Topic: Defining a Christian
CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:32 PM

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

You mean outside putting a tree purposely in the center of a garden..
..knowing all to well what the outcome would be? o.o


None of this pertains to my actual question nor my research paper. :/

Don't mean to point out what seems to be obvious, and don't wish to go into great detail on the subject on this forum anyhow. But you seem to be very down in life. What is so horrible about life? Life is great, it is magical. So we die, but God offers eternal life to us once again if we wish to accept such a gift. Is feeling pain in a collection of say 60 years all that bad compared to an eternity of paradise?

My particular life. I am loving it.

This life, as a society, as a whole.

That depresses me.

Although, I'm unsure of where you got this?

Outside that..

YOU say God, eternal life, etc etc.

But it all sounds like hogwash, a fantasy, some delusional people trying to make sense of not only the world in which they live in, but the purpose of life, why do we exist.

..and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

You say he died for our sins..
..sounds to me like he died so God would stop picking on us.
For simply being the way he "intended" for us to be.

and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

God plays no favoritism. And don't know what you're talking about with anyone who stood up against his authority was destroyed and their families, you'll have to be a little more specific, I know not of any knowledge of what you profess.

No favoritism? Cain Abel. Egyptians Jews.
Egyptians stood up, said 'No, we will not release them'.
He murdered there INFANT children.

God drove, by the newer standards, Cain into jealousy.

Great Flood, can't tell me everyone was 150 already.

You'll have to be a little more specific. For I still have no clue what you're talking about. But first I wish to state that don't confuse favoritism with rewarding. Yes one may get a "greater" reward then the other. But that is because they earned it and God isnt' "favoritising" this person.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:33 PM


Make sure you credit your sources.

You may also want to re-write the plagiarised parts.

Just sayin'

1. That's NOT my research paper.

2. That's NOT the subject of MY paper.

3. This was an informative list to represent the overall variances, or as I used the term, "diversity", in one single religion.

4. My paper, in itself, covers ALL religions.

5. So, I don't need your "insight" on something entirely unrelated and irrelevant.

My question: "How would we perceive this world if there were NO variances in religion? Would it be a better place or worse? This is of course, stating that; overall, the Bible is proven to be 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt TRUE."

Thank you again for not reading, Funches.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:35 PM

How would that be a loving God? There are beliefs that believe in hurting other's. From giving their lives to kill others and receiving virgins in Heaven, ect. Why would God set us up to destroy one another?

You mean outside putting a tree purposely in the center of a garden..
..knowing all to well what the outcome would be? o.o


None of this pertains to my actual question nor my research paper. :/

Don't mean to point out what seems to be obvious, and don't wish to go into great detail on the subject on this forum anyhow. But you seem to be very down in life. What is so horrible about life? Life is great, it is magical. So we die, but God offers eternal life to us once again if we wish to accept such a gift. Is feeling pain in a collection of say 60 years all that bad compared to an eternity of paradise?

My particular life. I am loving it.

This life, as a society, as a whole.

That depresses me.

Although, I'm unsure of where you got this?

Outside that..

YOU say God, eternal life, etc etc.

But it all sounds like hogwash, a fantasy, some delusional people trying to make sense of not only the world in which they live in, but the purpose of life, why do we exist.

..and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

You say he died for our sins..
..sounds to me like he died so God would stop picking on us.
For simply being the way he "intended" for us to be.

and the best they could come up with, was a fictional novel with magic and legends; a hypocritical leader that has always showed favoritism in one way or another; and those that have argued or stood up against his "authority" were destroyed, their families destroyed, and those who had nothing to do with any of it were caught in the crossfire.

God plays no favoritism. And don't know what you're talking about with anyone who stood up against his authority was destroyed and their families, you'll have to be a little more specific, I know not of any knowledge of what you profess.

No favoritism? Cain Abel. Egyptians Jews.
Egyptians stood up, said 'No, we will not release them'.
He murdered there INFANT children.

God drove, by the newer standards, Cain into jealousy.

