Topic: Living the Godly life | |
Life is not easy trying to live a good life. You've got all sort of temptations from neighbours, the internet, on the tv can we forsake all and follow christ? How can we overcome serious temptations?
Life is not easy trying to live a good life. You've got all sort of temptations from neighbours, the internet, on the tv can we forsake all and follow christ? How can we overcome serious temptations? Just stay strong my brother. And keep in mind for every action, weather you think it's sinful or not if Jesus would or wouldn't do it and or allow us to do it. Keep Jesus in your heart and mind 24/7 and never put him in the back of your mind. Keep your focus on him in all the things you do. |
Overcome temptation,forsake all. I think we make too much of living a good life into a war. "Quote". There are onlÝ 2 true emotions; love and fear. All that is fear can not be love; all that is love can not be fear. Approach all things with a good state of mind. Walking away from someone or something isn't fear, its love of self if you feel its the right thing to do. Try to always be happy,fallow the golden rule, and don't let the meems we have been given cloud your judgement. God wants us to be happy, not in a state of self defense against "sin".
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Fri 02/03/12 10:38 AM
Actually on our own strength we can't ..but on GOD'S
strength we CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST ... GOD is the One working IN us and THRU us...NOT us......we FAIL miserably when WE are trying to do it ...instead of allowing God to work THRU us and IN us, while we simply YIELD to HIS WILL.... we are to simply YIELD... WHEN we YIELD to God , we find His Yoke is EASY ( and NOT hard at all) and His Burden is LIGHT.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 02/03/12 11:39 AM
"What does it mean when Jesus says 'my yoke is easy and
my burden is light' (Matthew 11:30)?" The phrase “my yoke is easy and my burden is light” is part of a larger passage (Matthew 11:28-30), in which Jesus tells all who are weary and burdened to come to Him for rest. He isn’t speaking here of physical burdens. Rather, it was the heavy burden of the system of works that the Pharisees laid on the backs of the people that Jesus was offering to relieve. Later on in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus will rebuke the Pharisees for laying heavy burdens on the shoulders of the people (Matthew 23:4). The “yoke of the Pharisees” is the burdensome yoke of self- righteousness and legalistic law-keeping. It has been said by biblical scholars that the Pharisees had added over 600 regulations regarding what qualified as ‘working’ on the Sabbath. That is a heavy burden! Recall the story of the lawyer who asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment of the Law (Matthew 22:36). You can almost read between the lines of the man’s question – “What law, of all the laws we have, do I absolutely have to keep?” Jesus was saying that any kind of law-keeping is burdensome and amounts to a “heavy yoke” of oppression because no amount of law- keeping can bridge the gap between our sinfulness and God’s holiness. God says through the mouth of the prophet Isaiah that all of our righteous deeds are like a “polluted garment,” and Paul reiterated to the Romans that “no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law” (Romans 3:20). The GOOD NEWS is that JESUS PROMISES to ALL WHO COME TO HIM that He will give them REST from the heavy burden of TRYING to EARN our way into heaven , and REST from the oppressive yoke of self-righteousness and legalism. Jesus encourages those who are “heavy laden” to take His yoke upon them and in so doing they will find REST for their souls. The yoke of Jesus is light and easy to carry because it is the yoke of REPENTANCE AND FAITH followed by a singular COMMITMENT TO FOLLOW HIM. As the Apostle John says, “For this is the LOVE OF GOD , that WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. And His commandments are NOT burdensome” (1 John 5:3). This is what Jesus says in v. 30. His yoke is easy and his burden light. Now, we might think that there is really no difference between the commandments of Jesus and the Jewish Law. Isn’t the same God responsible for both? Technically speaking, yes. If anything, one might argue that the commands of Jesus are even more burdensome because His reformulation of the Mosaic Law in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7) actually goes above and beyond a mere outward conformity to the Law and deals instead with the INNER person. What makes Jesus’ yoke easy and his burden light is that in Jesus’ own active obedience (i.e., his perfect fulfillment of the Law of God), He CARRIED THE BURDEN that we were meant to carry. His perfect obedience is applied (imputed) to us through faith, just as His righteousness was exchanged for our sin at the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21). Our OEDIENCE to Jesus then becomes our “spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1). Furthermore, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit who WORKS IN OUR LIVES TO MOLD US INTO THE IMAGE OF CHRIST , thereby making the yoke of Jesus EASY and His burden LIGHT. The life LIVED BY FAITH is a much lighter yoke and a much easier burden to carry than the heavy and burdensome yoke of self-righteousness under which we continually strive to make ourselves acceptable to God through works. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 02/03/12 01:39 PM
