Topic: How Stupid Does Romney Think We Are?
Bestinshow's photo
Mon 04/23/12 02:26 PM
Just how stupid does Mitt Romney think we are? If you’ve been following his campaign from the beginning, that’s a question you have probably asked many times.

But the question was raised with particular force last week, when Mr. Romney tried to make a closed drywall factory in Ohio a symbol of the Obama administration’s economic failure. It was a symbol, all right — but not in the way he intended.

First of all, many reporters quickly noted a point that Mr. Romney somehow failed to mention: George W. Bush, not Barack Obama, was president when the factory in question was closed. Does the Romney campaign expect Americans to blame President Obama for his predecessor’s policy failure?

InvictusV's photo
Mon 04/23/12 02:43 PM

Just how stupid does Mitt Romney think we are? If you’ve been following his campaign from the beginning, that’s a question you have probably asked many times.

But the question was raised with particular force last week, when Mr. Romney tried to make a closed drywall factory in Ohio a symbol of the Obama administration’s economic failure. It was a symbol, all right — but not in the way he intended.

First of all, many reporters quickly noted a point that Mr. Romney somehow failed to mention: George W. Bush, not Barack Obama, was president when the factory in question was closed. Does the Romney campaign expect Americans to blame President Obama for his predecessor’s policy failure?

where are all those shovel ready or green jobs that we were promised if the congress just passed the stimulus bill?

the jobs obama has produced are in the retail sector selling chinese made garbage..

three years in office mr krugman..

record foreclosures.. anemic growth.. scandal after scandal..

I would be worried about Romney or the Tooth Fairy winning in November with the train wreck Obamaites have to try and defend..

Maybe we should see what the smirking chimp has to say on the matter..


mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/23/12 02:43 PM

Just how stupid does Mitt Romney think we are? If you’ve been following his campaign from the beginning, that’s a question you have probably asked many times.

But the question was raised with particular force last week, when Mr. Romney tried to make a closed drywall factory in Ohio a symbol of the Obama administration’s economic failure. It was a symbol, all right — but not in the way he intended.

First of all, many reporters quickly noted a point that Mr. Romney somehow failed to mention: George W. Bush, not Barack Obama, was president when the factory in question was closed. Does the Romney campaign expect Americans to blame President Obama for his predecessor’s policy failure?

why not? you blame bush for obamas...

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 04/23/12 02:54 PM
Well I cant possibly say this any better than a poster from the linked sight..

Sadly most Republicans will blame Obama rather then look at the years 2001 to January 2009. Romney and his handlers as well as the Republican party care about one thing, getting elected or re-elected. The Republican party will change history as many times as needed to insure the voters are given the same big lie. It was Goering who said if you tell the people the same big lie often enough the lie becomes a truth. Obama inherited a mess from Bush, yet you ask a Republican "what about Bush" and the common reply is "Who is Bush". You do not see Bush off the Crawford range, you do not see him endorsing anyone. He is a plague best left hidden. Thank you for a great piece Mr. Krugman.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:00 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Mon 04/23/12 03:01 PM

Well I cant possibly say this any better than a poster from the linked sight..

Sadly most Republicans will blame Obama rather then look at the years 2001 to January 2009. Romney and his handlers as well as the Republican party care about one thing, getting elected or re-elected. The Republican party will change history as many times as needed to insure the voters are given the same big lie. It was Goering who said if you tell the people the same big lie often enough the lie becomes a truth. Obama inherited a mess from Bush, yet you ask a Republican "what about Bush" and the common reply is "Who is Bush". You do not see Bush off the Crawford range, you do not see him endorsing anyone. He is a plague best left hidden. Thank you for a great piece Mr. Krugman.

3 years and 3 months in office.

2 years with an overwhelming dumbocrat congress..

spending spending spending

lost our AAA credit rating.. the dollar is virtually worthless..

his financial reform plan has the banks bigger than they ever were.. making more money than they ever had..

go ahead blame Bush.. you are gonna lose real bad with this strategy..

cincycat's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:05 PM
why not blame obama..seems as if bush gets blamed 4 everything..if bush gets blamed, obama gets blamed 2

cincycat's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:07 PM
or obama should also get blamed is what i mean..but nobody blames obama...hes

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:11 PM

Well I cant possibly say this any better than a poster from the linked sight..

Sadly most Republicans will blame Obama rather then look at the years 2001 to January 2009. Romney and his handlers as well as the Republican party care about one thing, getting elected or re-elected. The Republican party will change history as many times as needed to insure the voters are given the same big lie. It was Goering who said if you tell the people the same big lie often enough the lie becomes a truth. Obama inherited a mess from Bush, yet you ask a Republican "what about Bush" and the common reply is "Who is Bush". You do not see Bush off the Crawford range, you do not see him endorsing anyone. He is a plague best left hidden. Thank you for a great piece Mr. Krugman.

