Topic: Time......ever,,,,,,,,,,,leaving,,,,,never,,to,,return | |
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Sun 01/22/12 06:48 PM
Every show, comes to its end.
Every actor, will play their last role. We all have to go away, one day. Doesn't matter if your ready or not, Won't be anything, left to say.. The curtains will start coming down. Then we shall no longer be, around. So tell everyone that you love, NOW. Your Life clock, isn't by the hour. Because tomorrow, YOU may never see. Please, tell them now,just for me. All of my family and friends have been told. Because I am OPEN with that, so bold. Give yours a call, I just did mine. And let them know, how much they mean to you. Just in case, later, you run out of, life-time. |
You are so right. A friend's husband spent this last week in the hospital and everyone feared that outcome. He went home yesterday. A child who has spent many years at my house as he lives one street away and is one of my son's best friend had his father pass away to a heart attack this weekend. With life... you never know. I'm glad I talked to my mom this weekend, I think I'll call her tomorrow. I'm also going to e-mail my oldest son before I sleep tonight.
You are so right. A friend's husband spent this last week in the hospital and everyone feared that outcome. He went home yesterday. A child who has spent many years at my house as he lives one street away and is one of my son's best friend had his father pass away to a heart attack this weekend. With life... you never know. I'm glad I talked to my mom this weekend, I think I'll call her tomorrow. I'm also going to e-mail my oldest son before I sleep tonight. My kids all know my love for them,,as well as all my family and me have our I Love You's within our hearts. But it might be that one week where,,in a fast phone call, we forget to say I love you at its end,,and them BAM,,one of us dies, and the other feels THAT as A THATS life..I chuckle,because I have WENT HERE,,with everyone who knows me,,as IF THAT HAPPENS,,DON'T FREAKING THINK THAT WAY,,because KNOW,,I DIED KNOWING YOUR LOVE FOR ME.. And thats why,,I laughed.. It just bothers me greatly all the ones who hold their hurt and anger agINST SOMEONE THEY LOVE,,AS A MEANS OF EXPRESSING THEIR WALL THEY BUILT AGAINST THEM, Then that person dies,and no admissions of the others love,,or their hate..I say GET ALL OF IT OUT AND IN THE OPEN NOW...for tomorrow,,might never make it here.. I'm glad this touched the love you have for your family,,God Bless you.. |
That is so very true Terry.
I tell my kids, EVERY DAY how much I love them. I tell my mother several times a week when we talk. My brothers, I text them often (they don't answer phone calls very often), my niece and great niece hear it from me often. I even still, tell many of my in-laws that I love them and am thinking of them. They have been my family too, for so many years. |
That is so very true Terry. I tell my kids, EVERY DAY how much I love them. I tell my mother several times a week when we talk. My brothers, I text them often (they don't answer phone calls very often), my niece and great niece hear it from me often. I even still, tell many of my in-laws that I love them and am thinking of them. They have been my family too, for so many years. |
Good advise Terry. I talked to a guy on the phone Friday night and told him I didn't want to date him-just be friends. Turns out he had a heart attack that night and blocked artery at 47. With both parents, all grandparents and many others gone from my life-you better not waste time letting others know. I don't!!
Good advise Terry. I talked to a guy on the phone Friday night and told him I didn't want to date him-just be friends. Turns out he had a heart attack that night and blocked artery at 47. With both parents, all grandparents and many others gone from my life-you better not waste time letting others know. I don't!! |
Both my parents died suddenly (though of different things). I had difficult relationships with both of them and both times I felt guilty that I had not done more to try to resolve them. With my father, my own efforts wouldn't have been enough (it takes two). But with my mother, I actually wrote a letter to her apologizing for a stupid argument shortly before her death. The amazing thing is that even though I don't believe in an afterlife, putting that letter in the ground next to her grave made a big difference to me. Too little too late, but better than not doing it.
Both my parents died suddenly (though of different things). I had difficult relationships with both of them and both times I felt guilty that I had not done more to try to resolve them. With my father, my own efforts wouldn't have been enough (it takes two). But with my mother, I actually wrote a letter to her apologizing for a stupid argument shortly before her death. The amazing thing is that even though I don't believe in an afterlife, putting that letter in the ground next to her grave made a big difference to me. Too little too late, but better than not doing it. The one left here,,has to for every stupid little reasons mentionable,,have to be reminded THEY didn't do,,when THEY could have..Thats just part of living,,and part of the ways we're made? But WE do need some form of our own justifications for going forward,,feeling WE DID ALL WE COULD,,,Yours being your letter, mine being said to a dead ear.,,,But WE DID what we could,,to allow US to feel better living...Life is really so funny sometimes as to how it lets us off the hook,,sort-of-speaking.. I'm glad you found your peace... |