Topic: What War With Iran Might Look Like | |
All Iran has to do to avoid conflict with the rest of the world is to give up on having their own centrifuges to enrich nuclear material to bomb grade. They have been offered multiple times pre-enriched material as well as having others re-process for them both much easier and cleaner than pursing the work themselves. But they clearly want to have the ability to enrich to bomb grade despite having signed international agreements that they would not do this. And they lie and conceal their nuclear bombmaking activities. All they have to do is stop their nuclear bomb making activities. If they continue to insist on trying to develop nuclear weapons then they will certainly be stopped by force. They have known this all along. I don't feel sorry for them. They have made their own choices. I do feel sorry for the innocent citizens of Iran who have to live under the thumb of their idiotic theocratic militant Islamic rulers. ![]() Anyway this is what it will look like - Osiraq. ![]() Meh. Every government lies. The US warhawks are being hypocrites here, as usual. Insisting on meddling in others' affairs while getting indignant and crying like babies when the same thing is pulled on them. I feel more sorry for people in my country than the Iranians, because this country has lost vast amounts of freedom over the years, all while pretending to be "free". Hell, the US only rates 48 on the list of "freest countries" according to Freedom House. You should focus your energy on improving things here, then maybe think about telling others what to do. |
off to watch the debate! |
And they will admit it. Most don't want war, they enlist (or at least try) out of a sense of duty, pride, patriotism, and don't preach war out of respect for those who do make the cut! They honor them! There is no more draft....all volunteer..... you wish to serve or you don't! Nobody in their right mind wants war unless they have nothing to lose, or a war is declared for national defense....then the draft is reinstated! I never said I want war but I do realize it is needed. The hippie peace and love mentality has got to go. People want us dead because we are the "Great Satan" no matter what we do they will think that. If we pull our military bases out of the Middle East that will do NOTHING to help us and only hurt us. They will still want us dead and will still plan attacks against the US and US interists. The thought of all this Kumbyya $hit is nice but it's not reality and it's a dangerous thought process and the people who push that agenda are just as dangerous to the US as AQ or the Taliban. |
And they will admit it. Most don't want war, they enlist (or at least try) out of a sense of duty, pride, patriotism, and don't preach war out of respect for those who do make the cut! They honor them! There is no more draft....all volunteer..... you wish to serve or you don't! Nobody in their right mind wants war unless they have nothing to lose, or a war is declared for national defense....then the draft is reinstated! I never said I want war but I do realize it is needed. The hippie peace and love mentality has got to go. People want us dead because we are the "Great Satan" no matter what we do they will think that. If we pull our military bases out of the Middle East that will do NOTHING to help us and only hurt us. They will still want us dead and will still plan attacks against the US and US interists. The thought of all this Kumbyya $hit is nice but it's not reality and it's a dangerous thought process and the people who push that agenda are just as dangerous to the US as AQ or the Taliban. If you moved in on my family with guns and bombs, I and my family would fight you too! If you tried to kill us because you declare a war on our beliefs, we'd fight you. If you keep us from getting items we need to survive (sanctions), we'd fight you! Your're right about something needing to be done.....WE NEED TO GET THE FLOCK OUT OF THE M E! |
Its kinda like this, you have a refrigerator with food, soda, beer etc. would you like it if the guy across the street brought his family over and barged into your house and started helping themselves to what you have all the while telling you what you can and cannot do. Would you like that? You be pretty pissed off at the guy and his family across the street I bet. |
All Iran has to do to avoid conflict with the rest of the world is to give up on having their own centrifuges to enrich nuclear material to bomb grade. They have been offered multiple times pre-enriched material as well as having others re-process for them both much easier and cleaner than pursing the work themselves. But they clearly want to have the ability to enrich to bomb grade despite having signed international agreements that they would not do this. And they lie and conceal their nuclear bombmaking activities. All they have to do is stop their nuclear bomb making activities. If they continue to insist on trying to develop nuclear weapons then they will certainly be stopped by force. They have known this all along. I don't feel sorry for them. They have made their own choices. I do feel sorry for the innocent citizens of Iran who have to live under the thumb of their idiotic theocratic militant Islamic rulers. ![]() Anyway this is what it will look like - Osiraq. ![]() Meh. Every government lies. Not every government is a radical Islamist theocracy which has stated publicly that they favor genocide, openly support groups who try to kill large numbers of innocent people on purpose because they have different religious beliefs and sign agreements about not pursuing activities which could lead to nuclear weapons if nuclear technology is shared with them then secretly work on nuclear weapons development! ![]() All Iran has to do is stop their nuclear enrichment program and make sure that everyone can easily see that they are not continuing it in secret and they could start to regain the trust of the civilized world. If Iran is determined to threaten others and pursue nuclear weapons then their program is destined to be destroyed by force. |
Its kinda like this, you have a refrigerator with food, soda, beer etc. would you like it if the guy across the street brought his family over and barged into your house and started helping themselves to what you have all the while telling you what you can and cannot do. Would you like that? You be pretty pissed off at the guy and his family across the street I bet. |
Its kinda like this, you have a refrigerator with food, soda, beer etc. would you like it if the guy across the street brought his family over and barged into your house and started helping themselves to what you have all the while telling you what you can and cannot do. Would you like that? You be pretty pissed off at the guy and his family across the street I bet. Nah. Nobody is taking anyone's beers. ![]() It is more like this. Your neighbor says that if you give him gasoline for his tractor and fertilizer for his fields that he promises he will never use them for making bombs and molotov cocktails to throw at you and your friends. However, after charitably giving them a truckload of gasoline and a truckload of fertilizer, they mysteriously do not go into the tractor or onto the fields. Instead, several groups of terrorists bomb your restaurants and marketplace and brag about how they got the gasoline and fertilizer from said neighbor! Furthermore, there is undeniable evidence like photos which show them taking the gasoline and ammonia fertilizer into a new building they made and underground and making molotov cocktails and building ammonia bombs. Now, you tell them that if they don't stop building the bombs and prove to everyone that they are not going to restart by having verifiable inspections that you will be forced to destroy their bomb making operation. But they refuse. So eventually everybody gets together and destroys the bomb factory. ![]() |