Great Flood, can't tell me everyone was 150 already.

You'll have to be a little more specific. For I still have no clue what you're talking about. But first I wish to state that don't confuse favoritism with rewarding. Yes one may get a "greater" reward then the other. But that is because they earned it and God isnt' "favoritising" this person.

Oh never mind.

Again, this is unrelated to what I'm asking.
..and I feel no desire to debate this.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:40 PM


Make sure you credit your sources.

You may also want to re-write the plagiarised parts.

Just sayin'

1. That's NOT my research paper.

2. That's NOT the subject of MY paper.

3. This was an informative list to represent the overall variances, or as I used the term, "diversity", in one single religion.

4. My paper, in itself, covers ALL religions.

5. So, I don't need your "insight" on something entirely unrelated and irrelevant.

My question: "How would we perceive this world if there were NO variances in religion? Would it be a better place or worse? This is of course, stating that; overall, the Bible is proven to be 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt TRUE."

Thank you again for not reading, Funches.

No, there would be no difference from now to everyone being the same religion, or atleast very minute. Religions don't make the person, they make themselves. They choose there actions not there religion. There are people who claim to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect sit'n around bars spreading lies, checking out the hookers.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:41 PM
In order for there to be NO Variant in Religion...

There would have to be no variant in human DNA.

A species with none variant DNA would become extinct each time the weather changed seasons(being unable to adapt).

If the 'bible' were to be proven absolute truth there would still be variants in religion.

Humans just can't help that.

Each of as has a humble opinion.

Because each of us is.

I am.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:44 PM

No, there would be no difference from now to everyone being the same religion, or atleast very minute. Religions don't make the person, they make themselves. They choose there actions not there religion. There are people who claim to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect sit'n around bars spreading lies, checking out the hookers.

So, you think that with the following knowledge:
(I'll just pick a random religion)

A. Every single person on Earth is a Roman Catholic.

B. Every single person on Earth is devout to this religion.

C. Every single person on Earth tries their best to please God. still think there'd be absolutely no difference?

Iran would still hate Israel for.. what reason?

Why would Hitler seek out the Jews (who'd now be Catholics, mind you; and so would the Germans for that matter.) truly think nothing would be different?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:44 PM

In order for there to be NO Variant in Religion...

There would have to be no variant in human DNA.

A species with none variant DNA would become extinct each time the weather changed seasons(being unable to adapt).

If the 'bible' were to be proven absolute truth there would still be variants in religion.

Humans just can't help that.

Each of as has a humble opinion.

Because each of us is.

I am.

Religion and DNA have absolutely nothing to do with one another. That is why some people kids have a different religion then their parents, and people change their religion in the middle of their life, ect. Don't know where you were going with the mention of DNA.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:47 PM

No, there would be no difference from now to everyone being the same religion, or atleast very minute. Religions don't make the person, they make themselves. They choose there actions not there religion. There are people who claim to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect sit'n around bars spreading lies, checking out the hookers.

So, you think that with the following knowledge:
(I'll just pick a random religion)

A. Every single person on Earth is a Roman Catholic.

B. Every single person on Earth is devout to this religion.

C. Every single person on Earth tries their best to please God. still think there'd be absolutely no difference?

Iran would still hate Israel for.. what reason?

Why would Hitler seek out the Jews (who'd now be Catholics, mind you; and so would the Germans for that matter.) truly think nothing would be different?

Nope. These incodents mentioned are not the religons fault. It is the person(s) fault for doing it. REGARDLESS of what belief one has, they are still accountable for their own beliefs REGARDLESS of what their belief may be. "Religion" is only a blanket to hide behind in those scenerios.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:48 PM

In order for there to be NO Variant in Religion...

There would have to be no variant in human DNA.

A species with none variant DNA would become extinct each time the weather changed seasons(being unable to adapt).

If the 'bible' were to be proven absolute truth there would still be variants in religion.

Humans just can't help that.

Each of as has a humble opinion.

Because each of us is.

I am.