3 years and 3 months in office.

2 years with an overwhelming dumbocrat congress..

spending spending spending

lost our AAA credit rating.. the dollar is virtually worthless..

his financial reform plan has the banks bigger than they ever were.. making more money than they ever had..

go ahead blame Bush.. you are gonna lose real bad with this strategy..

congress spends, presidents approve spending,,,

raw numbers are easy to manipulate,, without considering population growth and other factors

I dont think the per capita spending has seen the increase people try to claim it has,,, and has probably declined

the RAW numbers, of course (as population grows) have probably seen quite a bit of growth,,,

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:13 PM

Problem I see with Mitt Romney (and I see this with Obama too) is that their lips keep moving and when their lips are moving they are lying.

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:15 PM
I see them both as human, and imperfect

I dont believe they are lying whenever they talk, I do beleive they believe in what they say they do,,,,

I also believe they have to be cautious of how to or whether to present everything about those beliefs before they are in office where they can do something about htem.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:24 PM

I see them both as human, and imperfect

I dont believe they are lying whenever they talk, I do beleive they believe in what they say they do,,,,

I also believe they have to be cautious of how to or whether to present everything about those beliefs before they are in office where they can do something about htem.

Of course they're lying! Remember when Obama made promises like having the troops home in 6 months, closing Guantanamo, uniting the country etc? An overwhelming majority of politicians lie their bottoms off to get elected or reelected.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:26 PM

I see them both as human, and imperfect

I dont believe they are lying whenever they talk, I do beleive they believe in what they say they do,,,,

I also believe they have to be cautious of how to or whether to present everything about those beliefs before they are in office where they can do something about htem.

Of course they're lying! Remember when Obama made promises like having the troops home in 6 months, closing Guantanamo, uniting the country etc? An overwhelming majority of politicians lie their bottoms off to get elected or reelected.

a more transparent government...never even came close to trying on this one...

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:27 PM

I see them both as human, and imperfect

I dont believe they are lying whenever they talk, I do beleive they believe in what they say they do,,,,

I also believe they have to be cautious of how to or whether to present everything about those beliefs before they are in office where they can do something about htem.

Of course they're lying! Remember when Obama made promises like having the troops home in 6 months, closing Guantanamo, uniting the country etc? An overwhelming majority of politicians lie their bottoms off to get elected or reelected.

the problem with such 'promises' is they cant be guaranteed

a promise should never be made under those conditions when people are so literal without a disclaimer

like "I promise to be in Florida tomorrow', as opposed to 'I promise to be in Florida tomorrow IF the flights go as planned and nothing happens to me or any loved ones before then,,,'

but most people understand that things can happen that are unexpected and cause 'promises' to go unfulfilled,,,

we can never guarantee what others will do and decisions like those are based on the actions of HUNDREDS in government

I look forward to the day when candidates dont promise what will happen, just what they will 'work' towards,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:28 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 04/23/12 03:40 PM

7 lies in under 2 minutes!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:29 PM

I see them both as human, and imperfect

I dont believe they are lying whenever they talk, I do beleive they believe in what they say they do,,,,

I also believe they have to be cautious of how to or whether to present everything about those beliefs before they are in office where they can do something about htem.

Of course they're lying! Remember when Obama made promises like having the troops home in 6 months, closing Guantanamo, uniting the country etc? An overwhelming majority of politicians lie their bottoms off to get elected or reelected.

the problem with such 'promises' is they cant be guaranteed

a promise should never be made under those conditions when people are so literal without a disclaimer

like "I promise to be in Florida tomorrow', as opposed to 'I promise to be in Florida tomorrow IF the flights go as planned and nothing happens to me or any loved ones before then,,,'

but most people understand that things can happen that are unexpected and cause 'promises' to go unfulfilled,,,

we can never guarantee what others will do and decisions like those are based on the actions of HUNDREDS in government

I look forward to the day when candidates dont promise what will happen, just what they will 'work' towards,,

indifferent huh

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:32 PM
Just a reminder this thread is about the absuridity of Romney going to a closed down plant, that was closed under Bush and then blameing Obama for it.

IS this the best republicans can come up with?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:36 PM

Romney sucks, Obummer blows, the Big Grinch spews, and Ron Paul knows!

Ron Paul 2012!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:37 PM

Just a reminder this thread is about the absuridity of Romney going to a closed down plant, that was closed under Bush and then blameing Obama for it.

IS this the best republicans can come up with?

they all seem like sad choices this time...

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 04/23/12 03:47 PM

Romney sucks, Obummer blows, the Big Grinch spews, and Ron Paul knows!

Ron Paul 2012!
Kinda Catchy and I have to agree Rp is the best republican candidate but he would be better off as an Independant he is not in the reoublican mainstream in its current form.