'll lower gas prices and there are morons here who actually believe that, they really think that one congressman can lower gas prices ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe he intends to stand at the pumps with a credit card linked to his corporate interest bribery acct But no. Just another Robamney.... tell them what they want to hear until you get in office....they'll buy it! SS , Do you think Ron Paul ,should he be elected , can seriously take on the established order? |
I agree with most of the things Ron Paul says but when it comes to legalizing drugs I have to disagree. All my kids were on drugs at one time or another and it wreaked havoc with everybody's life. Contrary to popular belief pot is addicting and leads to harder drugs.
The average voter is an idiot! We have a special election for Gabby Giffords seat and one of the candidates is republican Jesse Kelly who claims he'll lower gas prices and there are morons here who actually believe that, they really think that one congressman can lower gas prices ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe he intends to stand at the pumps with a credit card linked to his corporate interest bribery acct But no. Just another Robamney.... tell them what they want to hear until you get in office....they'll buy it! SS , Do you think Ron Paul ,should he be elected , can seriously take on the established order? Many peoples complaint is "He can NEVER get congress to back his ideas!" WRONG! Ron Paul inspires, activates and listens. With all the crony capitalism now influencing gov't and even our elections, of course this would be a propagandized opinion, and since it has been a continually "manipulated" opinion of the sells In truth, Ron Paul would inspire the nation to "take back" its control over gov't! Our power has been usurped (the belief it has been anyway) by laws, regulation, taxation and just the media telling us that "gov't controls". Ron Paul given the power of POTUS, instead of manipulation of the people to the negative (as has been), would educate truthfully the people to their power! Congress would find itself on a short leash, and for once start worrying about their jobs! Never question that given a media platform (which RP has been BLATANTLY denied), his opinions would take hold, be better understood, and people would realize they actually agree with his reasoning on the majority of his positions! Just listen to peoples complaints about RP. It's nearly word for word what the MSM spews about him.... ask them to explain further ....MOST can't! RP WOULD bring change for the better, and even the MSM, his fellow statesmen, opponents and haters will agree.... HE'S INCORRUPTABLE AND CAN'T BE BOUGHT!! That in itself should put him head and shoulders above the others, throw in a strict belief in following the constitution, it's's evident there is foul play afoot in this election! |
I agree with most of the things Ron Paul says but when it comes to legalizing drugs I have to disagree. All my kids were on drugs at one time or another and it wreaked havoc with everybody's life. Contrary to popular belief pot is addicting and leads to harder drugs. People said the same thing about alcohol until they lifted the prohibition! Alcohol and perscription drugs are causing more deaths than illegal the research! |
I agree with most of the things Ron Paul says but when it comes to legalizing drugs I have to disagree. All my kids were on drugs at one time or another and it wreaked havoc with everybody's life. Contrary to popular belief pot is addicting and leads to harder drugs. Drugs are prohibited now and does not stop people from doing them it does however cost a tremendous amount of money and resources to arrest, prosecute and imprison those found guilty of drug possession not to mention the cost of "the war on drugs". Some fear that by legalizing drugs there will be this massive rush to use them and I don't buy it, I can see a increase in pot users and that is no big deal. |
I agree with most of the things Ron Paul says but when it comes to legalizing drugs I have to disagree. All my kids were on drugs at one time or another and it wreaked havoc with everybody's life. Contrary to popular belief pot is addicting and leads to harder drugs. With regard to pot,,,it will be used whether is is legal or illegal. Addiction is another matter. Alcohol is a far bigger problem in regard to addiction than pot and not only is Alcohol legal, it is being promoted and advertized at a ridiculous rate. Alcohol is a massive problem in society worldwide . Now back to the Topic |
The average voter is an idiot! We have a special election for Gabby Giffords seat and one of the candidates is republican Jesse Kelly who claims he'll lower gas prices and there are morons here who actually believe that, they really think that one congressman can lower gas prices ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe he intends to stand at the pumps with a credit card linked to his corporate interest bribery acct But no. Just another Robamney.... tell them what they want to hear until you get in office....they'll buy it! I think he intends on standing behind you at the pump and when you bend over to remove your gas cap ****in' ya in the ***! |
Because an item or service is illegal does NOT mean it will increase in popularity if made legal, ONLY more tolerable to public opinion. If drugs became legal, people who don't agree with their use wouldn't change their desire to use or condone them. Abortion is NO different! Because it is legal or illegal will not stop them from happening, just make it harder and more expensive to do so, and cost more on taxpayers to enforce it. No difference in that regard! |