Topic: Wikileaks Exposes Obama Campaign! | |
Just looked through the thread topics... got a problem with Obama.... suppose for the sake of arguement that he magically evaporates tonight....what would change? Republicans would still hate democrats and liberals. Just as liberals would hate democrat and republicans. Just as Democrats would hate Republicans and liberals. Democracy is bad....I get that. Black guys running the country is bad....I couldn't care less. Republicans are more pure than angel pee....probably (at least, that is what they tell me). What does all this incessant griping about people we will never meet actually accomplish? Where has the complete lack of tolerance gotten us? (the same place we were a hundred years ago) Just pointing out the obvious.... now, you guys may resume hating your own countrymen...though it seems...islamic. When have I ever said a black guy running the country is bad? I can't stand the guy for MANY reasons but his color isn't one of them. |
Ballot stuffing is historically a tactic of the Democratic party. Requiring ID would prevent a lot of it. Maybe even most of it.
Ballot stuffing is historically a tactic of the Democratic party. Requiring ID would prevent a lot of it. Maybe even most of it. ![]() |
pick a search engine,, ANY Search engine enter the words VOTER FRAUD, and then pick any presidential electino year these things are nothing new or avoidable in a country with so many people voting in so many places its like uncovering that a politician was committing adultery,,,yeah,, humans do that stuff regardless of their station in life,,, It is avoidable, if there is a will there is a way, but sadly the will is not there. |
You do know this is a blog posted by someone of no merit/credit/verifiable proven unbiased researchable fame though right? If you are going to believe something at least verify it in more than one place. I know I do. Especially since these blogger/trolls post untruths as though they are truths. Wikileaks stuff was pretty verifiable. Verify it. But it makes sense that the right would want to believe this because they are rightfully, pun intended, losing their death grip on this country and need to justify to themselves that their hatemongering and fearmongering ways are still working. If you can keep the masses believing that the only reason the "voting majority" which in the delusional mind of the right is themselves loses in elections is because the elections are stolen you can get them to believe just about anything is a deception even not believing it when their team is actually stealing elections like Bush did in Florida with the help of his brother. Verify this crap or admit that it is just somebodies wet dreams in writing. Why should they have to "Verify this crap"? The Liberal Media never verifies their crap and sheep like you keep believing it. Say "Baa, baa, baa" ![]() |
Why should they have to "Verify this crap"? The Liberal Media never verifies their crap and sheep like you keep believing it. Say "Baa, baa, baa" ![]() Dragoness is right. This particular incidence ought to be investigated before accepting. Just because liberals or liberal media sometimes do something poorly is not excuse for us to do something poorly. It is avoidable, if there is a will there is a way, but sadly the will is not there.
We can improve our system, and make election fraud harder...and we can do it without violating voter privacy. |
It wouldn't surprise me if election fraud was much more prevalent than we think. The very fact that diebold even got any contracts without massive protests is evidence of the people's apathy (or ignorance?). Add in the obvious fanaticism we see in our two-party system... Edit: It's a recipe for election fraud. yes, and thats why E. Holder is such an *** when it comes to showing ID when voting... Liberals need to cheat to win... Sometimes liberals win by a landslide without cheating. But sure, some liberals will undoubtedly cheat to win if they could get away with it. Also, some republicans will undoubtedly cheat to win if they could get away with it. well, the DEMS are what is blocking showing ID when voting, not the repubs... Eric Holder says there no reason to show any ID when at the polls, and blocks every state that tries to do it... why would that be? |
well, the DEMS are what is blocking showing ID when voting, not the repubs... Eric Holder says there no reason to show any ID when at the polls, and blocks every state that tries to do it... why would that be? They believe that this makes it particularly harder for young people and minorities to cast legitimate votes. $30 may strike most of us as 'not a big deal', but I have known many, many poor people who postponed the replacement of their drivers license for months because they felt they couldn't afford it. For some people, $30 is a LOT of money. I'm not opposed to requiring ID cards - maybe it's the most reasonable compromise... but ideally I don't think the people working the polls should know all of the info on my drivers license. The voter registration card gives them exactly the amount of information they should have, imo. |
well, the DEMS are what is blocking showing ID when voting, not the repubs... Eric Holder says there no reason to show any ID when at the polls, and blocks every state that tries to do it... why would that be? They believe that this makes it particularly harder for young people and minorities to cast legitimate votes. $30 may strike most of us as 'not a big deal', but I have known many, many poor people who postponed the replacement of their drivers license for months because they felt they couldn't afford it. For some people, $30 is a LOT of money. I'm not opposed to requiring ID cards - maybe it's the most reasonable compromise... but ideally I don't think the people working the polls should know all of the info on my drivers license. The voter registration card gives them exactly the amount of information they should have, imo. Say "Baa, baa, baa". |