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Topic: They only want to abuse and denegrate the poor......
andrewzooms's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:07 PM

The rich get bailed out. The poor get bailed out.Always the working class that gets screwed in this Country.

To be fair they all need to piss in the cup.

Then we will truly know who is doing what and how we should handle them all, right?

Correct the pharmaceutical companies are making moneys by selling drugs at a high price. The poor are able to buy the drugs and sell them on the street for double the price.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:07 PM

Why shouldn't they? Everyone else has to take a test to go to work for their money. If everyone else has to be tested for a job(basically their income, why shouldn't everyone else be tested when applying for an income source (such as Food Benefits, Unemployment, Disability, Welfare, or any other financial support)? I don't see where anyone is singled out in this. I see where they are given special treatment from the rest of the income making world.

that is true - a lot of people do have to go through mandatory drug testing, but not all jobs require it....I think the idea that it has to be every month? I mean I see your point, but they will just stay clean till after the 1st

so my objection is more that it is a waste of resources

It wouldn't be every month they only do a re-certification every year now with a telephone interview, 6 months filling out a letter. If they did it it would be to start benefits. If they let their benefits lapse, and had to completely re-apply whose fault would that be. That would be like starting a new job again and re-testing for the new job.

Maybe where you live. It is a monthly process in most states. The MSR is the monthly report.

They couldn't manage it or support monthly testing. They don't have enough social workers to do 6 month recerts let alone monthly testing, be realistic as to what they would. Besides, to save money on hiring more Social Workers they have gone to accepting letters every other recert and telephone interviews non-in-person contact for the other 6 month review. Explain to me how they would free up employees, not to mention funds for monthly testing itself for everyone receiving benefits?

they wouldnt need new employees, they would contract it with the local labs to do the testing and send the results,,,

Right, lots of job creation and if we are fair with the nationwide, everyone, it will really create jobs. That would be a good thing and they could pee in the cup to get the job and then every month after that.

whoooweee lots of pee...lol

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:07 PM

Funny how the lawmakers themselves are the ones with the problem if the testing becomes directed at them.
This whole 30 year "war on drugs" is horrible anyway.

Our country has the highest incarceration rate in the ENTIRE WORLD!
We have more of our citizens locked up (per capita I am putting it in perspective here) than the entire planet!

TEST away...test the poor, but test all everyone who draws a check then too...be fair about it and don't single out the poor. Our mayors should also be tested, along with our governors, and all of our paid representatives....

The oppression of the poor needs to end.


Since we just had a thread and discussion on this topic...
I'll just say this young lady voices my thoughts on this

Seakolony's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:09 PM

Why shouldn't they? Everyone else has to take a test to go to work for their money. If everyone else has to be tested for a job(basically their income, why shouldn't everyone else be tested when applying for an income source (such as Food Benefits, Unemployment, Disability, Welfare, or any other financial support)? I don't see where anyone is singled out in this. I see where they are given special treatment from the rest of the income making world.

that is true - a lot of people do have to go through mandatory drug testing, but not all jobs require it....I think the idea that it has to be every month? I mean I see your point, but they will just stay clean till after the 1st

so my objection is more that it is a waste of resources

It wouldn't be every month they only do a re-certification every year now with a telephone interview, 6 months filling out a letter. If they did it it would be to start benefits. If they let their benefits lapse, and had to completely re-apply whose fault would that be. That would be like starting a new job again and re-testing for the new job.

Maybe where you live. It is a monthly process in most states. The MSR is the monthly report.

They couldn't manage it or support monthly testing. They don't have enough social workers to do 6 month recerts let alone monthly testing, be realistic as to what they would. Besides, to save money on hiring more Social Workers they have gone to accepting letters every other recert and telephone interviews non-in-person contact for the other 6 month review. Explain to me how they would free up employees, not to mention funds for monthly testing itself for everyone receiving benefits?

they wouldnt need new employees, they would contract it with the local labs to do the testing and send the results,,,

And they can't afford employees, so how are they going to afford that? They can't afford medicaid or medicare.....I still don't see them paying for monthly testing. I see once to to start benefits and once for those on and that's it if they do that.

andrewzooms's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:16 PM
NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.