So, you are saying:

For this "fantasy" world to exist. We would all have to be the SAME exact person? o.o

Morning Song.

You all believe "roughly" the same thing (though yes you have different opinions on it); however, the way you live your lives is the, basically, under the same "value".

"God" being that similarity.

Yet you are each "I am" as you put it.

So, I don't see how "altering" every human's DNA is relevant.

You ask Three Different Popes the same question.

A. There answers won't be exactly the same.

B. But the meaning will be.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:52 PM
In the same way that DNA is a spread of human.


each human has in his or her heart that which they feel to be truth.

Though some profess to be part of a particular religion.

In truth each practices religion as their heart tells them.

so in essence we have 7 Billion different Religions on the Earth.

One for each human.

God in each one.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:53 PM

No, there would be no difference from now to everyone being the same religion, or atleast very minute. Religions don't make the person, they make themselves. They choose there actions not there religion. There are people who claim to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect sit'n around bars spreading lies, checking out the hookers.

So, you think that with the following knowledge:
(I'll just pick a random religion)

A. Every single person on Earth is a Roman Catholic.

B. Every single person on Earth is devout to this religion.

C. Every single person on Earth tries their best to please God. still think there'd be absolutely no difference?

Iran would still hate Israel for.. what reason?

Why would Hitler seek out the Jews (who'd now be Catholics, mind you; and so would the Germans for that matter.) truly think nothing would be different?

Nope. These incodents mentioned are not the religons fault. It is the person(s) fault for doing it. REGARDLESS of what belief one has, they are still accountable for their own beliefs REGARDLESS of what their belief may be. "Religion" is only a blanket to hide behind in those scenerios.

BUT it was RELIGION that drives them.

Iran/Muslims/Radicals - whatever you wish to call them - solely hate America and Israel (far as my knowledge goes) for one main reason:
(If there's more, that's fine, but this is one of the MAIN ones)

1. We support the diversity in Religions and acknowledge them.

Now we ALL have the same religion.

Iran/Muslims: They now believe in the same God, the same purpose, etc.

How can you say this would not change things?

"Kill the Jews, they killed Jesus." <-- That Phrase wouldn't have been said.

Egyptians wouldn't have faced the wrath of God, because they wouldn't have enslaved their own entire society.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 10:57 PM

In the same way that DNA is a spread of human.


each human has in his or her heart that which they feel to be truth.

Though some profess to be part of a particular religion.

In truth each practices religion as their heart tells them.

so in essence we have 7 Billion different Religions on the Earth.

One for each human.

God in each one.

This is because, and you forgot the major part:

"The Bible has been proven to be the absolute truth."

In other words, the concepts in which we all presently "speculate" and "conjure" these beliefs; wouldn't exist. We "know" we don't simply require "faith".

You are answering under the precepts that:

A. Bible is still "unproven".
B. People still hold the idea that "this" or "that" God might exist.

It's been "proven" there is only one.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 11:00 PM

No, there would be no difference from now to everyone being the same religion, or atleast very minute. Religions don't make the person, they make themselves. They choose there actions not there religion. There are people who claim to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ect sit'n around bars spreading lies, checking out the hookers.

So, you think that with the following knowledge:
(I'll just pick a random religion)

A. Every single person on Earth is a Roman Catholic.

B. Every single person on Earth is devout to this religion.

C. Every single person on Earth tries their best to please God. still think there'd be absolutely no difference?

Iran would still hate Israel for.. what reason?

Why would Hitler seek out the Jews (who'd now be Catholics, mind you; and so would the Germans for that matter.) truly think nothing would be different?

Nope. These incodents mentioned are not the religons fault. It is the person(s) fault for doing it. REGARDLESS of what belief one has, they are still accountable for their own beliefs REGARDLESS of what their belief may be. "Religion" is only a blanket to hide behind in those scenerios.

BUT it was RELIGION that drives them.

Iran/Muslims/Radicals - whatever you wish to call them - solely hate America and Israel (far as my knowledge goes) for one main reason:
(If there's more, that's fine, but this is one of the MAIN ones)

1. We support the diversity in Religions and acknowledge them.

Now we ALL have the same religion.

