Topic: President Frauds court case
InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:33 AM

he was no more a foreigner than my daughter is,,,Im born and raised here and she came here born through me,,,how can a government say she is not 'natural born',,,,,,

its quite insulting and ridiculous

The government isn't saying it.

As far as citizenship is concerned being born to one American citizen even if abroad, the child is a citizen.

That is crystal clear..

so explain, if he is a citizen

and not foreign, nor alien, nor naturalized,,,what kind of citizenship is left,,,?

natural born?

As far as I am concerned, when he was born to an American mother that was a US citizen he was a citizen regardless of where it took place.

The ambiguity in this whole thing is the interpretation of the requirements to be president.

If someone who is born in the US to non citizen parents they are considered a citizen, but they are not allowed to run for president.

There was clear debate on this by the founders and they specifically said that allegiance was a consideration.

It was an interesting debate and it basically foresaw a Manchurian candidate type that would meet basic requirements, but would govern not within American interests, but with interest towards an outside allegiance.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:36 AM

he was no more a foreigner than my daughter is,,,Im born and raised here and she came here born through me,,,how can a government say she is not 'natural born',,,,,,

its quite insulting and ridiculous

The government isn't saying it.

As far as citizenship is concerned being born to one American citizen even if abroad, the child is a citizen.

That is crystal clear..

so explain, if he is a citizen

and not foreign, nor alien, nor naturalized,,,what kind of citizenship is left,,,?

natural born?

As far as I am concerned, when he was born to an American mother that was a US citizen he was a citizen regardless of where it took place.

The ambiguity in this whole thing is the interpretation of the requirements to be president.

If someone who is born in the US to non citizen parents they are considered a citizen, but they are not allowed to run for president.

There was clear debate on this by the founders and they specifically said that allegiance was a consideration.

It was an interesting debate and it basically foresaw a Manchurian candidate type that would meet basic requirements, but would govern not within American interests, but with interest towards an outside allegiance.

again, a logical interpretation of allegiance would be based more in where someone grew up and contributed than where their parents(particilarly those who abandonded them) chose to do so,,,,

as his mother was born and raised here, and he was born and raised here by grandparents, I dont think anyone can honestly or logically make a valid argument about 'allegiance'

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:41 AM

he was no more a foreigner than my daughter is,,,Im born and raised here and she came here born through me,,,how can a government say she is not 'natural born',,,,,,

its quite insulting and ridiculous

The government isn't saying it.

As far as citizenship is concerned being born to one American citizen even if abroad, the child is a citizen.

That is crystal clear..

so explain, if he is a citizen

and not foreign, nor alien, nor naturalized,,,what kind of citizenship is left,,,?

natural born?

As far as I am concerned, when he was born to an American mother that was a US citizen he was a citizen regardless of where it took place.

The ambiguity in this whole thing is the interpretation of the requirements to be president.

If someone who is born in the US to non citizen parents they are considered a citizen, but they are not allowed to run for president.

There was clear debate on this by the founders and they specifically said that allegiance was a consideration.

It was an interesting debate and it basically foresaw a Manchurian candidate type that would meet basic requirements, but would govern not within American interests, but with interest towards an outside allegiance.

It's not even that with Obama though they are claiming his BC is in fact a fake and his SS card fraudulent and issued to someone born in 1890

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:42 AM

he was no more a foreigner than my daughter is,,,Im born and raised here and she came here born through me,,,how can a government say she is not 'natural born',,,,,,

its quite insulting and ridiculous

The government isn't saying it.

As far as citizenship is concerned being born to one American citizen even if abroad, the child is a citizen.

That is crystal clear..

so explain, if he is a citizen

and not foreign, nor alien, nor naturalized,,,what kind of citizenship is left,,,?

natural born?

As far as I am concerned, when he was born to an American mother that was a US citizen he was a citizen regardless of where it took place.

The ambiguity in this whole thing is the interpretation of the requirements to be president.

If someone who is born in the US to non citizen parents they are considered a citizen, but they are not allowed to run for president.

There was clear debate on this by the founders and they specifically said that allegiance was a consideration.

It was an interesting debate and it basically foresaw a Manchurian candidate type that would meet basic requirements, but would govern not within American interests, but with interest towards an outside allegiance.

