no photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:07 PM

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:08 PM

C'mon peeps... put chit in context.
Quit bein' haughty.

Maybe people have a reason to be haughty? Let's see, shall we?

I've 160+ IQ and realize that I don't know crap about the world.

I just have to ask, when did people start bragging about their IQ scores? Seems a bit haughty to me.

His views come from his experiences... that's a standard.

Really? I beg to differ. His views are most likely cultural. Regardless, he is on the internet to post this thread, couldn't he also google "Albinism" and find out that they are just people who have a defective gene or two?

So if some fella has views about albinos... find out why he
believes what he believes... then work your lofty ideals into his understanding.

Treating albinos like normal people is a "lofty ideal"? Maybe to a Nazi, but not to the average Joe on the street.

This dude's no A-hole... just another person.
Ease up.

I don't know if he's an a-hole or not. I have know lots of people who were a-holes. Heck, I look at an a-hole in the mirror every time I brush my teeth. I'll reserve my ruling on the a-hole matter until I have further evidence.

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:12 PM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Thu 02/02/12 02:19 PM
"Maybe to a Nazi"....Im glad I am not average.:wink:

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:30 PM

C'mon peeps... put chit in context.
Quit bein' haughty.

I've 160+ IQ and realize that I don't know crap about the world.
His views come from his experiences... that's a standard.
So if some fella has views about albinos... find out why he
believes what he believes... then work your lofty ideals into his understanding.
This dude's no A-hole... just another person.
Ease up.

Perhaps you should take your own advice sometimes.

If you'd like to think the guy is great for believing superstitions about albinos and not liking them because of that, go for it.

Teditis's photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:32 PM

C'mon peeps... put chit in context.
Quit bein' haughty.

I've 160+ IQ and realize that I don't know crap about the world.
His views come from his experiences... that's a standard.
So if some fella has views about albinos... find out why he
believes what he believes... then work your lofty ideals into his understanding.
This dude's no A-hole... just another person.
Ease up.

Perhaps you should take your own advice sometimes.

If you'd like to think the guy is great for believing superstitions about albinos and not liking them because of that, go for it.

The dude ain't from the ALL-Knowing, western society.

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:34 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Thu 02/02/12 02:52 PM
It's a good thing we don't allow anyone outside of the USA access to the Internet or they would discover all of our secrets, like Albinos aren't witches.

Seakolony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:34 PM

they also smell and dont see properly in the daytime, they only see very well @ night

I see, I haven't come to see Albino's that way in the United States....nor do we see them as having demons. They are human beings as any other human being. I am not sure of the eye sight thing.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:48 PM
Leave the personal attacks and insults OFF of the forums. Everyone has a right to their opinions on this topic without the insults. Please respect each others opinions and debate the topic in a civil manner.


Conrad_73's photo
Thu 02/02/12 02:58 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 02/02/12 02:58 PM

I think the question has merit!

In African countries such as Tanzania[15] and Burundi,[16][17] there has been an unprecedented rise in witchcraft-related killings of albino people in recent years, because their body parts are used in potions sold by witchdoctors. Numerous authenticated incidents have occurred in Africa during the 21st Century.[18][19][20][21] For example, in Tanzania, in September 2009, three men were convicted of killing a 14-year-old albino boy and severing his legs in order to sell them for witchcraft purposes.[22] Again in Tanzania and Burundi in 2010, the murder and dismemberment of a kidnapped albino child was reported from the courts,[16] as part of a continuing problem.

Another harmful and false belief is that sex with an albinistic woman will cure a man of HIV. This has led, for example in Zimbabwe, to rapes (and subsequent HIV infection).[23]WIKI
Some of the visual problems associated with albinism arise from a poorly developed retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) due to the lack of melanin.[citation needed] This degenerate RPE causes foveal hypoplasia (a failure in the development of normal foveae), which results in eccentric fixation and lower visual acuity, and often a minor level of strabismus.

The iris is a sphincter formed from pigmented tissue that contracts when the eye is exposed to bright light, to protect the retina by limiting the amount of light passing through the pupil. In low light conditions the iris relaxes to allow more light to enter the eye. In albinistic subjects, the iris does not have enough pigment to block the light, thus the decrease in pupil diameter is only partially successful in reducing the amount of light entering the eye.[citation needed] Additionally, the improper development of the RPE, which in normal eyes absorbs most of the reflected sunlight, further increases glare due to light scattering within the eye.[9] The resulting sensitivity (photophobia) generally leads to discomfort in bright light, but this can be reduced by the use of sunglasses and/or brimmed hats.[10]

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 03:40 PM

C'mon peeps... put chit in context.
Quit bein' haughty.

