Topic: MRSA--- Need advice on this.
Mystique42's photo
Fri 01/20/12 12:49 PM
My mom was diagnosed with MRSA after being in a nursing home awhile back. Now they are saying she has active MRSA and can't be in the same nursing home/room with my stepdad who has dementia. Anyway, they were together not too long ago in this same home, but then she was hospitalized with pneumonia again. Now he had pneumonia before entering the nursing home too. The nursing home is saying this last hospital tested her positive for MRSA.... and I just don't get it because I would think he'd have it too considering they have lived together with both of them being on oxygen.

Another thing how do I protect my child and myself from MRSA? Last I knew her MRSA was related to her lungs, not outer skin.

The nursing home told my sister that they could not test my stepdad for mrsa because there is no reason to. I just find that to be an excuse. Their 40th anniversary is coming up in Feb. and he had asked her to marry him when she was in the hospital. He may forget things, but he never forgets her... he always says "I love that girl and I want to make sure she is taken care of."

I feel there is an injustice happening considering he served in three branches of the armed service and has done public service as well. They deserve to be together.... she is in the ending stages of COPD. (lung disease)

no photo
Fri 01/20/12 02:03 PM
I have a friend in her 30's who caught MRSA, it took her years to recover. It presented as large painful boils on her face.

My advice, for what it's worth: Listen to your mother's doctors and do what they tell you.

justme659's photo
Fri 01/20/12 02:54 PM
Ask lots more questions. My dad caught MRSA when he had gall bladder surgery. MRSA is a bad systematic infection. Very hard to get rid of. Have your dad checked again and again if need be.

mssilverfox's photo
Fri 01/20/12 09:29 PM
This is what my husband passed away from.. His came out as a rash all over his body and you could feel the heat thru a sheet and blanket.. It's a VERY serious infection...

Mystique42's photo
Mon 01/23/12 02:13 PM
My mother always told me her MRSA was internal, not external.... and she has pneumonia.

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 02:15 PM

My mother always told me her MRSA was internal, not external.... and she has pneumonia.

MRSA is an opportunistic infection, it will infect you where ever it can get a hold. If she coughs, you could catch it and it would affect whatever part of your body it got onto / into. Your eye. Your mouth. Your sinus. A cut on your finger. MRSA cannot be treated with anti-biotics, which is why it's so dangerous.