Topic: ( ( ( Speaking of Liberal Christian Theology ) ) ) | |
Peterpan..I can
clearly see how you are confusing scriptures and taking them out of context,and then misinterpreting their meaning...thinking you have the right interpretation. I tried to help someone else who does this very same thing........not going there again. But I will pray God help you see Truth. I am not able to help you see. Only God can. Take care. |
Let go of the hate, Stop believing the lie that is what I'm trying to tell you I'm not the one saying that a Greek myth is the truth, am I??? 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. I do not allow my mind to be controlled. If you do, then you are going against scripture. All you need to be saved is to believe in the Name of Yashua, period. All the rest of those "things" are man-made myths designed to unify a Pagan Roman empire. The Bible is clear to those who seek the truth. Don't allow anyone to tell you what you "must" believe. Stop searching to find out why this crap is right and start finding out why it is wrong... Yashua said to bless your enemy. Learn how to do that 1st... |
Peterpan..I can clearly see how you are confusing scriptures and taking them out of context,and then misinterpreting their meaning...thinking you have the right interpretation. I tried to help someone else who does this very same thing........not going there again. But I will pray God help you see Truth. I am not able to help you see. Only God can. Take care. Pray for yourself, that you may truly understand the meaning of the scriptures. Rebuke any evil demons in your presence in God's name. Matthew 6:5-7 New International Version (NIV) Prayer 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Your silent prayers are welcome, but the public ones go against my beliefs, please respect them... |
Love your enemies as yourself good nite
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Fri 03/02/12 02:51 AM
What you are doing is taking God's Precious Holy
Word and TWISTING God's Word , to make God's Holy Word appear to contain Error ,by making God's Holy Word appear to SPEAK AGAINST ITSELF!!!. This is the work of the enemy who is deceiving you, Peterpan..... and I rebuke that spirit that is deceivingg You right now,in The Mighty Name of Jesus . I pray you will get set free this day from this spirit of deception that has blinded you for so long to God's Truth. I tust God is more than able to deliver you and set you free. I realize that It's not you ...but it's the enemy who has deceived you ,who is doing this. But the devil is a defeated foe..and I am praying and believing you WILL be set free from this deception in Jesus Name, Amen. |
What you are doing is taking God's Precious Holy Word and TWISTING God's Word , to make God's Holy Word appear to contain Error ,by making God's Holy Word appear to SPEAK AGAINST ITSELF!!!. This is the work of the enemy who is deceiving you, Peterpan..... and I rebuke that spirit that is deceivingg You right now,in The Mighty Name of Jesus . I pray you will get set free this day from this spirit of deception that has blinded you for so long to God's Truth. I tust God is more than able to deliver you and set you free. I realize that It's not you ...but it's the enemy who has deceived you ,who is doing this. But the devil is a defeated foe..and I am praying and believing you WILL be set free from this deception in Jesus Name, Amen. God's holy word does not contain error, man's plagarised words do... Pray for yourself... (silently, as a Christian should) |
It doesn't say silently as a christian should. It is saying if your praying out loud to show your self off then the praying is in vain. If you mean it from the heart is doesn't matter Loud or silent
I couldn't sleep. |
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Fri 03/02/12 03:25 AM
It doesn't say silently as a christian should. It is saying if your praying out loud to show your self off then the praying is in vain. If you mean it from the heart is doesn't matter Loud or silent I couldn't sleep. Eh, I always understood as do not make your prayers public knowlegde so as to appear "more" righteous. *edit "silent" was representative of not public. guess I shoulda said "privately" |
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Fri 03/02/12 04:31 AM
There are many websites out there that are
attacking the bible and twisting God's Word. They are a dime a dozen. is one... These websites twist Gods Word and take Gods Word out of context, to make God's Word appear full of errors and contradictions!! These websites then try to interpret Gods Word, with no understanding of God's Word whatsoever...and therefore only come up with their own incorrect conclusions. THIS ATTACK AGAINST THE BIBLE, IS THE WORK OF THE ENEMY, PETERPAN!!! TO TURN AS MANY PEOPLE AWAY FROM GOD AS POSSIBLE !!! AND SOME EVEN CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS, TO CONFUSE PEOPLE BY ATTACKING GOD'S HOLY WORD. WHAT BETTER WAY FOR THE DEVIL TO WIN AS MANY SOULS AS POSSIBLE, THEN TO WORK THRU SO CALLED FALSE CHRISTIANS...WHO AREN'T CHRSTIIANS AT ALL, BUT ARE WOLVES IN SHEEPSCLOTHING...COME ONLY TO DEVOUR !!! PETERPAN....THIS IS ALL THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY !!! WAKE UP!!!! Spirit filled christian believers KNOW the TRUTH , Peterpan..and we KNOW The Word of God is TRUTH..and we KNOW There are no errors....because God thru His Holy Spirit LETS US KNOW THAT GOD'S WORD IS TRUTH. Again.... this attack against the bible is from satan. Straight from the pits of hell!!! And YOU are falling for this lie!!! And That is why I am praying and believing you WILL wake up and get set free !! God is a Big enough God and well able to keep watch over His Holy Word!! God IS The Word!!! Nite now. |
