Sat 01/21/12 05:25 AM
I have matched a few people around here in my mind. lol.
Ese, how did you come by this great talent of yours??
oh girl, do tell. message me with details or post the matches yourself. inquiring minds want to know (especially if it's lex)
LOL, I just might, and wouldn't it be like striking oil if we could find one for Lex?? LOL,
it has to be lex. once he gets matched, the rest of us are a piece of cake
Sat 01/21/12 05:26 AM
my main manO is just too much man for just one woman. besides, you ladies shouldn't be greedy, share already
WHO told you this Ese???????  ToO much man!!!!!  You're kidding right?
Hope he sees this and it ruins ANOTHER day.....
I told him, and quit trying to ruin my day
Sat 01/21/12 05:27 AM
my main manO is just too much man for just one woman. besides, you ladies shouldn't be greedy, share already
Sat 01/21/12 05:29 AM
While all you women are salivating over ManO  can I just take a moment to enlighten you?...  Try working for the guy!  Slave driver!!!  and tight as a drum,  doesn't pay chit, won't even put decent toilet paper in the ladies potty room!!...  He's not what he appears to be, trust me ladies....just trust me....  I HOPE HE SEES THIS AND I HOPE IT JUST INFURIATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT RUINS HIS whOle DAY!!!!!!!!!
You got to be a red head and be willing to move within 50 miles  any takers
Picky, picky, picky!!!......He's like that in ManOLand toO.....  Picky slave drive!r  ....and we don't even get benefits!!
I got your benefit
Sat 01/21/12 05:32 AM
While all you women are salivating over ManO  can I just take a moment to enlighten you?...  Try working for the guy!  Slave driver!!!  and tight as a drum,  doesn't pay chit, won't even put decent toilet paper in the ladies potty room!!...  He's not what he appears to be, trust me ladies....just trust me....  I HOPE HE SEES THIS AND I HOPE IT JUST INFURIATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT RUINS HIS whOle DAY!!!!!!!!!
Its not salivating ..its post nasal drip
From all that picking....
Hi Betts!!
Hey Leigh
You should have talked to Jayne,she knows all about that slave driver.
I did, but it was AFTER I took the job...  Don't let this get out, but I'm looking  ...In fact, I have an interview tomorrow....  And it pays more, way more!!!  ....Yeah, boss hog will miss me when I'm gone  ....He'll be bawling like a baby  Putting in on thick  trying to rope another filly into doing his dirty work  Problem is, he's getting a reputation now....It PRECEDES him, if you know what I mean  His days are numbered, numbered I tell you!!!!
Sat 01/21/12 05:32 AM
That's why he goes incognito as a turtle. He painted his shell pink and put flashing lights on it.He draws all the ladies in that way,I mean who can resist a Disco hip hopping turtle decked out in all that bling.
Sat 01/21/12 05:33 AM
While all you women are salivating over ManO  can I just take a moment to enlighten you?...  Try working for the guy!  Slave driver!!!  and tight as a drum,  doesn't pay chit, won't even put decent toilet paper in the ladies potty room!!...  He's not what he appears to be, trust me ladies....just trust me....  I HOPE HE SEES THIS AND I HOPE IT JUST INFURIATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT RUINS HIS whOle DAY!!!!!!!!!
You got to be a red head and be willing to move within 50 miles  any takers
Picky, picky, picky!!!......He's like that in ManOLand toO.....  Picky slave drive!r  ....and we don't even get benefits!!
I got your benefit
Really!!!!  Can I open it now???  Please!!!
Sat 01/21/12 05:33 AM
Sat 01/21/12 05:34 AM
I have matched a few people around here in my mind. lol.
Ese, how did you come by this great talent of yours??
oh girl, do tell. message me with details or post the matches yourself. inquiring minds want to know (especially if it's lex)
LOL, I just might, and wouldn't it be like striking oil if we could find one for Lex?? LOL,
it has to be lex. once he gets matched, the rest of us are a piece of cake
So true!!
Sat 01/21/12 05:35 AM
Sat 01/21/12 05:36 AM
While all you women are salivating over ManO  can I just take a moment to enlighten you?...  Try working for the guy!  Slave driver!!!  and tight as a drum,  doesn't pay chit, won't even put decent toilet paper in the ladies potty room!!...  He's not what he appears to be, trust me ladies....just trust me....  I HOPE HE SEES THIS AND I HOPE IT JUST INFURIATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT RUINS HIS whOle DAY!!!!!!!!!
You got to be a red head and be willing to move within 50 miles  any takers
Picky, picky, picky!!!......He's like that in ManOLand toO.....  Picky slave drive!r  ....and we don't even get benefits!!
