Topic: What He Says Vs What He Means | |
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Mon 02/13/12 08:16 PM
What He Says VS What He Means: Decoding a Mans Language
We all know that men don’t operate quite the way that we do. They say and do things that leave us confused and downright infuriated and then say that we are the ones who are hard to figure out! Well, I have been looking into this whole secret man language thing and can help you figure out what he really means when he says and does certain things. Men tend to express themselves a lot better with their actions more so than with words and if you can keep that in mind, you are already saving yourself a lot of aggravation. He may not be whispering sweet nothings in your ear, but can still be showing his love for you by doing things like fixing your car for you or pulling the blanket over you when you fall asleep uncovered. Another thing that men tend to do is revert back to courting a woman using the same tactics that pre-pubescent boys use when they like a girl; they tease you and pick on you! Is it juvenile; yes, but it’s also endearing—especially when you consider that they ignore the women they’re not into! So when you catch him playfully teasing you and poking fun at the things that you do; just remember that this is his strange way of pointing out the little things that he secretly loves about you. There are some messages that are easier than others to de-code, like asking you to meet his friends and family—that’s big time. When he does that, you can be sure he loves you even if he has not yet actually said it out loud. It’s the same as when he skips on a night with the guys or something as big as the Superbowl to hang with you instead; you know he is smitten if he does that! Some other man-code that you need to be aware of are the statements that you’re never quite sure if they’re good or bad. These are the things said by the men who you should be staying away from but are making excuses for because you really want to believe he’s a good guy. Check out some of these things he’ll say and what they really mean: He says: I would love to get married, but this just isn’t the right time in my life financially speaking. He means: It will never be the right time. I don’t want to marry you but am too much of a coward to admit it. He says: Things aren’t working out with her. I really wish she was more like you. He means: I want to have my cake and eat it and am hoping that by saying that; I will feel a little less guilty. He says: We’re not together anymore. We’re still living together because of financial reasons. He means: The same as above! He has no intention of leaving her but would really like to have you on the side. He says: I meant to call you but some stuff came up/I got busy/I lost track of time. He means: I wasn’t busy. I just didn’t feel like calling you. Decoding Guy-Speak Ever feel like you need a translator when talking to a guy? Now you've got one. Read on for common guy statements -- and their real meanings. Technically, you and your man both speak English. And certain phrases -- "Would you pass the salt?" "Do you know where the remote is?" -- can pass between you without ambiguity. But let's face it, the language of love can sometimes get confusing. We've compiled a list of some of men's most cryptic statements, as well as questions that will help you uncover the real deal. What He Says: "My home phone isn't working, so call me on my cell." What He Could Mean: "I don't want you calling my house." What You Should Ask: "Are you already in a relationship with someone else?" What He Says: "You have to be able to ride out these little corrections." What He Could Mean: "I lost everything in the stock market." What You Should Ask: "Do you consider yourself a gambler by nature?" What He Says: "My marriage is essentially over." What He Could Mean: "I want to have an affair." What You Should Ask: "Does your wife know this?" "Have you taken formal steps toward divorce?" What He Says: "Women are too picky." What He Could Mean: "Women don't like me." What You Should Ask: "Why didn't your last relationships work out?" What He Says: "I'll have to check my schedule for next Saturday." What He Could Mean: "I'm waiting to see if a better offer comes along." What You Should Ask: "Would you rather wait and get together when you're not so busy?" What He Says: "I'm afraid of commitment." What He Could Mean: "I'd like to continue sleeping with you, but not if it means I have to stop seeing other women." What You Should Ask: "Do you want to try and overcome this fear?" What He Says: "So it's me. I'm calling you." What He Could Mean: "I don't particularly want to talk, but I want to get credit for calling." What You Should Ask: "Would you rather talk another time?" or "I get the feeling that you're calling because you think that you should and not because you want to, is that true?" What He Says: "So my parents are having this barbecue, and I was wondering if you'd like to come." What He Could Mean: "I'm madly in love with you." What You Should Ask: "Have you told your parents about us?" What He Says: "That guy is a big phony." What He Could Mean: "I'm totally jealous that you were talking to that tall, handsome man at the party." (Author's Note: (Mariah here) This ALWAYS happens when I ignore guys, SO damn true) What You Should Ask: "Were you upset that I talked to him for so long?" What He Says: "It's not you, it's me." What He Could Mean: "It's you." What You Should Ask: "Have we been moving too fast?" or "Have you met someone else?" What He Says: "I'd like to cook you dinner at my place." What He Could Mean: "I'd like to dazzle you with what a caring, nurturing