The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs.

All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008. The most commonly-used drugs were:

• Statin drugs for older people
• Asthma drugs for children
• Antidepressants for middle-aged people
• Amphetamine stimulants for children

America has become a nation of druggies. The seniors are being drugged for nearly every symptom a doctor can find, children are being doped up with (legalized) speed, and middle-aged soccer moms are popping suicide pills (antidepressants).

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029664_prescription_drugs_Americans.html#ixzz1koUzUkVR

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:19 PM

Why shouldn't they? Everyone else has to take a test to go to work for their money. If everyone else has to be tested for a job(basically their income, why shouldn't everyone else be tested when applying for an income source (such as Food Benefits, Unemployment, Disability, Welfare, or any other financial support)? I don't see where anyone is singled out in this. I see where they are given special treatment from the rest of the income making world.

that is true - a lot of people do have to go through mandatory drug testing, but not all jobs require it....I think the idea that it has to be every month? I mean I see your point, but they will just stay clean till after the 1st

so my objection is more that it is a waste of resources

It wouldn't be every month they only do a re-certification every year now with a telephone interview, 6 months filling out a letter. If they did it it would be to start benefits. If they let their benefits lapse, and had to completely re-apply whose fault would that be. That would be like starting a new job again and re-testing for the new job.

Maybe where you live. It is a monthly process in most states. The MSR is the monthly report.

They couldn't manage it or support monthly testing. They don't have enough social workers to do 6 month recerts let alone monthly testing, be realistic as to what they would. Besides, to save money on hiring more Social Workers they have gone to accepting letters every other recert and telephone interviews non-in-person contact for the other 6 month review. Explain to me how they would free up employees, not to mention funds for monthly testing itself for everyone receiving benefits?

they wouldnt need new employees, they would contract it with the local labs to do the testing and send the results,,,

And they can't afford employees, so how are they going to afford that? They can't afford medicaid or medicare.....I still don't see them paying for monthly testing. I see once to to start benefits and once for those on and that's it if they do that.

yes, I agree

and I imagine anyone with logic skills who runs the numbers will find it to be a waste of money,,,,

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:21 PM
It is too funny to me (not) having lived in extremely poor neighborhoods for quite a few years now, the misconceptions those who do not live in poor neighborhoods have of the poor.

Most drug addicts can't even follow through on an application process. Having worked for Human Services for many years, I knew if I suspected drug use all I had to do was give them something they needed to do before they could get benefits. They didn't keep appts, they didn't turn in verification because they usually didn't have it, (druggies don't keep ID, social security cards, etc...) also they lie so much that they usually work themselves into a hole because I verified every story they told.

So there weren't many if any druggies on my caseload nor most anyone else's.

So it is a waste of government money to do drug testing all the way around.

Even the states who stupidly passed it are finding that there isn't any druggies to catch. Wasted time and money.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:23 PM

NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.

The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs.

All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008. The most commonly-used drugs were:

• Statin drugs for older people
• Asthma drugs for children
• Antidepressants for middle-aged people
• Amphetamine stimulants for children

America has become a nation of druggies. The seniors are being drugged for nearly every symptom a doctor can find, children are being doped up with (legalized) speed, and middle-aged soccer moms are popping suicide pills (antidepressants).

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029664_prescription_drugs_Americans.html#ixzz1koUzUkVR

Yes, because the government profits off of it!
Check out the strange bedfellows between the
lawmakers and big pharma

Seakolony's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:25 PM

NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.

The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs.

