Topic: Considerate | |
I've been very impulsive in the past and have blurted out things,that although truthful, were extremely insensitive and nowadays I try to watch myself.
| you ever think before you say something brutally honest? Or do you always say what the opposite sex wants to hear to avoid hurting their feelings? Or do you say it anyway? What constitutes crossing the line with men and women? I will be honest with you, and let you know the truth, good or bad. I will not sugar coat things, but I will try not to hurt your feelings or anything. Dang...all the good ones are taken. ![]() <--------- is not taken. ![]() Uh...where have YOU been Mr. Disappears? |
I don't know how many times being brutally honest has cost me.. Now? Who knows, maybe I'll take the easy route and lie my azz off! Honestly...don't change a damn thing. Azzhole these days are piling up higher than the body counts in Rambo. |
I have a gift.... it is called brutally honest.
Most people do not view it that way, however, I refuse to change me. I do not go out of way to hurt anyone... However, if you ask, I shall deliver. ![]() |
I will be honest. Yes, I do think about things before I say them and try not to hurt someone's feelings, but I don't tell people what I think they want to hear if it's not really what I want to say.
I think almost too much about what I will say if it is important to me. This has never worked out well. Time to just intuitively say what is on my mind. If you're not a jackass to begin with this approach should work just fine.
I am always honest yet tactful i never mislead or lie to man or anyone else .I believe that i should treat people how i want to be treated nothing less.Granted this backfires alot but i wont change to suit the way the world is because i have to look at me in mirror.