I've 160+ IQ and realize that I don't know crap about the world.
His views come from his experiences... that's a standard.
So if some fella has views about albinos... find out why he
believes what he believes... then work your lofty ideals into his understanding.
This dude's no A-hole... just another person.
Ease up.


We had an albino colt once. I wouldn't date her, but she was absolutely beautiful. happy

I wouldn't not date an Albino person just because they were Albino either.

whobedat's photo
Thu 02/02/12 03:41 PM
we are here to learn cos its a continous process and people are here passing out insultive comments, anyway that is a perspective and general belief from the african point of view, take it or leave it. i know the caue of ALBINISM, and the varieties. I do my research on the net before posting, and also juggling it with REALITIES, so enough of SHALLOW THINKING.

Seakolony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 03:56 PM
Fun fact: Albino Dolphins are pink......I think that is really sister works for harbor branch and sent me pictures once....

bastet126's photo
Thu 02/02/12 04:30 PM
ooOoo... i'd like to see a pink dolphin!! ((hi sea!! flowerforyou ))

i'd date johnny or edgar winter :) so yeah, i'd say it is as proper.

Teditis's photo
Thu 02/02/12 04:36 PM

we are here to learn cos its a continous process and people are here passing out insultive comments, anyway that is a perspective and general belief from the african point of view, take it or leave it. i know the caue of ALBINISM, and the varieties. I do my research on the net before posting, and also juggling it with REALITIES, so enough of SHALLOW THINKING.

Stay strong my man...
you've nothing to be ashamed of.

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 04:46 PM
they also smell and dont see properly in the daytime, they only see very well @ night

Their vision is no better than yours at night, it's just that daylight is painful to their eyes.

Their smell would be influenced by their hygiene, not their albinism. Perhaps they have other things on their mind besides hygiene, like the fact that their neighbors want to kill them because their cow got sick.

Spider is correct. I know of no reason albinism would affect body odor, and am curious if there are any.

because of the african superstitous belief that ALBINOS are spirits or demons?

Albinos are no more spirits or demons than you are. Simply having this ignorant belief is a validation of a horrible form of prejudice.

You can make the world a better place by speaking out against this ignorant superstition, and the disgusting rapes and murders that happen because of it.

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 04:49 PM

we are here to learn cos its a continous process and people are here passing out insultive comments, anyway that is a perspective and general belief from the african point of view, take it or leave it. i know the caue of ALBINISM, and the varieties. I do my research on the net before posting, and also juggling it with REALITIES, so enough of SHALLOW THINKING.

I only skimmed the comments, but I didn't notice anyone insulting you.

I did see people criticizing certain beliefs.

Please don't take anything I say as a personal attack. Its not directed at you. I know there are people out there that think murdering and eating an albino can cure them of disease. Its disgusting.

It is pure ignorance to think that raping an albino will cure someone of aids.

Teditis's photo
Thu 02/02/12 05:01 PM
Edited by Teditis on Thu 02/02/12 05:04 PM

they also smell and dont see properly in the daytime, they only see very well @ night

Their vision is no better than yours at night, it's just that daylight is painful to their eyes.

Their smell would be influenced by their hygiene, not their albinism. Perhaps they have other things on their mind besides hygiene, like the fact that their neighbors want to kill them because their cow got sick.

Spider is correct. I know of no reason albinism would affect body odor, and am curious if there are any.

because of the african superstitous belief that ALBINOS are spirits or demons?

Albinos are no more spirits or demons than you are. Simply having this ignorant belief is a validation of a horrible form of prejudice.

You can make the world a better place by speaking out against this ignorant superstition, and the disgusting rapes and murders that happen because of it.

That's your biased point of view... Africans have POV's too.
Who are you to say one is better than the other?

Seakolony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 05:10 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Thu 02/02/12 05:21 PM

ooOoo... i'd like to see a pink dolphin!! ((hi sea!! flowerforyou ))

i'd date johnny or edgar winter :) so yeah, i'd say it is as proper.

no photo
Thu 02/02/12 05:30 PM

That's your biased point of view... Africans have POV's too.
Who are you to say one is better than the other?

The Western POV is that it isn't okay to kill people unless that person poses an immediate danger to your own life. So pretty much anyone with a sense of decency and justice should say the Western POV is better.

The Western POV is that it is never okay to rape a women. Even if she's an albino or an infant and you think that raping her might cure your AIDS. Anyone who respects women would say the Western POV is better.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/02/12 05:39 PM
I had an albino cousin. He didnt 'smell bad' at all. The biological cause for albinism is in no way connected to the biological reasons for body odor.