Its kinda like this, you have a refrigerator with food, soda, beer etc. would you like it if the guy across the street brought his family over and barged into your house and started helping themselves to what you have all the while telling you what you can and cannot do. Would you like that? You be pretty pissed off at the guy and his family across the street I bet. Nah. Nobody is taking anyone's beers. ![]() It is more like this. Your neighbor says that if you give him gasoline for his tractor and fertilizer for his fields that he promises he will never use them for making bombs and molotov cocktails to throw at you and your friends. However, after charitably giving them a truckload of gasoline and a truckload of fertilizer, they mysteriously do not go into the tractor or onto the fields. Instead, several groups of terrorists bomb your restaurants and marketplace and brag about how they got the gasoline and fertilizer from said neighbor! Furthermore, there is undeniable evidence like photos which show them taking the gasoline and ammonia fertilizer into a new building they made and underground and making molotov cocktails and building ammonia bombs. Now, you tell them that if they don't stop building the bombs and prove to everyone that they are not going to restart by having verifiable inspections that you will be forced to destroy their bomb making operation. But they refuse. So eventually everybody gets together and destroys the bomb factory. ![]() |
We need to stop bulling people. And stay out of the middle east.
Why can't everyone just out right acknowledge we're wrong, we've become so SECULAR it sucks... The whole freaking problem over there is nothing but RELIGION. Always was, is and will continue to be till the plug gets pulled on this materialistic world. People, wake up, pick up a BIBLE and read. It is after all the oldest story in print, just has (basically) 2 separate interpretations right, King James and The Kuran. We all profess to be so smart, spew words like "no such thing as religion, Atheist, Agnostic, PC or what ever". Refuse to pick up the bible claim it to be void, then in the same breath we reference news reports, professors and people we let lead us by the ring in our nose for we elected them, after all if we fail to be PC ourselves we are saying "We have no idea what we are doing, in other words...WE ARE WRONG." And no one likes being wrong, do we? Of course I could be wrong here, but I think not. |
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But there only thinking about oil
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Here is the reality..
You have a very unstable government in Iraq that is being tested by the Sunni minority at the behest of the Saudis. You have a rise of the Islamic parties in Turkey that will no doubt start chaos in the Kurdish part of Iraq. Egypt will be ruled by Islamists and they will be no friend to anyone. Assad is on the brink of being dragged down the streets of Damascus. Saudi Arabia and UAE are buying more military weaponry than anyone ever has at one time.. Jordan is a mess. Yemen is the wild west..Pakistan is on the brink of collapse.. Iran is killing members of the opposition on a daily basis and is no position to do anything but pray they don't all get dragged down the middle of a Tehran street. All we have to do is sit back, watch and allow them to sort themselves out.. If there is one thing on this earth that can unite these people it is another attack by a western power in this region.. |
Just let them implode
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Here is the reality.. You have a very unstable government in Iraq that is being tested by the Sunni minority at the behest of the Saudis. You have a rise of the Islamic parties in Turkey that will no doubt start chaos in the Kurdish part of Iraq. Egypt will be ruled by Islamists and they will be no friend to anyone. Assad is on the brink of being dragged down the streets of Damascus. Saudi Arabia and UAE are buying more military weaponry than anyone ever has at one time.. Jordan is a mess. Yemen is the wild west..Pakistan is on the brink of collapse.. Iran is killing members of the opposition on a daily basis and is no position to do anything but pray they don't all get dragged down the middle of a Tehran street. All we have to do is sit back, watch and allow them to sort themselves out.. If there is one thing on this earth that can unite these people it is another attack by a western power in this region.. |
The neo-con controllers in the US are trying very hard to incite upset against the USA to "prop up" their reasoning for policies like the patriot act and the NDAA.....just like they did in Iraq, and have always done! They want the "blow back" to keep their policies and power in place, and play..... only the people suffer, and our troops, but it is good for BIG Business and the bansters! |
I agree with it being big business
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I can see that if some of you had a choice, the USA would have never gone to Iraq, and Saddam Hussain would have control of Kuwait with one of the deepest sea ports in the world.
And they will admit it. Most don't want war, they enlist (or at least try) out of a sense of duty, pride, patriotism, and don't preach war out of respect for those who do make the cut! They honor them! There is no more draft....all volunteer..... you wish to serve or you don't! Nobody in their right mind wants war unless they have nothing to lose, or a war is declared for national defense....then the draft is reinstated! I never said I want war but I do realize it is needed. The hippie peace and love mentality has got to go. People want us dead because we are the "Great Satan" no matter what we do they will think that. If we pull our military bases out of the Middle East that will do NOTHING to help us and only hurt us. They will still want us dead and will still plan attacks against the US and US interists. The thought of all this Kumbyya $hit is nice but it's not reality and it's a dangerous thought process and the people who push that agenda are just as dangerous to the US as AQ or the Taliban. If you moved in on my family with guns and bombs, I and my family would fight you too! If you tried to kill us because you declare a war on our beliefs, we'd fight you. If you keep us from getting items we need to survive (sanctions), we'd fight you! Your're right about something needing to be done.....WE NEED TO GET THE FLOCK OUT OF THE M E! ![]() |