Topic: God and religion. | |
Those who believes in god,don't ask for ( as they don't need) any proof of it's existence. They sense existence of god in everything. bingo... All them pretty blue words came from religion. Post about sources and stuff... Yet it all boils down to essence. When you sense god in everything. God simply is. |
Jesus IS The Word.
The Holy Bible IS The Word of God. The Words in the Bible are not just a guide to God.....The Words in The Bible are God Inspired, God Breathed, and GIVE LIFE. There is LIFE in the WORD. GOD IS THE WORD. The ENTRANCE of GOD'S WORD GIVES LIFE !!!! That is why the Holy Bible is not just a guide to God, but IS THE VERY WORD OF GOD HIMSELF....WHICH GIVES LIFE. LIFE ETERNAL. THE WORD OF GOD IS THE BELIEVER'S DAILY BREAD. SPIRITUAL FOOD. FOUND ON EVERY PAGE OF THE BIBLE. THe WRITTEN Word of God is LOGOS. But When the Word Enters into our Spirit,it becomes RHEMA. THERE IS LIFE IN THE WORD. GOD'S HOLY WORD IS NOT JUST WORDS WRITTEN ON THE PAGES OF THE BIBLE. GOD IS THE WORD. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
God writes upon the soul of every human...
Therefore his WORD is so much more than a book of leather, paper, and inking. His WORD includes Mohammad. His WORD includes Krishna. His WORD IS GREATER than yours... His Word is greater than mine. Chosing to focus upon a small SAMPLE of the word closes your eyes to the vast knowledge that is contained in GOD. The one you called Jesus SEALED the prophets. The Cycle of Adam is finished. The Cycle of Eve was assured with the Advent of Christ... Yet so many still circle back and worship the man. |
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Mon 04/02/12 09:07 PM
Question: "What do John 1:1,14 mean when they declare
that Jesus is the Word of God?" Answer: The answer to this question is found by first understanding the reason why John wrote his gospel. We find his purpose clearly stated in John 20:30-31. “Many other signs therefore Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have LIFE IN HIS NAME.” Once we understand that John’s purpose was to introduce the readers of his gospel to Jesus Christ, establishing WHO Jesus is (GOD IN THE FLESH ) and what He did, all with the sole aim of leading them to embrace the saving work of CHRIST IN FAITH, we will be better able to understand why John introduces JESUS as “THE WORD” in John 1:1. By starting out his gospel stating, “In the beginning WAS THE WORD, and THE WORD was WITH God, and THE WORD WAS God,” John is introducing Jesus with a word or a term that both his Jewish and Gentile readers would have been familiar with. The Greek word translated “WORD” in this passage is LOGOS, and it was common in both Greek philosophy and Jewish thought of that day. For example, in the Old Testament the “WORD” of God is often PERSONIFIED as an INSTRUMENT FOR THE EXECUTION OF GOD'S WILL (Psalm 33:6; 107:20; 119:89; 147:15-18). So, for his Jewish readers, by introducing JESUS as the “WORD,” John is in a sense pointing them back to the Old Testament where the LOGOS or “WORD” OF GOD is associated with the PERSONIFICATION OF GOD'S REVELATION. And in Greek philosophy, the term LOGOS was used to describe the INTERMEDIATE AGENCY BY WHICH GOD CREATED MATERIAL THINGS AND COMMUNICATED WITH THEM . In the Greek worldview, the LOGOS was thought of as a BRIDGE between the TRANSCENDENT GOD and the MATERIAL UNIVERSE. Therefore, for his Greek readers the use of the term LOGOS would have likely brought forth the idea of a MEDIATING PRINCIPLE BETWEEN GOD AND THE WORLD. So, essentially, what John is doing by introducing JESUS AS THE LOGOS is drawing upon a familiar word and concept that both Jews and Gentiles of his day would have been FAMILIAR WITH and using that as the starting point from which He introduces them to JESUS CHRIST. But John goes beyond the familiar concept of LOGOS that his Jewish and Gentile readers would have had and presents Jesus Christ not as a mere MEDIATING PRINCIPLE like the Greeks perceived, but as a PERSONAL BEING, FULLY DIVINE, YET FULLY HUMAN. Also, CHRIST was not simply a personification of God’s revelation as the Jews thought, but was indeed GOD'S PERFECT REVELATION OF HIMSELF IN THE FLESH, so much so that John would record Jesus’ own words to Philip: "Jesus said unto Him, 'Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, "Show us the Father"?'" (John 14:9). By using the term LOGOS or “WORD” in John 1:1; John is amplifying and applying a concept that was familiar with his audience and using that to introduce his readers to the TRUE LOGOS OF GOD IN JESUS CHRIST, THE LIVING WORD OF GOD,FULLY GOD YET FULLY MAN, WHO CAME TO REVEAL GOD TO MAN AND REDEEM ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM FROM THEIR SIN. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