It's not even that with Obama though they are claiming his BC is in fact a fake and his SS card fraudulent and issued to someone born in 1890

they are using whatever they can,, they threw in the bc and ss card, which has already been shot down in other courts

and they have now targeted the 'natural born' question

InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:45 AM

he was no more a foreigner than my daughter is,,,Im born and raised here and she came here born through me,,,how can a government say she is not 'natural born',,,,,,

its quite insulting and ridiculous

The government isn't saying it.

As far as citizenship is concerned being born to one American citizen even if abroad, the child is a citizen.

That is crystal clear..

so explain, if he is a citizen

and not foreign, nor alien, nor naturalized,,,what kind of citizenship is left,,,?

natural born?

As far as I am concerned, when he was born to an American mother that was a US citizen he was a citizen regardless of where it took place.

The ambiguity in this whole thing is the interpretation of the requirements to be president.

If someone who is born in the US to non citizen parents they are considered a citizen, but they are not allowed to run for president.

There was clear debate on this by the founders and they specifically said that allegiance was a consideration.

It was an interesting debate and it basically foresaw a Manchurian candidate type that would meet basic requirements, but would govern not within American interests, but with interest towards an outside allegiance.

again, a logical interpretation of allegiance would be based more in where someone grew up and contributed than where their parents(particilarly those who abandonded them) chose to do so,,,,

as his mother was born and raised here, and he was born and raised here by grandparents, I dont think anyone can honestly or logically make a valid argument about 'allegiance'

What is really honest about politics?

Could someone that had no axe to grind look at his time in Indonesia and make a valid query into what his status at that time was?

Was he a dual citizen?

I think its a fair question, but is it relevant as to whether he meets the threshold to be president?

I doubt it, unless his citizenship was renounced and I see no evidence of that.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:46 AM

he was no more a foreigner than my daughter is,,,Im born and raised here and she came here born through me,,,how can a government say she is not 'natural born',,,,,,

its quite insulting and ridiculous

The government isn't saying it.

As far as citizenship is concerned being born to one American citizen even if abroad, the child is a citizen.

That is crystal clear..

so explain, if he is a citizen

and not foreign, nor alien, nor naturalized,,,what kind of citizenship is left,,,?

natural born?

As far as I am concerned, when he was born to an American mother that was a US citizen he was a citizen regardless of where it took place.

The ambiguity in this whole thing is the interpretation of the requirements to be president.

If someone who is born in the US to non citizen parents they are considered a citizen, but they are not allowed to run for president.

There was clear debate on this by the founders and they specifically said that allegiance was a consideration.

It was an interesting debate and it basically foresaw a Manchurian candidate type that would meet basic requirements, but would govern not within American interests, but with interest towards an outside allegiance.

It's not even that with Obama though they are claiming his BC is in fact a fake and his SS card fraudulent and issued to someone born in 1890

they are using whatever they can,, they threw in the bc and ss card, which has already been shot down in other courts

and they have now targeted the 'natural born' question

State Licensed PI takes the stand. She was hired to look into Obama's
> background and found a Social Security number for him from 1977.
> Professional opinion given that this number was fraudulent. The number used
> or attached to Obama in 1977, shows that Obama was born in the 1890. This
> shows that the number was originally assigned to someone else who was indeed
> born in 1890 and should never have been used by Obama. Same SS number
> came up with addresses in IL, D.C. and MA.

This is part of their case.....they also are stating the numbering order and stating the BC was photo shopped and they have more than on BC for the President. It could be enough for this state to not allow him on the ballot. There are other states with cases pending though.......and if the States start to not allow him on the ballot he may not be able to run or get enough electoral votes.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:50 AM
some interesting points are being raised here.

Standing in eligibility challenges

Several courts have ruled that private citizens do not have standing to challenge the eligibility of candidates to appear on a presidential election ballot.[33] Alternatively, there is a statutory method by which the eligibility of the president-elect of the United States to take office may be challenged in Congress.[34]

Some legal scholars assert that, even if eligibility challenges are nonjusticiable in federal courts, and are not undertaken in Congress, there are other avenues for adjudication, such as an action in state court in regard to ballot access.[35]

seems that's how it is handled at present!
Gonna be interesting!

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:52 AM

some interesting points are being raised here.

Standing in eligibility challenges

Several courts have ruled that private citizens do not have standing to challenge the eligibility of candidates to appear on a presidential election ballot.[33] Alternatively, there is a statutory method by which the eligibility of the president-elect of the United States to take office may be challenged in Congress.[34]

Some legal scholars assert that, even if eligibility challenges are nonjusticiable in federal courts, and are not undertaken in Congress, there are other avenues for adjudication, such as an action in state court in regard to ballot access.[35]

seems that's how it is handled at present!
Gonna be interesting!