I got your benefit
Really!!!!  Can I open it now???  Please!!!
later...when everybody else has gone for the day
Sat 01/21/12 05:37 AM
awwww I always thought you too
Sat 01/21/12 05:38 AM
While all you women are salivating over ManO  can I just take a moment to enlighten you?...  Try working for the guy!  Slave driver!!!  and tight as a drum,  doesn't pay chit, won't even put decent toilet paper in the ladies potty room!!...  He's not what he appears to be, trust me ladies....just trust me....  I HOPE HE SEES THIS AND I HOPE IT JUST INFURIATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT RUINS HIS whOle DAY!!!!!!!!!
You got to be a red head and be willing to move within 50 miles  any takers
Picky, picky, picky!!!......He's like that in ManOLand toO.....  Picky slave drive!r  ....and we don't even get benefits!!
I got your benefit
Really!!!!  Can I open it now???  Please!!!
later.when everybody else has gone for the day
Be veryvery careful Leigh he has a few tricks up his sleeve
Sat 01/21/12 05:42 AM
While all you women are salivating over ManO  can I just take a moment to enlighten you?...  Try working for the guy!  Slave driver!!!  and tight as a drum,  doesn't pay chit, won't even put decent toilet paper in the ladies potty room!!...  He's not what he appears to be, trust me ladies....just trust me....  I HOPE HE SEES THIS AND I HOPE IT JUST INFURIATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT RUINS HIS whOle DAY!!!!!!!!!
You got to be a red head and be willing to move within 50 miles  any takers
Picky, picky, picky!!!......He's like that in ManOLand toO.....  Picky slave drive!r  ....and we don't even get benefits!!
I got your benefit
Really!!!!  Can I open it now???  Please!!!
later.when everybody else has gone for the day
Be veryvery careful Leigh he has a few tricks up his sleeve
Morning Carold!  Yeah, so I hear, constantly!
Sat 01/21/12 05:43 AM
awwww I always thought you too
Ruth is toO much woman for ManO to handle C....
Sat 01/21/12 05:43 AM
Hey now, Robert and I are friends. You know I would go on a date with him if he asked but he is a long azz way away and I am not moving again after get into my apartment. You know that Terri does not discriminate based on age, etc. Her only real hard and fast rule about dating is no bigoted ignorant Azz holes. It's not the shell that matters it's what inside. Ya the candy shell on an M&M is fun to crunch but you buy M&Ms for the chocolate inside not the candy coating outside. It's the same with people. I like people crunchy. I am just kidding. I have no dam clue what I was saying. That was a 4 AM tangent.............
easy now girl, chivalry is not dead, especially in a texas man. he may ride up in a shiny white ford f150 (texas edition of course), tip his ten gallon hat (white stetson), and say "howdy ma'am" on your doorstep. (fully prepared to take you out to a bbq dinner)
Ya, I noticed the number of really sweet wonderful guys from Texas. And my love of firearms is considered normal there and men do not freak out over it. They are more like "Really you enjoy throwing sports parties and buying all the beer in the universe and making all the dip and cookies and decorating in team colors??? And you actually think CLEANING GUNS is fun??? And you belly dance and do strip aerobics and lap dance for exercise?? I do not care if you are crazy. We are all crazy here. You would fit right in. How soon can you move??"
can you come clean my guns, I'm really get tired of doing it ?
Sat 01/21/12 05:44 AM
awwww I always thought you too
Sat 01/21/12 05:45 AM
While all you women are salivating over ManO  can I just take a moment to enlighten you?...  Try working for the guy!  Slave driver!!!  and tight as a drum,  doesn't pay chit, won't even put decent toilet paper in the ladies potty room!!...  He's not what he appears to be, trust me ladies....just trust me....  I HOPE HE SEES THIS AND I HOPE IT JUST INFURIATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT RUINS HIS whOle DAY!!!!!!!!!
You got to be a red head and be willing to move within 50 miles  any takers
Picky, picky, picky!!!......He's like that in ManOLand toO.....  Picky slave drive!r  ....and we don't even get benefits!!
I got your benefit
Really!!!!  Can I open it now???  Please!!!
later.when everybody else has gone for the day
Be veryvery careful Leigh he has a few tricks up his sleeve
Morning Carold!  Yeah, so I hear, constantly!
Sat 01/21/12 05:45 AM
awwww I always thought you too
Ruth is toO much woman for ManO to handle C....
I'll just let her handle me
Sat 01/21/12 05:49 AM
well my main manO, here's your flavor of the day