JESUS CHRIST, THE LIVING WORD OF GOD,FULLY GOD YET FULLY MAN,WHO CAME TO REVEAL GOD TO MAN AND REDEEM ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM FROM THEIR SIN. and so you are relieved from sin. as are all women. Yet who birthed Jesus? Without her Christ would not be... His Advent heralds the ending of the Cycle of Adam. Since all is forgiven so also is original sin. Female can now take their rightful place in the Cycle of Mankind. So then little one with the blue words... Welcome to the Cycle of Eve. so that mankind obtain balance and grow into Unity with God. |
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Mon 04/02/12 09:48 PM
Adventure..... ![]() Jesus PAID FOR IN FULL ON THE CROSS , is offered up for ALL man. But one STILL has to BELIEVE and RECEIVE that Free Gift of Grace Given, in order for the Gift to TAKE AFFECT. God will not force us to BELIEVE AND ACCEPT His Free Gift of Grace given, even though He has already paid the price in full. God leaves the CHOICE up to us either Recieve or to Reject God's Free Gift of Grace ,Given for all. The Gift is FREELY OFFERED UP FOR US ALL , because God ALREADY PAID THE PRICE IN FULL ON THAT CROSS. Adventure... Let's say you have an Uncle John who has gone home to be with The Lord... and Uncle John left behind His Last Will and Testament ....and in his Will it states that he has left for you a great legacy. Now Adventure, UNLESS you BELIEVE Uncle John has actually left for you a great legacy in the first place, and UNLESS YOU also go RECEIVE that legacy left for you; the legacy will just SIT THERE and do you no good at all, IF you JUST IGNORE AND REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU . YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THERE IS ACTUALLY A GREAT LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU, ANS THEN YOU HAVE TO GO RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT WAITNG FOR YOU TO RECEIVE, IN ORDER FOR THE LEGACY TO DO YOU ANY GOOD. THE GREAT LEGACY IS THERE WAITING FOR YOU TO GO CLAIM IT....BUT IT WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY FALL INTO YOUR LAP. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT AND THEN GO RECEIVE IT!!! GOD , IN HIS LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT , HAS ALSO LEFT US WITH A GREAT GREAT GREAT LEGACY !!!! IT IS JUST WAITING THERE FOR US TO BELIEVE... AND THEN TO RECEIVE !!!! AMEN??? AMEN!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
MAN cannot FIND is INCAPABLE of FINDING GOD.... THAT IS WHY GOD Finds MAN DRAWING man unto HIM.... ![]() If no one yet found god,then how did the god's concept arrived? |
Edited by
Tue 04/03/12 08:11 AM
RELIGION IS MAN REACHING TOWARDS GOD. This is convincing. Actually all religions are made for guiding the path to find god. Self proclaimed followers have used religions as a reason to fight with each other. |
JESUS IS THE MEDIATOR BETWEEN MAN AND GOD... ![]() This is True. Founder of any religion serves this purpose. Though different religions have shown different paths for attainment of god it is true that God is ONE and SAME for all of us. We must respect every religion. |
Those who believes in god,don't ask for ( as they don't need) any proof of it's existence. They sense existence of god in everything. bingo... All them pretty blue words came from religion. Post about sources and stuff... Yet it all boils down to essence. When you sense god in everything. God simply is. ![]() That's true. I also believe that god is one & only,whatever we call it. He must be feeling sad when people fights with & hates each other for following different religion. |
Adventure..... ![]() Jesus PAID FOR IN FULL ON THE CROSS , is offered up for ALL man. But one STILL has to BELIEVE and RECEIVE that Free Gift of Grace Given, in order for the Gift to TAKE AFFECT. God will not force us to BELIEVE AND ACCEPT His Free Gift of Grace given, even though He has already paid the price in full. God leaves the CHOICE up to us either Recieve or to Reject God's Free Gift of Grace ,Given for all. The Gift is FREELY OFFERED UP FOR US ALL , because God ALREADY PAID THE PRICE IN FULL ON THAT CROSS. Adventure... Let's say you have an Uncle John who has gone home to be with The Lord... and Uncle John left behind His Last Will and Testament ....and in his Will it states that he has left for you a great legacy. Now Adventure, UNLESS you BELIEVE Uncle John has actually left for you a great legacy in the first place, and UNLESS YOU also go RECEIVE that legacy left for you; the legacy will just SIT THERE and do you no good at all, IF you JUST IGNORE AND REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU . YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THERE IS ACTUALLY A GREAT LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU, ANS THEN YOU HAVE TO GO RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT WAITNG FOR YOU TO RECEIVE, IN ORDER FOR THE LEGACY TO DO YOU ANY GOOD. THE GREAT LEGACY IS THERE WAITING FOR YOU TO GO CLAIM IT....BUT IT WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY FALL INTO YOUR LAP. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT AND THEN GO RECEIVE IT!!! GOD , IN HIS LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT , HAS ALSO LEFT US WITH A GREAT GREAT GREAT LEGACY !!!! IT IS JUST WAITING THERE FOR US TO BELIEVE... AND THEN TO RECEIVE !!!! AMEN??? AMEN!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Many thanks for you concern... I do not understand why you insist on belittling my belief by constant attempts to 'convince' me that Jesus is the only way I may worship god. Do you seriously think that God stands still? Do you seriously believe that Krishna was not an Advent of God? Or that Mohammad did not bring God's word? When the Maid is revealed to you how will you see her with your gaze fixed so sharply upon Christ that you see not God? Indeed... By your posts you have discounted most of the human race from closeness to God... As though you stand by the Gate and turn away everyone that beleives not by your own narrow view... Has God then become the Advent for this age by YOU? Sending flowers as though you have given me a gift is hyprocracy of the highest order if it is accompanied by a complete disregard of the Gift given me by God... as though you discount my very existance (which God does not do). |
Adventure..... ![]() Jesus PAID FOR IN FULL ON THE CROSS , is offered up for ALL man. But one STILL has to BELIEVE and RECEIVE that Free Gift of Grace Given, in order for the Gift to TAKE AFFECT. God will not force us to BELIEVE AND ACCEPT His Free Gift of Grace given, even though He has already paid the price in full. God leaves the CHOICE up to us either Recieve or to Reject God's Free Gift of Grace ,Given for all. The Gift is FREELY OFFERED UP FOR US ALL , because God ALREADY PAID THE PRICE IN FULL ON THAT CROSS. Adventure... Let's say you have an Uncle John who has gone home to be with The Lord... and Uncle John left behind His Last Will and Testament ....and in his Will it states that he has left for you a great legacy. Now Adventure, UNLESS you BELIEVE Uncle John has actually left for you a great legacy in the first place, and UNLESS YOU also go RECEIVE that legacy left for you; the legacy will just SIT THERE and do you no good at all, IF you JUST IGNORE AND REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU . YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THERE IS ACTUALLY A GREAT LEGACY LEFT FOR YOU, ANS THEN YOU HAVE TO GO RECEIVE THE LEGACY LEFT WAITNG FOR YOU TO RECEIVE, IN ORDER FOR THE LEGACY TO DO YOU ANY GOOD. THE GREAT LEGACY IS THERE WAITING FOR YOU TO GO CLAIM IT....BUT IT WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY FALL INTO YOUR LAP. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT AND THEN GO RECEIVE IT!!! GOD , IN HIS LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT , HAS ALSO LEFT US WITH A GREAT GREAT GREAT LEGACY !!!! IT IS JUST WAITING THERE FOR US TO BELIEVE... AND THEN TO RECEIVE !!!! AMEN??? AMEN!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Many thanks for you concern... I do not understand why you insist on belittling my belief by constant attempts to 'convince' me that Jesus is the only way I may worship god. Do you seriously think that God stands still? Do you seriously believe that Krishna was not an Advent of God? Or that Mohammad did not bring God's word? When the Maid is revealed to you how will you see her with your gaze fixed so sharply upon Christ that you see not God? Indeed... By your posts you have discounted most of the human race from closeness to God... As though you stand by the Gate and turn away everyone that beleives not by your own narrow view... Has God then become the Advent for this age by YOU? Sending flowers as though you have given me a gift is hyprocracy of the highest order if it is accompanied by a complete disregard of the Gift given me by God... as though you discount my very existance (which God does not do). Do you seriously think that God stands still? No God doesn't stand still. But that doesn't mean there's not one path to God. If all the different beliefs resulted in the same, why then are they so different? So completely different I might add. Some have you take the lives of others whom do not believe, some don't. Ect ect. That is an entirely to large of a contradiction for all the beliefs to result in the same single place one wishes to go. And even further then that, some beliefs believe in reincarnation, which again goes completely against other beliefs. The list goes on and on. |
When it comes to kill some innocent for attainment of god,it is the worst thing being followed as a religion.How can god be ever happy to see some beautiful creation of himself being destroyed to make him happy.That is purely superstition.