Iran/Muslims: They now believe in the same God, the same purpose, etc.

How can you say this would not change things?

"Kill the Jews, they killed Jesus." <-- That Phrase wouldn't have been said.

Egyptians wouldn't have faced the wrath of God, because they wouldn't have enslaved their own entire society.

Doesn't matter what drives the person. It is still the person doing that which they are doing. I can not blame you for a murder I did. The reasons of why I killed the person are mute, pointless, for the fact still remains that I killed the person. That is all that matters what the person did, nto why or how come. So still, fast remains religion can not be held accountable for a person's actions, weather they influenced the person or not. Heck there are many upon many of things that influence people to kill other people or do many of different immoral actions. If one wishes to get rid of the bible for those terms, why would they not through away everything else that does the same? This could range from TV, to computers, to anything else that has an influence from.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 11:04 PM

Doesn't matter what drives the person. It is still the person doing that which they are doing. I can not blame you for a murder I did. The reasons of why I killed the person are mute, pointless, for the fact still remains that I killed the person. That is all that matters what the person did, nto why or how come. So still, fast remains religion can not be held accountable for a person's actions, weather they influenced the person or not. Heck there are many upon many of things that influence people to kill other people or do many of different immoral actions. If one wishes to get rid of the bible for those terms, why would they not through away everything else that does the same? This could range from TV, to computers, to anything else that has an influence from.

You are totally missing my point...


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 11:17 PM

Let me put it like this.

The idea of "religion" has "driven" men to do unspeakable acts in the name of their "God".

We both know this as true, correct?

You are arguing that such was "not done in the name of religion but it was just a smoke and mirrors act".

We both agree on this as well.

Now, if you will.

Let us remove the word "religion" as a possible "blanket" for ANY and ALL catastrophes that have occurred since the Dawn of Man.

Now let's stick with the Nazis.

Hitler founded, so to speak, his campaign against the Jews using "religion" to unite a major portion of Germany to aid in his cause. Was he truly trying to accomplish this in the name of God? No, of course not. He had his own personal agenda; however he USED RELIGION itself as a precept to incite the hatred of an entire country (or a majority if you wish).

That said.

Remove "RELIGION" from his precepts for war.

Outside his own hatred/distaste for them; how would he now (since they would no longer be Jews but of the same religion as the Nazis) convince an ENTIRE nation to follow him without true, just cause?

Hitler and Joseph Goebbels were excellent speakers and literally used Jews/religion as a cause to go after them. But, in a world lacking diversity in religion; would Hitler and his Minister still have hatred for the Jews? Would they still have been able to convince an entire nation to the LEVEL of HATRED that they did when they used religion as the basis of their "war"?


Granted, yes, they may have found another way to go after the "Jews", but I can tell you it would not have been handled in the same mannerisms (Holocaust) as it was. It would have resulted differently.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 11:18 PM

Doesn't matter what drives the person. It is still the person doing that which they are doing. I can not blame you for a murder I did. The reasons of why I killed the person are mute, pointless, for the fact still remains that I killed the person. That is all that matters what the person did, nto why or how come. So still, fast remains religion can not be held accountable for a person's actions, weather they influenced the person or not. Heck there are many upon many of things that influence people to kill other people or do many of different immoral actions. If one wishes to get rid of the bible for those terms, why would they not through away everything else that does the same? This could range from TV, to computers, to anything else that has an influence from.

You are totally missing my point...


No you're trying to blame something such as religion for a person's actions, such as Hitler. But this can not be done, it was the own person's decision.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 11:19 PM

Doesn't matter what drives the person. It is still the person doing that which they are doing. I can not blame you for a murder I did. The reasons of why I killed the person are mute, pointless, for the fact still remains that I killed the person. That is all that matters what the person did, nto why or how come. So still, fast remains religion can not be held accountable for a person's actions, weather they influenced the person or not. Heck there are many upon many of things that influence people to kill other people or do many of different immoral actions. If one wishes to get rid of the bible for those terms, why would they not through away everything else that does the same? This could range from TV, to computers, to anything else that has an influence from.

