Topic: Logicals 2
SanneHan's photo
Sun 03/18/12 12:53 PM
So, there was this explorer, who flew over the african jungle from Cetown... bad luck as he had, the engine of his plane gave up, and he had to make an emergency landing in the middle of the jungle (remember, this was way before GPS!).

He barely survived that, and started to make his way through the jungle, to get back into the civilisation. Eventually, he reached a hunting lodge, that was deserted, but there was a way leading away from it, which he followed... only to reach a crossroads with 5 ways leading away from there. He was sure that one of them led to Cetown, but he did not know which.

By chance, there was a native coming up whom he could ask - problem was, he knew he was right between two villages, Avillage and Bevillage. The inhabitants of these two villages (and the whole area) had a funny habit: The people from the area around Avillage would always speak the truth, the inhabitants ob Bevillage would always lie - and BOTH of them were very short-tempered and answered only one question from strangers.

Well, the guy managed to get the right path, but I wonder `til today what question he asked... Do YOU know?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 02:13 PM
if asked the guy if it was raining... that way he could find out what village he was from by if he lied about it, and the path he came from would lead to that village, and then he could get his bearings from the village.

SanneHan's photo
Sun 03/18/12 02:30 PM
You don't want to go to his village... they are VERY special about having visitors in their homes, Moe!

There is a way to find the way to Cetown with just one question... one of the ways that meet there leads directly to Cetown! ;)

Fireviolin's photo
Sun 03/18/12 02:49 PM
He needs to ask something along the lines of "If I ask a person from the other village...." And then do the opposite. Because either way it will be a lie. The problem is that there are 5 paths...hmm...

SanneHan's photo
Sun 03/18/12 09:30 PM
Hmmmm kind of a good starting point, even if MY question would be different... Maybe you should just sit back and think about what that daring explorer KNOWS, before dealing with what he does not!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 08:53 AM
what he already knows? he knows that he is between 2 villages, and one lies and the other tells the truth, and he knows one of them is in front of him...thats all i got so far...

SanneHan's photo
Mon 03/19/12 08:55 AM
Edited by SanneHan on Mon 03/19/12 08:55 AM

what he already knows? he knows that he is between 2 villages, and one lies and the other tells the truth, and he knows one of them is in front of him...thats all i got so far...

You should read the story again - you missed something important.

He knows something important about one of the ways...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 08:57 AM

what he already knows? he knows that he is between 2 villages, and one lies and the other tells the truth, and he knows one of them is in front of him...thats all i got so far...

You should read the story again - you missed something important.

He knows something important about one of the ways...

oh yea, the lodge... so there a 4 ways to go...

SanneHan's photo
Mon 03/19/12 09:04 AM
Edited by SanneHan on Mon 03/19/12 09:05 AM
XD Numbers are absolutely unimportant... important is that he knows where ONE special road ends, and that is at a lodge, not at Cetown...

You guys get the rest, don't you?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 09:11 AM

XD Numbers are absolutely unimportant... important is that he knows where ONE special road ends, and that is at a lodge, not at Cetown...

You guys get the rest, don't you?

good thing i'm not a daring explorer, i'd go missing my first time out...

Fireviolin's photo
Mon 03/19/12 10:19 AM
Lol I know the answer, just haven't gotten the wording into a question yet...

SanneHan's photo
Mon 03/19/12 11:52 AM
Go for it... I'm sure you can make it...

Good tip (but definitely the last): The question should contain a negation...

prashant01's photo
Mon 03/19/12 12:15 PM
Edited by prashant01 on Mon 03/19/12 12:27 PM
Excuse me gentleman,which way don't got to cetown?:wink:

If the guy is lier from Bvillage,he will point out to the exact road leading to cetown.

If the guy is HARISHCHANDRA ,he will point out to other 4 ways which don't lead to cetown.

SanneHan's photo
Mon 03/19/12 12:21 PM
Well, but there may be more than one way heading to Cetown!? Cetown is pretty big...

But the answer is correct - but for the reasoning. What will make you see wether the guy lies or tells the truth is the fact wether he points out the road leading to the lodge - we know definitely that this one does NOT lead to Cetown, because it starts (or ends) at the lodge... so if he points to this road as well, we know he's telling the truth...

prashant01's photo
Mon 03/19/12 12:33 PM
Actually it's my own story.

Don't know how u come to know about it.

I'm very poor at remembering the roads,so I forgot the road leading to lodge too.

The person was from Avillage,I came to know that he is telling the truth because he pointed out to 4 other ways & not a single way.

it was that simple.

& I started living happily with my spouse & children.laugh laugh laugh