Many thanks for you concern... I do not understand why you insist on belittling my belief by constant attempts to 'convince' me that Jesus is the only way I may worship god. Do you seriously think that God stands still? Do you seriously believe that Krishna was not an Advent of God? Or that Mohammad did not bring God's word? When the Maid is revealed to you how will you see her with your gaze fixed so sharply upon Christ that you see not God? Indeed... By your posts you have discounted most of the human race from closeness to God... As though you stand by the Gate and turn away everyone that beleives not by your own narrow view... Has God then become the Advent for this age by YOU? Sending flowers as though you have given me a gift is hyprocracy of the highest order if it is accompanied by a complete disregard of the Gift given me by God... as though you discount my very existance (which God does not do). Well said Adventure. You are a very religious and spiritual person and no one should belittle your beliefs. No one owns God. God is for everyone. It is very narrow for any religion to hold the belief that only they are the chosen ones and everyone else is lost and mistaken. But it is typical. It is the method of the cult mind to keep their particular flock in line. |
Many thanks for you concern... I do not understand why you insist on belittling my belief by constant attempts to 'convince' me that Jesus is the only way I may worship god. Do you seriously think that God stands still? Do you seriously believe that Krishna was not an Advent of God? Or that Mohammad did not bring God's word? When the Maid is revealed to you how will you see her with your gaze fixed so sharply upon Christ that you see not God? Indeed... By your posts you have discounted most of the human race from closeness to God... As though you stand by the Gate and turn away everyone that beleives not by your own narrow view... Has God then become the Advent for this age by YOU? Sending flowers as though you have given me a gift is hyprocracy of the highest order if it is accompanied by a complete disregard of the Gift given me by God... as though you discount my very existance (which God does not do). Well said Adventure. You are a very religious and spiritual person and no one should belittle your beliefs. No one owns God. God is for everyone. It is very narrow for any religion to hold the belief that only they are the chosen ones and everyone else is lost and mistaken. But it is typical. It is the method of the cult mind to keep their particular flock in line. You are a very religious and spiritual person and no one should belittle your beliefs. Not they shouldn't. Weather one believes the same or not is a different storry. There is no need to belittle another's belief. This is a forum for sharing our inner thoughts of the world, our inner beliefs. If one doesn't believe the same, fine move on find something to discuss on that they do believe in the same or just move on to the next topic of the thread, and so and so on. People just need to learn to agree to disagree. |
Today is Good Friday, a very pensive day for most Christians. It's the day Jesus was crucified on the cross. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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Fri 04/06/12 06:05 PM
Morning Song said
CHRISTIANITY IS ACTUALLY A LIFESTYLE....NOT A RELIGION. ![]() I have heard that worn out phrase for so many things. Eckankar said the same thing. (It evolved into a cult.) The Atkins diet people said the same thing. "Its a lifestyle." Can be said about ANYTHING. It is so cliche'. |
Jesus IS The Word.
The Holy Bible IS The Word of God. The Words in the Bible are not just a guide to God.....The Words in The Bible are God Inspired, God Breathed, and GIVE LIFE. There is LIFE in the WORD. Back during the time of the Roman Empire, all creative efforts, all scripture, etc. were considered to be inspired by a spirit or by God. ALL!! "The word" is vibration. Everything that exists vibrates. Everything is THE WORD. |
Jesus IS The Word.
The Holy Bible IS The Word of God. The Words in the Bible are not just a guide to God.....The Words in The Bible are God Inspired, God Breathed, and GIVE LIFE. There is LIFE in the WORD. Back during the time of the Roman Empire, all creative efforts, all scripture, etc. were considered to be inspired by a spirit or by God. ALL!! "The word" is vibration. Everything that exists vibrates. Everything is THE WORD. Mohammad also IS the Word. The Quran is the Word of God. The Word as given by the Quran is a guide to God... The Word in the Quran is God Inspired, God Breathed, Gives life unto the lifeless. Indeed... There is living life in the Word. It grows as does mankind. so that we may grow. Word UP... It is in you. Breathe... God breaths with you. |
I don't know if god is religious or not. I think it is a good question to ask of god. I do better with spiritual rather than religion. I like having backup higher powers. Sometimes I even have trouble with the god of my understanding because understanding god has been a life time journey. I really think that god is a lot smarter than me. Which is no problem for me because I think that god has been around a lot longer than me and I was told to respect my elders. I know that my god speaks through people, animals and is this intelligent entity whom I choose to call god.
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