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Topic: Did the older generation more romantic than the current gene
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Wed 01/18/12 09:28 AM

I don't think romance has changed all that much. Matter of fact, it is tiring to hear about how love and marriage was back 30, 40 or 50 years ago. Yes, some great marriages have existed. Well guess what. There are those who are romantics who do love faithfully....and they exist in today's "fast-paced/I want it now and don't wanna work too hard at it/he or she makes me horny even though he or she isn't my partner" kind of world.

I believe that due to this being the information age, we learn so much more about divorces, splits, adultery, etc. You didn't hear about that stuff years back. You kept it hush-hush. Oh sure. Just because Mr. Cleaver was a stand up dad and loving husband in person, you never know. He could have been tapping azz all over the place.

I realize that love is word that is thrown around like a cheap whore in the red light distrct. I realize that people in today's world are afraid of committment. However, years back, we weren't vocal about our "feelings". Now we are, and it always gets posted for people's viewing pleasure via Facebook, or some other social media site. Still, people who believe in love and want to be with someone do not change. These people exist in this world because they give us hope. It's easy to be like everyone else. It more difficult being who you were meant to be.

Yes. The world changed. It always will. There are tons of people who think they know what love is. And these people will always outnumber those who truly want to be in love.

^ This

In the end it comes down to the individuals. There are a lot of romantic sentiments that don't really exist anymore, just because time has changed them into something else. It does not mean romance itself has changed, just the way we go about it is different. I don't think the older generation was more romantic, I just think as was stated above, that the "younger" generation has their own way of doing it... whether you believe it is right or wrong.

machug's photo
Wed 01/18/12 10:01 AM

For all of you complaining that there is not enough romance out there, what are you doing about it other than complaining?

I was the romantic one in my marriagee, IF I ever have another relationship, I will be romantic...that is how I am. Anyone that asks for advice from me hears of romantic things they can do.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 01/18/12 10:16 AM
I think there is romance still out there. Guess its not obvious enough or comes in different ways. I am a true romantic, I haven't lost it yet.

irisheyes79's photo
Wed 01/18/12 10:28 AM

For all of you complaining that there is not enough romance out there, what are you doing about it other than complaining?

I was the romantic one in my marriagee, IF I ever have another relationship, I will be romantic...that is how I am. Anyone that asks for advice from me hears of romantic things they can do.
uh huh:tongue:

no photo
Wed 01/18/12 10:51 AM

romance is paying attention to the little things and putting in time and effort and 'thought' instead of just money.

Very much agree with this. I think the concept of romance has just got lost in translation over the years.

Some think that it’s about remembering birthdays, anniversaries and valentine’s day etc but for me, it is very much about paying attention to the little things...putting in the effort and not taking their partner for granted...and of course, the unpredictable surprises :smile:.

Lottierose's photo
Thu 01/19/12 11:57 AM
Im romantic but i dont find guys are that much, more talk rough sexual than romantic. Romance for me is gentle kisses holding hands cute words.i get that but not realy posh dinner dates flowers etc.i prefer a guy to talk friendly caring and cute than saying crude stuff straight of.all ages been sexually crude unromantic words to me so not sure about older generation think their was more romance in the past

Lottierose's photo
Thu 01/19/12 12:04 PM
One of the romantic things i ever had was my ex robert lay with his arm around me in bed all night after that he could do no wrong :-)aaw he was the sweetest guy in some ways and young to

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 06:23 PM
well since younger people DO IT differently then it (romance) has changed. the only changes that I would take exception to are any (in any generation) that are disrespectful or increase a risk of another being emotionally. psychologically or physically hurt

it is highly unlikely that the internet forums are the best cross section as there is prolly a higher representation than in IRL of those who are jaded by past experience and in my 4 years on the net, I see a larger proportion of casual values on the net than I observe IRL. That may be due the anonymity of the net making it easier for people to be brave

I don't necessarily believe anything I read on here - so I think IRL observations are more valid. And IRL I do not really see the acceptance of casual attitudes to be as prevalent as they are professed on here - in fact the current generations seem a bit more conservative than some previous generations regarding sexual behavior - OFF the net

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sat 01/21/12 06:39 PM
I met some guy off of myspace once, lived about 2 hours from me, not from La, (part of the reason I liked him) and he was older than me...bout 5 years or so, THAT was an experience. He was actually pretty romantic and we dug each other for a while...Its there I think, but it comes and goes. I feel like IRL everything is too brightly lit. Where as online, you have the option of whether or not to take it further. I guess its hardly safe to say THIS generation shows it more than past ones. Its more or less what you make of it.

Kat1974's photo
Sat 01/21/12 07:46 PM
For me romance is an essential part of life. We all want to be romanced, treated special. I agree that it is more of putting thought and effort in getting to know someone and putting their interests above yours. Maybe it will be reciprocated but don't do it for that.

For example. I went on this one date..which really wasn't a date but I met this woman on this site actually. I work a lot and she actually drove a hour to meet with me during my dinner break. That to me was romantic because I had only a hour break. The action meant so much to me. In return I created a special dish for her, got her a drink and brought her to one of the most romantic spots at where I worked. It was overlooking the water on the beach. It was in a pinch but I knew what foods she enjoyed made it for her (prayed she liked it). She thought it was really romantic as well.

Romance isn't dead...you just have to find the right people that enjoy that quality of life.

Lovedoggies's photo
Sat 01/21/12 08:57 PM
"Romance isnt dead"...an amen to that! Ppl just get too busy trying to get through life itself and forget those small things like cuddling or planning a special time for just the two~watching sunrises and sunsets on the beach is one of the most romantic and simplest of things to do with a loved one..

navygirl's photo
Sat 01/21/12 10:59 PM

Did the older generation more romantic than the current generation?
is thier still "Romeo and Juliet" story??

did the relation became "Quick meal" starte and finish within 5 Minutes
Did you live in love story or just quick meal?

what romantic means to you?

I am assuming you mean the generation before mine? I know my generation doesn't know the meaning of romance.

indianadave4's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:06 PM
Romance is a normal human characteristic. Like all human characteristics it can be altered or down played by ones environment. Sex has always been with us but not in the form we have today.

Sex encompasses everything we do. Everywhere one looks sex is used to sell, advertise or entertain. Instead of being hinted at in movies it is shown in living color.

As old fashion as it sounds we are a sex addicted society. In fact, it takes less talent to make movies and commercials today. All one has to do is show a woman who is almost naked using a product and a commercial is produced. Without a hot sex seen most movies flop.

So modern mankind sits in his/her high white ivory tower contemplating why people are the way they are. Excess in anything is not good and since we are so prone to liking sex, to design our society around it seems unwise. Yet those who have never lived in a day when life was a bit less sex oriented think our ancestors of old were prudes who needed updating.

Rome fell because of it's excesses: including sex. However, it took Rome hundreds of years. With modern technology we have progressed (digressed?) in decades what took centuries for Rome. We know what killed Rome yet are powerless, unwilling and even self-deceived in thinking we will avoid the same result though we are walking, no RUNNING down the same path.

While we self-righteously turn our noses up at past society restraints our "new freedoms" are undermining our present society. Something so simple as Romance. What are we leaving for future generations? Empty phrases of a free country that, in reality, is less and less free by becoming addicted to it's vices.

But then who cares? As long as the individuals rights are upheld the good of society is up for grabs.

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