Topic: God & Mother
ChangeofHeart's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:01 AM
Think about all the things that Mother Nature has a effect on. Now God gets all the credit for creation, bad or good. But when we look at the weather, or natural things Mother Nature gets some credit. What do you think the relationship between God and Mother Nature is?

wux's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:17 AM
Edited by wux on Fri 03/16/12 12:32 AM

Think about all the things that Mother Nature has a effect on. Now God gets all the credit for creation, bad or good. But when we look at the weather, or natural things Mother Nature gets some credit. What do you think the relationship between God and Mother Nature is?

Personally, I think they are lovers. God is male, Mom Nature is female. You can only have a man and woman be together for so long, because eventually something will happen. I think this has happened already, that's why we have red-headed people on the planet with freckles. (Remember: Adam and Eve were dark haired, and evolution is not anything that religious people should accept, so redheads and blondes have to be explained ... obviously it can't be aliens, it can't be man and woman that produced them initally, there is no evolution... so it's God and Mom Nature who had a few very fun times.)

For instance, take hurricanes. They are wild, wet, and stormy. They usually come when Mother Nature comes.

And God... what can I say. Have you ever heard thunder from within two hundred feet away? If that don't convince anyone of God having sex, then nothing else will.

You will notice, if you watch it carefully, that each and every red haired or blonde, speckled baby that gets born, gets born nine months after a thunderstorm. Yes, I know, there are more thunderstorms than red or blonde haired babies. Okay, so not every hit is a home run. Remember, we have been created in god's very own likeness. So he misses a few at bat, too. (Sorry, no disrespect meant for mom nature when I said, "at bat". She is beautiful, a gorgeous creature. Please don't smite me, mom.)