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Fri 03/02/12 03:53 AM
I'm not attacking it, I'm defending it. You and other are the one's who twist the truth. Yeshua preached the doctrine of reconciliation, forgiveness of sins. You preach the pagan gospell of eternal torment and divisiveness. The Bible says that heresies will be secretly introduced. 2 Peter 2:1-4 New International Version (NIV) 2 Peter 2 False Teachers and Their Destruction 1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell,[a] putting them in chains of darkness[.b] to be held for judgment; Footnotes: a.2 Peter 2:4 Greek Tartarus b.2 Peter 2:4 Some manuscripts in gloomy dungeons I'm screaming this information out loud, nothing secret here... |
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Fri 03/02/12 04:16 AM
You are taking God's Holy Word ,and making it sound
like not all of God's Holy Word is actually God's Holy Word !!! You have been deceived by the enemy by this lie from the pits of hell ...and only God can open your eyes. I will pray. This will be my last post to you now on this subject. Only God can deliver and set people free from error and false teaching..Only God. Take care now. |
| is a hillarious site.
I'm still waiting on numerous Bible detractors to defend their claims. Of course I always make the prediction that they won't. Once you realise the scribes and Pharisees were in fact, hypocrites, everything fits... No need to explain why God will kill innocent children, no need to explain why God would force a "rape"(seduced) victim to marry her seducer. No need to explain why the Israelites plundered. No need to explain why they kept slaves... Because they were NOT God's Law, period. I don't need to twist things around to explain all the sick crap that happened. I can simply look at it as history, messed up people doing messed up things and claiming "thus saith the LORD". There is no contradiction in God's LAW, it is perfect. If you have to call evil good to explain it, then there's something wrong, no? The pattern is that it has happened yet again. Hades is a Greek myth, not fact. "Eternal" was translated from the Greek word for eon. Eon does not mean eternal, it means "an age". Besides, Yeshua came to save the world, not some, not only thoose who believe a pagan myth that'll be added much later, but the world. "Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess...", right? Well there ya go, everyone accepts Yeshua and all is fine and dandy, so stop preaching that pagan doctrine of eternal torment. After all, noone comes to God without God first drawing him in. Do you realise Christmas is a Pagan holiday and that there is scripture that specifically condemns X-mas trees? Yet how many "Christians" do you see celebrating this "tradition of men"? I'm sorry, but one can't be both pagan AND Christian, the Bible prohibits that. 2 Corinthians 11:3 King James Version (KJV) 3But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. It's simple, stop complicating it with rules and regulation that are only designed to control and divide. |
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Fri 03/02/12 02:57 PM
What’s the difference between the “Law of Moses” and “Law of God”? The “Law of Moses” is a beautiful thing—when men regard it rightly. This is why the Psalmist can say, “O how I love Thy law” (Psalm 119:97). The “Law of Moses was NOT meant to save men, but to show them their NEED TO BE SAVED , and thus to LEAD THEM TO CHRIST (Galatians 3:24). The Jews of Jesus’ day twisted the law, so much so that they considered themselves to be righteous, and yet they condemned Jesus as a law-breaker (especially in regard to the Sabbath—see John 5:16ff.; 19:7). This may help to explain why Jesus called the law “your law” in John 8:17, even as they called it their law (John 7:51; 19:7). There is a great difference between accepting the Law of Moses as God’s standard of righteousness, and making that same law the means to earning your own salvation, by the work of law-keeping. In Romans chapter 3, Paul made it clear that no one could be saved by law-keeping. So it is that when Paul refers to the “law” in Romans 7, he is referring to the “Law of Moses” or to the commands of God more generally in the Old Testament. Paul loved the “Law of Moses” when it was looked upon as “the law of God” and not as that set of laws that were twisted by the Jews into something they were never meant to be. In my opinion there is not a great difference between the “Law of Moses” and the “law of God” as mentioned in Romans 7. The difference is in how men looked upon that law. When they saw it is something one must keep in order to earn salvation (Jesus would call this “your law”), they were wrong. When they saw it as a standard of righteousness (Paul would call it, “the law of God”) which Jesus kept as the Son of God, and which the Holy Spirit strengthens us to keep (although imperfectly, see Romans 8:4) then they viewed it rightly. |
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Fri 03/02/12 03:31 PM
Correction from earlier post:
