Topic: words from a friend~~~~A BearificFriend~~~~ | |
My Final Post"
As I sit on his old wooden paint-chipped bench positioned in the center of this town square,I feel the chaotic bustle of what we as a society have come to recognize as normalcy. I watch as people hurriedly rub shoulders in route to their desired destination,and not once look up to acknowledge the existence of the others surrounding them.I am currently listening to Jewel Kilcher on my headphones.I am slowly swept away by the mesmeric melodic masonry flooding my ears.I begin to feel the sun warming my cheeks and the breeze slightly lifting my hair.I look up to the sky and I am captured by the sea of blue above. The white cloud accents remind me of the ocean and its’ white foamed waves.I am brought to a place of complete awe and tearful gratitude for the love and provision the Creator of all brings.My eyes fall back upon the crowd of people whose eyes lack the color of life...of freedom. I am reminded that Poetry truly is a gift to the soul. A simple expression has a way of lifting downcast eyes and healing hidden brokenness.I am moved and impassioned to touch the seemingly hopeless with word.I desire to write the goodness of life,acknowledging the reality of unbearable heartaches,but splashing the canvas with the redeeming hope that I have come to know. As I journey through this life, my experiences and those I observe become part of the melodic pictures I paint. And now, friends,I invite you to come and journey with me. I am excited as I continue to collect wisdom through the painful places for it is through trials that a heart is made stronger.Your Bearific Friend Forever,Love,Cybear;=) |
Once again your words touched me.All of us have had many,trials,but hope we have learned and become stronger people.So many people to wakl through life,not reaaly opening there eyes to te beauty around them.For me personally,I will miss your words everyday,they have lifted me up at times,they have made me cry.They have taught me to try and express my own feelings that I have kept bottle up for so long.And I thank you for that.You are a beautiful person,no matter what you have touched my heart forever.Pam