Topic: It's a Sophisticated Saturday
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Sat 07/21/07 05:18 AM
:wink: :wink: :wink: O.K. I'm in one of those silly moods again....laugh laugh laugh and I thought it would be fun to say that today is our FIRST "Sophisticated Saturday" on JSH meaning today we will agree to do "SOMETHING SPECIAL for our Self"-----Not for everyone else-YOU or ME!!!! It's like DO-ME Saturday.laugh laugh laugh

Ex: Ladies, go treat yourself to a Pedicure or Manicure,laugh laugh laugh or get your hair done.....DO it Today......laugh laugh laugh

Ex: Fellah's go get a hair cut or buy yourself something....
Some cologne or a new shirt.....but do it Today...
laugh laugh laugh

Whatever, be "Sophisticated about it" because afterall, YOU are treating YOU today. laugh laugh laugh Holla back at me and let me know what you are going to do or did for YOU...... laugh laugh laugh This could be interesting....laugh laugh laugh .

As for me......I'm getting my hair done and eyebrows I will be even more Fabulous! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: laugh laugh laugh


WhispersandWinks's photo
Sat 07/21/07 05:23 AM
I'm going to a family reunion today, Queenbee. I'm most likely going to be reunited with some little old lady who said she used to change my diapers or something. Now I as you, "How sophisticated is THAT!!" LOL bigsmile Have a great day, everyone!

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Sat 07/21/07 05:29 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh LOL! WhisperandWinks....make sure the little old lady doesn't pinch your cheeks...happy happy happy LOL! Be sure to look Fabulous!!!!!!happy happy happyBecause it is a "Sophisticated Saturday" so let's think "Sophisticated thoughts!"

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Have fun!!!!!!!!!

coco56's photo
Sat 07/21/07 05:37 AM
im going to lunch with my brother:smile:

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Sat 07/21/07 06:09 AM
Good Coco, make sure you treat yourself to a good desert.....laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Greyhound's photo
Sat 07/21/07 07:25 AM
Going to clean my daughter's house. I don't ever seem to have time for a DO-ME day for myself. But it's ok :heart:

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Sat 07/21/07 09:20 AM
Greyhound it is nice you are going to clean your daughter's house....however, DO YOU when you are done.....happy happy happy I'd recommend you treat yourself to some ice cream......laugh laugh laugh enjoy! and DO YOU!!!laugh laugh laugh

lulu24's photo
Sat 07/21/07 09:21 AM
sophisticated? nah...

i'll hang around the house and watch cartoons with my little one, never changing from my jammies.

or...maybe we'll run to burger king and have a veggie burger so she can climb all through the mazes...

or...maybe i'll clean the carpets.