Wed 03/28/12 08:29 AM

I can not offer you love for you have had so many different versions that your idea of a true one has been tarnished.
I can not offer you intimacy because you have been intimate so much that the experience is no longer new or meaningful but much rather a pastime hobby or chore.
You cant understand the things I am telling you because of the disappointment of things once told by those before me.
You seek refuge in online discussions, friends, advances and distractions instead of the one who wants to protect you and love you, I am not a friend but a burden a aggravation, your crazy.
Jealously is displeasure in ones achievements, gains or gracious circumstances not in the awareness of ones disrespect or inconsiderate actions in regards to ones well being in a relationship.. I am not an equal or a plus but a minus. Do you know the difference between you and us?
If being asked to cater is mistaken as controlling and faithful perceived as extreme request then how can I be confident in your ability of compromise and understanding.
You don't want me you want us.
The purpose of teamwork is victory but if without cooperation second place is just a almost accomplishment.
I give you my heart but it plays equal to a pair of shoes.. Its only enjoyable for particular events.
I want to give you the world but you are only happy with being inside the one you have created were you are safe from all empathy, compassion and honesty.
It is hard to be committed when you are only committed to yourself and ideas.
I want to show who I am but only if you can overlook who you want me to be or who the others before me were.
I wish I could be your one and only but I am like batteries to you.. Replaceable to a machine that is focused on one job...self preservation.
You are so accustom to running at the first sight of danger that its hard to believe you will fight for me or us.
Words start wars and you are more willing to battle to the death than have peace.
I am a jewel but when you have so many in your possession then I am just a stone.
Receiving is more important than giving and I have yet to have all of you only a fraction of who you can be and a portion of who you aren't.
My morals are nothing more than unwelcomed insights that have absolutely no merit.
It seems forever is only an option if you can dictate the present and future.
You used my love to humiliate, deceive, manipulate, mislead, betray and destroy my confidence. Your tactic was brutal and strategic.
I want to express how I feel but Its becomes a competition of emotions a battle of wits.
You look for truth in your opinion from others leaving my thoughts unworthy of consideration.
If your prior approach was so unsuccessful than at what point do you stop believing that you are always right in your pursuit of happiness.
Everything in this world has a need.. Fish need water.. Bees need nectar.. But you seem to have no need for me. I am a temporary pleasure.
I want to be the man you want and not the man you had but you are convinced we are the same.
I am not asking for sex but an intimate connection which is unobtainable to a person whom has no intimate need.
I am not asking for a date but for a forever, a partner for life and not just a for the moment.
You had me and wasted me as is I were a dish at a buffet. I can be so much more than a whatever or a option. I learned that you cant be a glass of water to a person who has a ocean to drink from and you cant offer yourself to a person who has so many offers. Your independence is not luxury but a shadow for the sun on me. I know its not fair to think that all people are set out to destroy a heart but when the path leaves behind all that was innocent in you there is nothing left but pieces to a puzzle that has no picture. I should have listened when doubt was spoken. I should have understood when discomfort was explained. I should have paid attention when my eyes showed me what was noticeable. I am just another nothing to you without any promise of being anything. I set you free of all that you are in my heart, mind, thoughts, emotions and ideas. I am not your happy place but much rather your desert island. Ill never be more than your unpleasurable sexual experience, your complaint department, your unofficial official. I provided you a toy with my heart, a inside joke with friends and family insult. I got an opportunity to be your ground to walk on, your source of anger, your reason to be in the presence and arms of another. I offered my heart and I only wish it was as tangible as a car or clothing and shiny jewelry because then I would know it had value in your life. I only pray that one day I will be the blueprint of how not to treat someone you love.

Yours Truly,
Good Manbrokenheart