You are totally missing my point...


No you're trying to blame something such as religion for a person's actions, such as Hitler. But this can not be done, it was the own person's decision.

No, no I'm not...

Please read my post just before yours.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/06/12 11:22 PM


Let me put it like this.

The idea of "religion" has "driven" men to do unspeakable acts in the name of their "God".

We both know this as true, correct?

You are arguing that such was "not done in the name of religion but it was just a smoke and mirrors act".

We both agree on this as well.

Now, if you will.

Let us remove the word "religion" as a possible "blanket" for ANY and ALL catastrophes that have occurred since the Dawn of Man.

Now let's stick with the Nazis.

Hitler founded, so to speak, his campaign against the Jews using "religion" to unite a major portion of Germany to aid in his cause. Was he truly trying to accomplish this in the name of God? No, of course not. He had his own personal agenda; however he USED RELIGION itself as a precept to incite the hatred of an entire country (or a majority if you wish).

That said.

Remove "RELIGION" from his precepts for war.

Outside his own hatred/distaste for them; how would he now (since they would no longer be Jews but of the same religion as the Nazis) convince an ENTIRE nation to follow him without true, just cause?

Hitler and Joseph Goebbels were excellent speakers and literally used Jews/religion as a cause to go after them. But, in a world lacking diversity in religion; would Hitler and his Minister still have hatred for the Jews? Would they still have been able to convince an entire nation to the LEVEL of HATRED that they did when they used religion as the basis of their "war"?


Granted, yes, they may have found another way to go after the "Jews", but I can tell you it would not have been handled in the same mannerisms (Holocaust) as it was. It would have resulted differently.

He would have just used something else if it wouldn't have been for religion. It is still neverhteless the own person's actions. Does NOT matter one bit, he used religion to support what they were doing. That's all claiming ALL weapons are immoral because they were used to kill these people. No, it is still the own person's fault, not the tool used to do whatever was done, especially if that tool was used improperly.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 03/06/12 11:37 PM
Edited by Sin_and_Sorrow on Tue 03/06/12 11:39 PM

That didn't work. *sigh*

Okay.. let's dive deeper into this, shall we?

One reason Hitler hated the Jews so much was because he blamed them for Germany suffering such losses during World War I.

World War I started, solely, because of the various alliances throughout the planet and set into motion by one single event.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.

This action caused this country to invade that one, which caused Russia to get involved, Russia's involvement caused this country; etc, etc, etc.

Why kill the Archduke?

Well, the Black Hand, who plotted it were Satanists; and well, dude was in their way to forming their own "nation".

Now remove "Satanists" from that; they are no longer "war mongrels" no longer hold this "desire" to forge their own "nation".

That said, religion again out the question:

A. The Archduke is never assassinated.
B. Austria never invades.
C. Because Austria never invades, Russia doesn't retaliate.
D. Because Russia never retaliates, the chain of events causing every other nation to become involved NEVER happens.
E. World War I never happens.
F. Hitler is born.
G. He no longer holds hatred for the Jews.
H. He doesn't create the Holocaust.

Do you see it now?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 03/07/12 12:13 AM
Basically, when you remove religion itself as an "issue" you are literally altering "history" in thousands of ways.

Sure, we may not all "perceive" Jesus the same.

Sure, some may still resort to violence.

A. We know God exists.

B. We try to serve him the best we can knowing he exists.

C. Alterations/interpretations may vary; but not every/all people would quickly resort to "violence" because we are all obeying the same "law", or the same "God".

Do you not recall all the wars over religion throughout history?
Yes, by men, however, it was the variances of completely different religions that sparked them.

Even the slave owners of the Civil War believed, "It is our God-given right to own slaves".

If religion was already clarified and justified before that era; the Civil War may never have even taken place.

The Crusades. (Both versions) Were based off variances in religion.
Remove the variance, you remove the Crusades entirely.