The lying pen of the scribes is not addressing those who dabbled in false religion among the people at the time(as I had mentioned in an earlier post) is addressing those scribes who twisted The Law of Moses . However , just because some scribes twisted the Law of Moses does NOT mean The Word of God is twisted or the Law of Moses was twisted in any form or fashion in the Bible !!!! Praying this clarifies any foolishness about the bible containing errors, once and for all !!! Same goes for today: Just because some so called christians out there take God's Word and twist God's Word to make it sound like a lie , doesn't change The Truth of God's Word . Same difference. God's Word Stands True matter what man may try to do or say against God's Holy Word. |
Once more...the lying pens of the scribes is referring to those who dabbled in false religion and also those scribes who twisted The Law of moses .. However just because some twisted the Law of Moses does NOT mean The Word of God is twisted or the Law of Moses was twisted in any form or fashion in the bible !!!! Praying this clarifies any foolishness about the bible containing errors, once and for all !!! Foolishness? This is NOT foolishness. "The lying pens of the scribes" means just what it says. The scribes lied. I rightly use my God-given gifts to test whether or not someone/something is true and righteous. I see a glimmer of truth getting through to you. "...and also those scribes who twisted The Law of moses..." Those are your words, dwell on them for a minute. You've admitted that those scribes twisted the law of Moses, now contemplate the ramifications of that statement. Don't deny the truth. |
On the Heresy of Literalism
by Kevin Lewis The liberal religionist at play, chafed by years of engagement in the South with the intractable furniture of the Fundamentalist mind, wonders: what if the tables were turned? What if the accusers of faithless compromise were themselves accused of heresy? What if the conservators of an historically partial interpretation of doctrinal purity were themselves to be indicted for the error of their way? What then? What helpful theological dialogue, if any, might ensue? The culture wars rage. More and more bystanders are joining the usual combatants and taking sides. It is difficult to raise this issue without appearing only to be launching an ideologically inspired attack on the Religious Right. But a theological and hermeneutical issue too often avoided for the sake of a dangerous tolerance does need to be addressed. The history of American Christianity has been dominated by revivalism and Protestant evangelicalism, particularly in the South. As result, countless earnest Christians have come to rest in the assumption that the only way the truth of the Bible can be maintained is by claiming it to be literal truth. This is the belief that Scripture should be read as literally as possible in every respect, and especially wherever not to do so would seem to deny the power of God to operate apart from the laws of nature. Latter-day appeals to "Inerrancy" as a fighting principle insist upon this literalism, often appearing to bait both skeptical and more traditional contemporary minds. But is this heresy? In 1980 Episcopalian pastoral theologian, Urban T. Holmes observed flatly that "literalism is a modern heresy-perhaps the only heresy invented in modern times." But he did not proceed to argue the case. No one has. Heresy is traditionally understood to emerge within a community of faith when a legitimate point of belief is over-emphasized to the neglect of other equally legitimate, complementing, occasionally countering points of belief needed to make up the delicate balance of doctrines in an "orthodox" rule of faith. Heresy emerges as a truncating distortion of the faith. From the earliest times, Christian heresies have inflicted damage from within upon the Church's theologically ordered system of faith, constructed from the biblical testimony and crystallized in concise credal formulae. The heresy of literalism as such is a modern, post-scientific phenomenon. Its beginnings can be traced in seventeenth-century Protestant orthodoxy, but it bloomed with twentieth-century Fundamentalism, when the modern world fully embraced the dynamic power of natural science. Scientific method crucially altered the Western mind. After Descartes we became principled skeptics, doubting in order to find out the truth. The notion stole into the religious mind that biblical narratives make proposals that only appear to compete with testable scientific findings (to test our faith) while ultimately, if miraculously, conforming to scientific truth. Hence the apt, related observation by another Episcopalian theologian, Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse, that Fundamentalism is to be regarded as "the bastard child of science and religion." Heretical literalism is the issue of an adulterous mis-match: the bastard-child product of a modern religious imagination formed or perhaps deformed by uncritical embrace of scientific method. So rose up in history a reactionary Christian mind, panicked and defensive, straining to assert scientific proof (thereby establishing absolute certainty) for its Scripture and the articles of belief it wished to communicate. Thus did literalism teach the "letter" to drive out the "spirit" of the biblical writings, effectively misusing the text in order to promote a corrupted theological agenda. The effect is a rigid constriction of the inspiring Word. Bob Jones, Jr., in a recent documentary film, puts it this way: "The Bible doesn't contain the Word of God; the Bible is the Word of God." The combative answer: there are better, more legitimate, less blasphemous ways than this to affirm that the Bible is the Word of God. The Word is to be affirmed without the heresy of divinizing each word of Scripture as though it fell from heaven a perfect expression of the mind of God. The drive for certainty