All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008. The most commonly-used drugs were:

• Statin drugs for older people
• Asthma drugs for children
• Antidepressants for middle-aged people
• Amphetamine stimulants for children

America has become a nation of druggies. The seniors are being drugged for nearly every symptom a doctor can find, children are being doped up with (legalized) speed, and middle-aged soccer moms are popping suicide pills (antidepressants).

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029664_prescription_drugs_Americans.html#ixzz1koUzUkVR

And guess what they are legal. Another thing you should know, the kids on ADHD medications. ADHD isn't knew, the kids previously undiagnosed self-medicated with illegals substances causing them more harm than good, as well as causing harm to society. I have one child on ADHD meds, and the other on meds for Epilepsy. My daughter never needed medications.

andrewzooms's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:29 PM

NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.

The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs.

All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008. The most commonly-used drugs were:

• Statin drugs for older people
• Asthma drugs for children
• Antidepressants for middle-aged people
• Amphetamine stimulants for children

America has become a nation of druggies. The seniors are being drugged for nearly every symptom a doctor can find, children are being doped up with (legalized) speed, and middle-aged soccer moms are popping suicide pills (antidepressants).

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029664_prescription_drugs_Americans.html#ixzz1koUzUkVR

Yes, because the government profits off of it!
Check out the strange bedfellows between the
lawmakers and big pharma

The Government. Say one thing and do another.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:35 PM

NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.

The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs.

All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008. The most commonly-used drugs were:

• Statin drugs for older people
• Asthma drugs for children
• Antidepressants for middle-aged people
• Amphetamine stimulants for children

America has become a nation of druggies. The seniors are being drugged for nearly every symptom a doctor can find, children are being doped up with (legalized) speed, and middle-aged soccer moms are popping suicide pills (antidepressants).

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029664_prescription_drugs_Americans.html#ixzz1koUzUkVR

Yes, because the government profits off of it!
Check out the strange bedfellows between the
lawmakers and big pharma

The Government. Say one thing and do another.

They don't care who's doing drugs..is good to keep society drugged and sleeping. This is just targeted at the poor....

andrewzooms's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:40 PM
Well thank goodness I am not on anything. It seems like I am the only one that never believes anything the government tells me.

no photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:41 PM
"There was an amendment offered today that required drug testing for legislators as well and it passed, which led me to have to then withdraw the bill," said Rep. Jud McMillin (R-Brookville), sponsor of the original welfare drug testing bill.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

That is just so funny! Its like the SOPA guy who was violating copyright on his website.

Oh, legislators!

no photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:44 PM

Really? Because every job I see nowadays require drug testing and background check as a contingency for employment. Every job.

Yes, several of the jobs I've had in my life required that I sign a form authorizing them to test me at their whim.

no photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:54 PM

Well thank goodness I am not on anything. It seems like I am the only one that never believes anything the government tells me.

ummmmm *raises hand*

can I be two?:wink:

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/28/12 07:56 PM

NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.

The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs.

All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008. The most commonly-used drugs were:

• Statin drugs for older people
• Asthma drugs for children
• Antidepressants for middle-aged people
• Amphetamine stimulants for children

America has become a nation of druggies. The seniors are being drugged for nearly every symptom a doctor can find, children are being doped up with (legalized) speed, and middle-aged soccer moms are popping suicide pills (antidepressants).

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029664_prescription_drugs_Americans.html#ixzz1koUzUkVR

Yes, because the government profits off of it!
Check out the strange bedfellows between the
lawmakers and big pharma

The Government. Say one thing and do another.

They don't care who's doing drugs..is good to keep society drugged and sleeping. This is just targeted at the poor....


Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sat 01/28/12 10:45 PM
I just have no kind words for the government though, when they put us in the most stupidest, difficult situations. They wanted more money to spend, they got it. When they say you have to move out of your current home, and they choose to sell your home, it gets a little over the top. Making the public homeless by selling every council house that has a poor family in it, is just vulgar to me. But that's just one example of what the president in my country is doing. Why put lives at risk like that? It's such a major move. :thumbsup: :)

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