The thing is....when we are BORN AGAIN, we WANT to
please God now, becasue of the NEW NATURE in us... In other words..... IT IS NOT A MATTER OF HAVING TO PLEASE GOD , OR ELSE.....NO......WHEN WE ARE BORN AGAIN,WE WANT TO PLEASE GOD NOW.... BECAUSE THE LOVE OF GOD IS IN US NOW.... WE WANT TO PLEASE GOD OUT OF LOVE FOR GOD NOW. BUT..... our old flesh and our old stinking thinking was NOT born again...just our SPIRIT was born again. ONLY Our SPIRIT is now brand spanking new!! But our flesh wasn't made new(not yet til we are ressurrected)....and therefore, needs to be PUT UNDER SUBJECTION to the HOLY SPIRIT.... and that is OUR job to do... God WON'T do it for us or force us to. But God WILL CHASTISE US !!!! Ouch!!! ![]() But also, since we ARE born again now, we will GRIEVE the Holy Spirit in us, IF we DON'T OBEY!! But since we are BORN OF GOD NOW,, we will NOT WANT to GRIEVE the HOLY SPRIT INDWELLING US..instead, we will RUN TO GOD WEEPING AND WANTING TO GET RIGHT WITH GOD ,if and when we slip up(which we will all still do sometimes, because we are all NOT perfect yet, just saved)!!! Amen? ![]() AND BTW....THAT IS ONE OF THE THE PROOFS THAT WE ARE BORN AGAIN...AND THAT IS ,WHEN WE SLIP UP AND SIN, WE WILL NOT STAY IN THAT SIN !!! WE MAY STILL SLIP UP ,BUT WE WILL NOT WILLINGLY WANT TO DISPLEASE GOD ....NOT IF WE ARE BORN AGAIN, THAT IS. And ALSO....we WILL STAY in GOD'S WORD ....BUT...IF we should STRAY , we Will NOT STRAY from God's Word for long!!! (BUT,if some continue to stray and are rebellious children ? Again, God WILL CHASTISE his kids!!!! ) Again....HOW DO WE OVERCOME the flesh? By Meditating on God's Word day and Night , instead of focusing on the desires of the flesh. Thus, by doing this, we CRUCIFY the lusts of the flesh. We OVERCOME the lusts of the flesh, By Fixing our eyes on Jesus BY STAYING in HIS WORD...and by staying filled up with the Holy Spirit...WHILE GOD IS THE ONE STRENGTHENING US and working IN us and THRU us...thus making our spirit man strong and the flesh weak..until the desires of the flesh are crucified completely. Also...HOW doe we change our old stinkin thinking? BY RENEWING OUR MINDS DAILY WITH THE WORD OF GOD. We DIE DAILY...and eventually, by staying in God's Word, we are able to overcome the temptations of the flesh entirelty... and also , by daily meditating on God's Word(putting on the MIND OF CHRIST ),are we able NOW to think the thoughts that are well pleasing to God. When we fix our eyes on Jesus( by staying in God's Word, for God IS the Word), everthing else that tries to tempt us away from God, then just seems to fall away. And we find sweet REST in Jesus our Lord ...and when we find that REST in Him , we also find that we struggle no more. Amen. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
you have to chose for your self... it is either you hold on to the world or you leave world and hold on the Lord
you have to chose for your self... it is either you hold on to the world or you leave world and hold on the Lord True, and that is what we will be judged on. The actions we did or didn't take. We become "lead" by the spirit this much is true. But when we become born again, yes we do become a new creature, but we do not become perfect. We become perfect in God's eyes for we are cleansed of our sins, but we still don't make perfect choice of actions. And is what we will be judged on. I don't prefer to use the term "saved". For none of us know who will or won't abode in the kingdom of God. Yes, you know when you are a child of God, but you know not the judgment one will receive come judgement time. I personally do not know of one person that will either be in Heaven or will not. I have hope to be in Heaven one day, but there is absolutely no way to know for sure 100%. For Jesus will come to "judge" us. He's not coming to specifically punish us or particularly reward us, not first hand anywho. We will be judged, then rewarded as we deserve eg., either punishment of eternal death or reward of eternal life. |
Thanks people. I jst needed an assurance of faith to pull through this evil world. I doubt if Sodom and Gomorah were as half as sinful as this present generation. May God keep us in the right path by His grace. Amen
Thanks people. I jst needed an assurance of faith to pull through this evil world. I doubt if Sodom and Gomorah were as half as sinful as this present generation. May God keep us in the right path by His grace. Amen have you recieve the Holyghost? |