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Topic: How long have you been on Mingle?
no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:02 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 02/01/12 07:02 PM

How long have you been on Mingle?

Phuque2's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:07 PM
I was here in early 2007 as Mikesfunfarm, then changed my name to Phuque in 2008. Damn, thats a long time. Were are the wimins???

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:07 PM
On and off since 2007, when it was originally "".

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:07 PM
Over 5 years now.....!

No, I do not have a life....!


Phuque2's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:12 PM
Edited by Phuque2 on Wed 02/01/12 07:12 PM
But you can write a mean comic bookbigsmile

Fire2Burn's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:17 PM
A year ago with less than 2days ago..i met 2 gr8 friendz N my girl along tha path way..

justme659's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:18 PM
It seems like a life time ago.

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:22 PM
dang had so many names can't remember that far back lol but since 2007

josie68's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:23 PM
Just over a year ago..

:smile: :wink:

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:30 PM

But you can write a mean comic bookbigsmile

Yes, I am quite cape-able of that!

styk's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:32 PM
i also got no life. i been here on and off since 2007 when it was justsayhi but have changed my screen name twice, origanaly i was littike

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:33 PM
you do the math.

styk's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:35 PM
i mean i was littleike

amaraii's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:56 PM
since summer:banana: :banana: :banana:

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:00 PM
Not long. I have a life and just come for funsies. And to pass time till I get sleepy.

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 09:14 PM
3 years 3months 3 weeks 3 days 3 hours and 4 minutes.....ohwell

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Wed 02/01/12 09:18 PM

3 years 3months 3 weeks 3 days 3 hours and 4 minutes.....ohwell
u like the number 3 huh lol

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 09:25 PM
whoa I have been on here,,since the first day it became Mingle,,and back to when it was first beginning,,as Just Say Hi.

whoa spock I have seen 20,000 people,,pass through here,,and spoken to about,,ten percent. In the going on six years now, I have called this place my HOME.....shocked

Every TOPIC a PERSON COULD THINK TO POST,,I've ALREADY READ, ANSWERED, and SAW IT POSTED, from two times to twenty times each,on here..

I FEEL,,Like Grandpa Mingle.whoa slaphead rofl

vthepoet's photo
Wed 02/01/12 09:42 PM
herro. ;-P

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 09:57 PM
Edited by iam4u on Wed 02/01/12 09:57 PM
Every TOPIC a PERSON COULD THINK TO POST,,I've ALREADY READ, ANSWERED, and SAW IT POSTED, from two times to twenty times each,on here..

I FEEL,,Like Grandpa Mingle.whoa slaphead rofl

huh Yeahhh,,LIFE is so COOL,,,,,tears drinker

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