renaissance man I am, so that you'll have sex with me." What You Should Ask: "How important is emotional involvement to you prior to being sexual?" What He Says: "I need some space." What He Could Mean: "I'm about to break up with you" or "I've realized that I'm crazy about you and it's freaking me out." What You Should Ask: Nothing. Give him his space, and let him figure it out. What He Says: "My children are very important to me, and I need to be with a woman who understands that." What He Could Mean: "My children are my first priority." What You Should Ask: "Can you imagine a woman being your top priority while you're still raising your children?" What He Says: "You're not a feminist, are you?" What He Could Mean: "I'm threatened by the fact that you don't act like a complete doormat." What You Should Ask: "Do you have a problem with independent women?" What He Says: "You remind me of that girl from Sex and the City." What He Could Mean: "... and I'm really hoping you share her same liberal attitude about casual sex." What You Should Ask: "What do you think of that character?" What He Says: "How long ago was your last relationship?" What He Could Mean: "Please give me your entire relationship resume, so I can determine if you're a worthy candidate." What You Should Ask: "Why is that important to you?" What He Says: "I just want to be friends." What He Could Mean: "I don't find you attractive anymore." (Author's note: (Mariah talkin here) "I never did to begin with") What You Should Ask: "Would you kindly remove your stuff from my apartment?" What He Says: "You look great in that dress." What He Could Mean: "The party started half an hour ago, can we please leave already?" What You Should Ask: "Are you just saying that to get me out the door?" He's Just Not That Into You anyone? Bueller? I don't buy EVERYthing articles these days say about relationships but for the most part I do agree men, MOST men show their actions more than practice what they preach. The calling excuse is classic. NO man is ever that busy if he likes someone to call them up. And the just be friends comment. Guys ride the wheels til they fall off on those. |
I'm just waiting for some guy to come on here and try to explain these away. Let me get the popcorn, we'll need plenty.
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Mon 02/13/12 08:57 PM
And just to phuck with the guys somemo', I give you...more quotes and meanings...
Dating What he's saying: "We should hang-out sometimes." What he means: "I think you're hot and I want to ask you out, but I'm afraid you'll say no." What he's saying: "You're really a good person." What he means: "I'm sorry, babe but you're not going to see me again." What he's saying: "Let's be friends." What he means: "You are not really my type, but I really think your friend is hot, can you hook me up?" What he's saying: "I'll call you." What he means: "I may or may not call you at some point between two days and two months from now." What he's saying: "My ex is just way crazy." What he means: "I really messed her up bad, and she is really upset." What he's saying: "We should date exclusively." What he means: "I'm afraid that if I don't say that, you'll date someone else." What he's saying: "That guy seems to be a good friend of yours." What he means: "Was there a thing between you and him?" Something Sex- Related What he's saying: "Isn't this our third date?" or "Is it just me or is it hot/ cold outside" or "What time do you usually wake up in the morning?" or "Do you really believe what they say about oysters?" Real message: "I WANT SEX!" What he's saying: (In the middle of a sexual act) "I love you" Real message: "I love that thing you do with your tongue/finger/body right now." (Author's Note: (Mariah here) Tehehe) What he's saying: (after the sex) "I'd really love to show you the place where I grew- up in." Real message: "Are you comparing me to your ex?" Relationship Issues: What he says: "I really like you." Real message: "I love you." What he says: "I think we need to slow down." Real message: "You need to slow down, girl." What he says: "I'm confused now. I'm not sure what I want." Real message: "I don't want you." What he says: "I need some space." Real message: "I want to break-up with you, but I don't know how." What he says: "I love you." Real message: "I think you're the ONE." *waits for the guys with Bravalady* ![]() |
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Mon 02/13/12 09:00 PM
yes again
one exception this time this one - here I copied yours and then put MY interpretation (based on VASTER than VAST amounts of experience) under your interp What he's saying: "We should hang-out sometimes." What he means: "I think you're hot and I want to ask you out, but I'm afraid you'll say no." < accourding to mariah What he means: accourding to Sweetest: I Wanna Get Laid but I don't Wanna Hafta to try to be your boyfriend/be responsilbe to you/ make any kind of commitment/ pay for a date to get some I know I know waaaaaaaay to jaded ![]() |
Oh I def like your answer better, explains mo for sure. These I didn't write though.
Lol. Good stuff. You do realize that most of the 'man code' here only exists because most men are direct and blunt by nature, and most women prefer to dress the message up with subtlety and emotional context. Basically, man-speak only exists because woman-speak did first.
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Guys hurt mah head man. Its important to know these things before the worst of the worst happens. I'd rather have someone totally honest and upfront about what he wants. Though its hard to do this and take into consideration others' feelings, if he's that type of guy that is.
