Topic: girlsSss ......where r u girlssssss?
Hatiku's photo
Fri 01/27/12 11:21 PM
Feeling bored in here...mingle2 is also boring like facebook!!!

whobedat's photo
Sat 01/28/12 12:19 AM
i understand ur plights guy, but take time you participate in discussions and foruns and as time goes on u will get to know them and vice versa.

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 01/28/12 01:00 AM

Feeling bored in here...mingle2 is also boring like facebook!!!

I spend plenty of time on both and I'm never bored, so maybe it's just you?what

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 01:54 PM
The girls all left when you made those long Ssssssss noises.

Fear of snakes and all you know.

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 01:56 PM
when the girlsSs all see you come in here.....

they run to....Facebook.....

and Vice versSsa..............


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Sun 01/29/12 02:25 PM