Topic: m. | |
she is lying in a warm bath
there are diamonds in the water the dead stones her metaphor in the darkness the diamonds give off a light shadow she looks at the poem of her life in the dark and how she could never stand still and never release her inhibitions without running into the clouds that could never hold her even in the dark she could see everything but anything too close like her soul she was blind until the tears of god burned a memory into her conscience she learned how to separate her love from her life and in the meantime her tears she was told would dry up as she walked on fire but I saw them fall like rain and how her eyes were a land where rain needed to fall to hold beauty in the white meadow of her eyes to water what she could still hold onto I know the secret to her strength it is that she can still be weak she never forgot to pass through the garden where her fruit grew from her vine as she walked here in her dreams it carried her through the cement meadow it was as real to her as anything else except her mind could not experience her sin her heart was leaking emotions into her soul she is as genuine as a wave in an emerald sea sometimes crashing sometimes gentle but never changing her essence |
very nice jim (hugs)
very nice jim (hugs)
Very good!! I really like the explict decribing of the woman!! Very sensual........
Very nice
nice poem i hope to hear from you later
Once agan jimz, this moves me...
Beautiful and sad at the same time... Is it sad that I understand this completely? To distance love and emotion so that reality no longer exists, Only the day to day struggles of life... |
sweet, "only the day to day struggles with life" hmmm, wouldn't it be amazing if when all is said and done that one quote turned out to be the greatest act of love of all - the fact that an individual kept on keeping on?
Wow Jim!! Very descriptive and beautiful. Thanks for sharing....
jimz, this was very good enjoyed it very much you do have a way with words