I agree.....Earth shattering interesting

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 07:54 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 01/30/12 07:55 AM
it will all be BS,,,'professionals' attest all the time to seperate opinions and opposite opinions

there will be no real 'proof' of any fraud

the question of 'natural born' will be the only question and being raised a tad bit late, but very significant to voters like me who have children of deadbeat foreign fathers and who have been born and raised here and given birth to children born and raised here

I know if they decide my child is not going to sit next to other american born children and know she is just as capable of 'being president someday'

Im out of here, and I will lose all faith in this country and its supposed equality,,,,

and I hope they throw this TAITZ fraud right out on her BEHIND,, dont know why it hasnt happened already with her history,,,,,,perhaps THATS The conspiracy,,,

InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:08 AM
the question of 'natural born' will be the only question and being raised a tad bit late, but very significant to voters like me who have children of deadbeat foreign fathers and who have been born and raised here and given birth to children born and raised here.

I think this works in Obama's favor and it takes away from what really should be looked at and that is his record in office.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:10 AM
I think voters should decide who they want, but apparently SOME people must be scared they MAY pick OBama,,,,

InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:21 AM

I think voters should decide who they want, but apparently SOME people must be scared they MAY pick OBama,,,,

It didn't work for Hillary and it won't work now..

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:23 AM

I think voters should decide who they want, but apparently SOME people must be scared they MAY pick OBama,,,,

It didn't work for Hillary and it won't work now..

using this case law, you may never know

after all, the case upheld the decision that a woman couldnt vote because voting isnt a 'right'

likewise , running for president isnt either,,,,sooo, presumably in the future we can disqualify at whim anyone but white males born to two us citizens,,,,

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:35 AM

I think voters should decide who they want, but apparently SOME people must be scared they MAY pick OBama,,,,

It didn't work for Hillary and it won't work now..

using this case law, you may never know

after all, the case upheld the decision that a woman couldnt vote because voting isnt a 'right'

likewise , running for president isnt either,,,,sooo, presumably in the future we can disqualify at whim anyone but white males born to two us citizens,,,,

likewise , running for president isnt either,,,,sooo, presumably in the future we can disqualify at whim anyone but persons born to two us citizens,,,,

InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:35 AM

I think voters should decide who they want, but apparently SOME people must be scared they MAY pick OBama,,,,

It didn't work for Hillary and it won't work now..

using this case law, you may never know

after all, the case upheld the decision that a woman couldnt vote because voting isnt a 'right'

likewise , running for president isnt either,,,,sooo, presumably in the future we can disqualify at whim anyone but white males born to two us citizens,,,,

In context, it was 1875 and the Reconstruction amendments were only a few years old.

There have been plenty of decisions since then that would not allow disqualification based on race or gender.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:38 AM

I'm sure when Fraud Hussein Obama is found ineligible he will just order martial law.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:39 AM

I'm sure when Fraud Hussein Obama is found ineligible he will just order martial law.

america will have bigger problems to deal with once they make themselves look so incompetent and/or bigoted,,,,to the rest of the world

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:43 AM

I'm sure when Fraud Hussein Obama is found ineligible he will just order martial law.

america will have bigger problems to deal with once they make themselves look so incompetent and/or bigoted,,,,to the rest of the world

Don't care about world opinion. The world depends on us for their survival to tune about a trillion dollars a year, **** em!

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:49 AM

I'm sure when Fraud Hussein Obama is found ineligible he will just order martial law.

america will have bigger problems to deal with once they make themselves look so incompetent and/or bigoted,,,,to the rest of the world

It wont look bigoted or incompetent but to have looked into something that has precedence. And even if, it goes against Obama, it will have to eventually go all the way to the Supreme Court for verification and interpretation before anything gets completed. This has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. But the legal right the office of the Presidency. Look at how many people were for Herman Cain before his past caught up with him.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/30/12 08:51 AM

I'm sure when Fraud Hussein Obama is found ineligible he will just order martial law.

america will have bigger problems to deal with once they make themselves look so incompetent and/or bigoted,,,,to the rest of the world

The rest of the world.. Has no real standing when it comes to incompetence or bigotry..