Topic: Overbearing
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Fri 01/13/12 06:06 AM

Mothers? Is there a cure yet?


now go brush your teeth

:wink: laugh devil

That to me is angel sent from the heavens. A rarity if there ever was one.
:angel: waving

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 06:15 AM

My mom......An amazing woman, my best friend, my mentor.....I love you mama!!:heart:

And daddy, RIPbrokenheart .......You are, and always will be, my hero....Thank you:heart:

irisheyes79's photo
Fri 01/13/12 09:09 AM

My mom......An amazing woman, my best friend, my mentor.....I love you mama!!:heart:

And daddy, RIPbrokenheart .......You are, and always will be, my hero....Thank you:heart:

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 10:14 AM
Edited by MariahsFantasy on Fri 01/13/12 10:20 AM

Wish i knew. Sometimes me and my mum are that similar that we clash. lol.

Clash is me being nice about it. I wished we did only clash cause that's most likely agreeing to disagree.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 10:14 AM


oh, I thought you were asking mothers the cure for overbearing children....

laugh laugh laugh :thumbsup:

My mother is not overbearing. During those times in my life when she was there, she was always very supportive.

Ahhh, I wish I wish I wish.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 10:16 AM



only thing i've ever found that works

Now THIS I do like

Actually, my adult daughter and I agree on this one. We are best friends when we live far apart or have short visits. We can never, never, never cohabitate again - one of us living in a car/box is probably the better choice!

My sister takes the same track of mind. For a day, hell for a LIFE I wish I was her. I like this tactic. bigsmile

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 10:17 AM

My mom......An amazing woman, my best friend, my mentor.....I love you mama!!:heart: wonder you're so beautiful on the in and out! :heart: :heart: :heart: That's how I want to be when I am mother. This is how role models should be.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 10:19 AM


or a pack of marlboros

how about vodka AND a pack of marlboros

trust me - it's what they resorted to just after u were born:heart:

Oh I know this. I've accepted she did this immediately after I gave her extraordinarily amounts of pain. Apparently I was her longest, most arduous labor. laugh

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 10:20 AM

My mom......An amazing woman, my best friend, my mentor.....I love you mama!!:heart:

And daddy, RIPbrokenheart .......You are, and always will be, my hero....Thank you:heart:

flowerforyou (((hugs)) flowerforyou

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Fri 01/13/12 10:49 AM

Wish i knew. Sometimes me and my mum are that similar that we clash. lol.

Clash is me being nice about it. I wished we did only clash cause that's most likely agreeing to disagree.

lol. I really love her to bits. It's just that we can be as stubborn as each other. And then we just laugh about it, after.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 01/13/12 11:15 AM
Hummm guess if you neve had one around you would wish they had been in order to annoy you......

I just hope that my kids relize that if I annoy them it is due to how much I love them and only want to see them succeed.whoa

irisheyes79's photo
Fri 01/13/12 12:42 PM

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 12:45 PM

My mom......An amazing woman, my best friend, my mentor.....I love you mama!!:heart:

And daddy, RIPbrokenheart .......You are, and always will be, my hero....Thank you:heart:

flowerforyou (((hugs)) flowerforyou

And right back at you (((((:heart:M:heart: ))))).....

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/13/12 12:58 PM
so good to see people close with their parents,,,

I adore mine,,,they managed to strike a healthy balance between my wants and needs

my privileges and my responsibilities

my formal education and my life experience

my rewards and my disciplines,,,

they worked hard and sacrificed much to do it too,,,,,

I only can HOPE to be a fraction of the parents they were to me,,,

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 01:12 PM

so good to see people close with their parents,,,

I adore mine,,,they managed to strike a healthy balance between my wants and needs

my privileges and my responsibilities

my formal education and my life experience

my rewards and my disciplines,,,

they worked hard and sacrificed much to do it too,,,,,

I only can HOPE to be a fraction of the parents they were to me,,,

Yes, in the end, it all comes down to family and the relationships we build or don't build...With each passing year, I seem to become more aware of and thankful for the foundation my parents built...Like yours, they worked hard and sacrificed much to provide continuity and security for me and my siblings..What I took for granted as a child I now consider a precious gift.....flowerforyou

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/13/12 01:46 PM

so good to see people close with their parents,,,

I adore mine,,,they managed to strike a healthy balance between my wants and needs

my privileges and my responsibilities

my formal education and my life experience

my rewards and my disciplines,,,

they worked hard and sacrificed much to do it too,,,,,

I only can HOPE to be a fraction of the parents they were to me,,,

Yes, in the end, it all comes down to family and the relationships we build or don't build...With each passing year, I seem to become more aware of and thankful for the foundation my parents built...Like yours, they worked hard and sacrificed much to provide continuity and security for me and my siblings..What I took for granted as a child I now consider a precious gift.....flowerforyou

amen girlfriend,,,:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 02:20 PM

Mothers? Is there a cure yet?

Ma'am. No cure reported yet! But I have it on good authority that our crack team of dedicated scientists and engineers are close to a breakthrough in the field of parentology. I will of course keep you dutifullly informed when and if anything develops. And I furthermore assure you, we shall not rest until this conundrum, and those like it, are solved.

Oh, and I always got along great with my mother. My father was a totally different

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 02:33 PM

Wish i knew. Sometimes me and my mum are that similar that we clash. lol.

Clash is me being nice about it. I wished we did only clash cause that's most likely agreeing to disagree.

lol. I really love her to bits. It's just that we can be as stubborn as each other. And then we just laugh about it, after.

Oh its great when they have SOME sense of humor. Always good.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 02:34 PM

so good to see people close with their parents,,,

I adore mine,,,they managed to strike a healthy balance between my wants and needs

my privileges and my responsibilities

my formal education and my life experience

my rewards and my disciplines,,,

they worked hard and sacrificed much to do it too,,,,,

I only can HOPE to be a fraction of the parents they were to me,,,

I really like this. Sounds it really shaped who you are. Tons of people out there are living in total dysfunction, hearing stories like this makes me think positively again. I prefer it.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Fri 01/13/12 02:37 PM

so good to see people close with their parents,,,

I adore mine,,,they managed to strike a healthy balance between my wants and needs

my privileges and my responsibilities

my formal education and my life experience

my rewards and my disciplines,,,

they worked hard and sacrificed much to do it too,,,,,

I only can HOPE to be a fraction of the parents they were to me,,,

Yes, in the end, it all comes down to family and the relationships we build or don't build...With each passing year, I seem to become more aware of and thankful for the foundation my parents built...Like yours, they worked hard and sacrificed much to provide continuity and security for me and my siblings..What I took for granted as a child I now consider a precious gift.....flowerforyou

This is true. My only stance is letting your child BE themselves. Its hard for some parents to let go. At certain point you just want your breathing room. I miss it. I had more leeway in high school, even though I never rebelled much. Maybe I'll appreciate it all for what it is when I hit those golden years.