in a skeptical age is more dangerous to our faith than we might suppose. It leads away from "faith" to a calculating "belief" not satisfied with the promises of God but restless to prove, verify, and guarantee those promises with scientific precision. Ironically, biblical literalism misunderstands the biblical faith in the very course of struggle to understand and defend it in a changing cultural context. Biblical literalism commits a seductive form of idolatry. The literalist misleads Christians by asserting the idolatrous notion that the words of inspired Scripture adequately and sufficiently bind the God revealed in Scripture to the narrow limitations of scientific, "common sense" interpretation. The requisite balancing principle is forgotten: that Scripture produced under "inspiration" by mere mortals simultaneously conceals as it reveals the Word-requiring an act of faith and careful, "Inspired" personal interpretation to grasp the Word spoken to the self. Literalism errs fatally when in implicit arrogance it denies the mystery of the revealed but sovereign, never-fullyknowable God. Viewed functionally, as opposed to analytically, such error becomes heresy when it so misleads that it blocks the individual's path to salvation through Christ, promised in gospel and creed to those who truly accept the invitation to repent, believe, and follow Him. It makes scriptural inerrancy a basic article of faith which must be believed if the Bible is true. The early period of Christian theology was rife with dispute over such paths deemed erroneous, each attempting to protect a particular element of the tradition but prompted by a concern so lopsided that the "Improved" or more "relevant" version of the faith proposed became a stumbling block to the received biblical faith in Christ. Under the terms of the traditional faith consolidated in the creeds and major doctrines, the salvation on offer through Christ will elude those who fall into such disabling idolatry of the Word. By scorning to affirm the inscrutable sovereignty of the biblical God -- as a counterweight to that God's revealed loving promises -- the literalist traffics with a diminished false god of convenience. There is no mistaking the harm that the false theology of the literalist has done and continues to do -- to believers and seekers alike. But, then, the liberal religionist would not remain liberal if he (or she) were actually to cry down the cultural literalism that turns fellow committed Christians unwittingly, though not without consequence, into heretics. Though literalism compounds the genuine scandal of the gospel with an ersatz scandal of its own devising, 'tis impolitic to say so within the "household of faith." So, shedding sword and buckler, the liberal religionist retires from the fray with a sigh. He (or she) returns to the quiet of study, the building of community, the making of peace, and, when possible, green fields. And yet, now and again, he (or she), touched by the culture wars of the day, dreams of an honest donneybrook: of a cleansing battle royal for the integrity of the living faith handed down from the past. from The Newsletter of the Center on Religion in the South A program of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, South Carolina Fall, 1997 issue. • • • • • Dr. Kevin Lewis teaches in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of' South Carolina, Columbia. In addressing a controversial topic in provocative style, Lewi's invites reader response. |
Isaiah 1:17-19
King James Version (KJV) 17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: Doesn't anyone have their own opinion? Or does everyone want the church or some other person to decide what they should believe in their hearts? |
Isaiah 1:17-19 King James Version (KJV) 17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: Doesn't anyone have their own opinion? Or does everyone want the church or some other person to decide what they should believe in their hearts? Well I guess I tend to use references to support an idea a bit too much |
Isaiah 1:17-19 King James Version (KJV) 17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: Doesn't anyone have their own opinion? Or does everyone want the church or some other person to decide what they should believe in their hearts? Well I guess I tend to use references to support an idea a bit too much Sorry, that wasn't directed towards you. I liked that article actually. If you think about it, I could be considered a literalist. I am literaly told to test all "prophecies", seek good judgement, seek wisdom and judge mercifully so I do. I am not told to believe everything... |
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Fri 03/02/12 11:04 PM
| are completely misunderstanding what is being said!!
The scribes twisting Moses laws does NOT mean that Moses Law ITSELF was twisted. What is written in the bible is the law of Moses NOT the scribes twisting the law of MoseS !!! The fact that YOU are on here right now twisting God's Word, does not mean God's Word ITSELF is twisted !!! And this should not even have had to be explained. At all !!! Sadly, what you are doing on here, is exactly what deception does to a person....a person deceived sees ONLY thru the lens of deception, and therfore twists scriptures and can ONLY sees scriptures thru a DISTORTED view only !!! CAUSE HE HAS BEEN BLINDED BY DECEPTION!! I tried one last time to help you see , yet I see you choose to continue twisting God' s Word. I suggest you take your foolishness elsewhere...OUT of this forum !!! And Do NOT bring your foolish crap in here again!!! |