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Topic: ABove The Influence,,, of fear tactics
msharmony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:05 PM

msharmony is correct. What the US needs is an educated electorate, not meaningless allegations by people who don't even have the respect to refer to our President by his name.

I have to say that there are quite a few who do that.

For the record I have used derogatory terms for George Bush and Dick Cheney in the past. I apologize for that.

All People should respect others by using their proper names.

barry is his name...

not his proper name though

if by proper we refer to the given birth name, which is my understanding of the term 'proper name'

Seakolony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:48 PM
I do not watch television except for the tropics (I live in FL), I dont listen to propaganda, I read policy and procedures and interpret it for a living and I am pretty well versed in different types of weaponry as well as knowing certain pressure points and where to strike someone to temp disable, or give a bit of time on my side.

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:51 PM

I recommend instead some alternative histories that examine the underbelly of both our remote and recent past. I would recommend beginning with three books: WWII pilot and longtime Boston University professor, Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States; then go on to William S. Greider's Who Will Tell the People?; and finally, read M.I.T. professor Noam Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival?.

Two of my Favourite People in there.

Howard Zinndrinker R.I.P

Noam Chomskeydrinker

Potentially a very good thread msharmoney:thumbsup:

Got rid of my Television Three Years agodrinker

Very Rarely if ever does one get to see the likes of Chomsky-Zinn or Greider on mainstream Television or Press for that matter.

Mine toodrinker

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/01/12 01:19 AM

I recommend instead some alternative histories that examine the underbelly of both our remote and recent past. I would recommend beginning with three books: WWII pilot and longtime Boston University professor, Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States; then go on to William S. Greider's Who Will Tell the People?; and finally, read M.I.T. professor Noam Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival?.

Two of my Favourite People in there.

Howard Zinndrinker R.I.P

Noam Chomskeydrinker

Potentially a very good thread msharmoney:thumbsup:

Got rid of my Television Three Years agodrinker

Very Rarely if ever does one get to see the likes of Chomsky-Zinn or Greider on mainstream Television or Press for that matter.

thank youflowerforyou

its of particular concern to me how quickly lead people have become by media to the detriment of their reading comprehension and logical skills,,,,

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 03:56 AM

you should read about all the executive orders barry has made just this year alone, and see you can tell what he is up to... i can provide you a link if you wish...

Cause and effect. You're citing effect and seem to be in partial denial of the cause or triggering event, at least to scare people into signing the patriot act, originated by now VP Joe Biden in 1995. 911 Many of us bought it hook line and sinker, and yet these events haven't been reproduced in any building not meant for demolition. NDAA, NDRP et al, the greater majority of the public either are completely unaware of, or are entirely too trusting, especially, of government. The greatest majority of government is owned and controlled. The only saving grace at this point is that we still have more patriots on the ground who will die protecting this country from the domestic terrorists than the government does. There is also a working domestic defence against tanks and drones at any altitude so for now, it's a butter side battle, with only minor incursions on each side. (Dr Suess) It looks, however, as though chemical warfare will also happen, and as with the butter side battle scenario, commonly available are chemicals to maintain the balance and deliver an equal and opposing force. The government expects a war with the people of America to last as long as 7 years, based on DHS expenditures. Thankfully, the dollar wont last the year and just maybe, millions wont have to die. It's still possible to avoid a civil war entirely, but it would require the establishment to concede incompetence and ask for the help of the American people to fix it.

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