I wonder if I am a select few or just weird being I tell it like it is and say what I mean without side tracking, beating around the bush or carding what others think. Don't like what I have to say too bad I'm going to tell you anyway LOL. For the most part though and I'm sure others will agree its all about honesty
If you need space say you need it, want to break up say such, want to take it a step further say such. Chocolate and honesty are women's best friends and if I'm wrong I'm wrong just don't smack me |
Guys hurt mah head man. Its important to know these things before the worst of the worst happens. I'd rather have someone totally honest and upfront about what he wants. Though its hard to do this and take into consideration others' feelings, if he's that type of guy that is. Story of my life. Sometimes I really wish I was a self-absorbed mindless douchebag like most guys so Nice girls would throw themselves at me. But since I was cursed with a conscience and a fully functioning sense of empathy, nice girls think I'm a *****. It's really just a vicious cycle that eventually turns everyone into a$$holes. ![]() |
Guys hurt mah head man. Its important to know these things before the worst of the worst happens. I'd rather have someone totally honest and upfront about what he wants. Though its hard to do this and take into consideration others' feelings, if he's that type of guy that is. Story of my life. Sometimes I really wish I was a self-absorbed mindless douchebag like most guys so Nice girls would throw themselves at me. But since I was cursed with a conscience and a fully functioning sense of empathy, nice girls think I'm a *****. It's really just a vicious cycle that eventually turns everyone into a$$holes. ![]() Ummm, yeah, what gives guys this notion that girls dig the baddies? Honestly, I hear it every which way I turn. Last I heard, well, this girl doesn't pi$$ in the wind and the such. Believe me when I say this is what I've come across in my area often and I always roll my eyes AND body to this behavior. I totally don't get why self-confessed nice guys still think girls go for vapid relationships...Loneliness? Fear of being trapped in their own thoughts? Just not me man. I'm not a fan of being teased or of weird/messed up head games. I truly don't care what your ex put you through. Excuses stop working eventually. |
Well it is interesting. I have been accused of alot of things in my life. Not speaking my mind is not one of them. Possibly to a fault....
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I guess it only applies to the close-minded.
I guess it only applies to the close-minded. I don't know about that. I think it has more to do with catching hell on the back side....I will give you an example. Say a chick is trying on clothes. Asking if her azz looks fat in these clothes. Should you stop her and say "Your azz looks just as fat in all those clothes". Of course not, a brother doesn't want to sleep on the couch an chit..... ![]() |
What he's saying: "My ex is just way crazy."
What he means: "I really messed her up bad, and she is really upset." All humorous but I found this one really stood out as the biggest joke lol |
I guess it only applies to the close-minded. I don't know about that. I think it has more to do with catching hell on the back side....I will give you an example. Say a chick is trying on clothes. Asking if her azz looks fat in these clothes. Should you stop her and say "Your azz looks just as fat in all those clothes". Of course not, a brother doesn't want to sleep on the couch an chit..... ![]() Haha, I'm not as sensitive as people think. When peeps jeer at me, I usually follow it back with a quip. That schitt doesn't bother me much. Maybe others...and yes I DO have a fat a$$, nothing I can do bout that. |
I guess it only applies to the close-minded. I don't know about that. I think it has more to do with catching hell on the back side....I will give you an example. Say a chick is trying on clothes. Asking if her azz looks fat in these clothes. Should you stop her and say "Your azz looks just as fat in all those clothes". Of course not, a brother doesn't want to sleep on the couch an chit..... ![]() Haha, I'm not as sensitive as people think. When peeps jeer at me, I usually follow it back with a quip. That schitt doesn't bother me much. Maybe others...and yes I DO have a fat a$$, nothing I can do bout that. Nothing wrong with a big booty. ![]() |
I guess it only applies to the close-minded. I don't know about that. I think it has more to do with catching hell on the back side....I will give you an example. Say a chick is trying on clothes. Asking if her azz looks fat in these clothes. Should you stop her and say "Your azz looks just as fat in all those clothes". Of course not, a brother doesn't want to sleep on the couch an chit..... ![]() Haha, I'm not as sensitive as people think. When peeps jeer at me, I usually follow it back with a quip. That schitt doesn't bother me much. Maybe others...and yes I DO have a fat a$$, nothing I can do bout that. Nothing wrong with a big booty. ![]() You can have it honestly. I wish I could give it to all the thin guys who always say they always had "trouble" putting on weight. ![]() |
I guess it only applies to the close-minded. I don't know about that. I think it has more to do with catching hell on the back side....I will give you an example. Say a chick is trying on clothes. Asking if her azz looks fat in these clothes. Should you stop her and say "Your azz looks just as fat in all those clothes". Of course not, a brother doesn't want to sleep on the couch an chit..... ![]() Haha, I'm not as sensitive as people think. When peeps jeer at me, I usually follow it back with a quip. That schitt doesn't bother me much. Maybe others...and yes I DO have a fat a$$, nothing I can do bout that. Exactly my point. Never said anything about a fat azz. Just that your clothes aren't going to make it any smaller.... ![]() |
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Tue 02/14/12 09:37 AM
I truly find it amazing that we as humans can even function. We call ourselves adults but can't just say bluntly how we feel? Its not a wonder relationships don't last. Why do men or women need a code to talk to the opposite sex? Seems rather chilish to me.
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