Topic: We are spiritual beings...
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Sun 01/08/12 09:51 PM

We are all spiritual beings, all connected to the prime source of creation and to each other.

Derekkye's photo
Sun 01/08/12 10:02 PM
We are made by God. If there is spirit in us it is from Him, and He is in complete control of it although many would like to believe otherwise.

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Sun 01/08/12 10:05 PM
What we believe is of no consequence.

The truth is the truth.

It is what is.

The truth of what is does not need me or you to believe it to be what it is. IT IS WHAT IT IS.

My faith is in the truth.

Derekkye's photo
Sun 01/08/12 10:12 PM

The truth is written.
The truth is God's Word.
Take It, or leave It
But we all answer to It.

no photo
Sun 01/08/12 10:13 PM
The truth is what is.

It much more than anything written.

Derekkye's photo
Sun 01/08/12 10:18 PM

What we believe is of great consequence - for those that believe in the Lord shall live forevermore

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Sun 01/08/12 10:24 PM

What we believe is of great consequence - for those that believe in the Lord shall live forevermore

That is what you believe.

But if truth is constant, what we actually believe is of no consequence to truth. What we believe does not change what is. It does not change truth.

It might change us, it might effect our life, but it does not effect or change truth.

Truth is what it is. Right?

There is no way of knowing if what we believe is truth.

Therefore I place my faith in what is. I place my faith in truth without knowing truth.

That's faith.

Derekkye's photo
Sun 01/08/12 10:29 PM
Edited by Derekkye on Sun 01/08/12 10:32 PM
If you know nothing to be truth then you have faith in nothing - a paraphrase of your own words.

I have faith in God's Word being truth. There's no better start than that when one seeks to know the truth.

no photo
Sun 01/08/12 10:37 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 01/08/12 10:44 PM

If you know nothing to be truth then you have faith in nothing - a paraphrase of your own words.

I have faith in God's Word being truth. There's no better start than that when one seeks to know the truth.

I know that something exists.

Nothing cannot be truth. Something is truth. Truth exists.

It is what is. It is what exists.

I know that to be truth. I know truth exists because I exist.

However it came to be, however it remains to be.

I have faith in what is.

Your faith is in words. Words written by men who claim are the words of God. That is what you have faith in.

You have faith in what you believe.

Yet you cannot know if what you believe is truth.

no photo
Sun 01/08/12 10:48 PM
I don't claim to know the truth.

Yet I have placed my unwavering faith in that which is.

That which is, is truth.

It is what is.

I exist.

I am.

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 06:34 PM

The truth is written.
The truth is God's Word.
Take It, or leave It
But we all answer to It.

Which written word is the truth (there are many)?
Which God is the author (there are many)?

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:36 PM
The truth is not written.

The truth is.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:36 PM

The truth is written.
The truth is God's Word.
Take It, or leave It
But we all answer to It.

Again, I ask: which is the TRUTH, Derekkye? The Jewish version? The Muslim version? Christian? - all these "truths" are derived from a common set of mystic "truths"; the ancient Hebrews plagiarised their "sacred" texts from pre-existing mythology.
I put it to you that IF there were an Almighty Creatory of the Universe then He would have the foresight to reveal himself to ALL the peoples of the Earth in order to spare mankind from thousands of years of religious difference, war and genocide. WTF would a "benevolent God" sit back and watch the horrendous brutality we inflict upon our fellow man "in the name of the Lord"!!??!
If I were this "Master of the Universe" I would certainly do a better job of watching over my flock than this "Yawheh" has supposedly done for the past few aeons. Are we to accept that "God" has no common sense (something he granted to his creation, yet he himself lacks?!)?!

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:02 PM

The truth is written.
The truth is God's Word.
Take It, or leave It
But we all answer to It.

Again, I ask: which is the TRUTH, Derekkye? The Jewish version? The Muslim version? Christian? - all these "truths" are derived from a common set of mystic "truths"; the ancient Hebrews plagiarised their "sacred" texts from pre-existing mythology.
I put it to you that IF there were an Almighty Creatory of the Universe then He would have the foresight to reveal himself to ALL the peoples of the Earth in order to spare mankind from thousands of years of religious difference, war and genocide. WTF would a "benevolent God" sit back and watch the horrendous brutality we inflict upon our fellow man "in the name of the Lord"!!??!
If I were this "Master of the Universe" I would certainly do a better job of watching over my flock than this "Yawheh" has supposedly done for the past few aeons. Are we to accept that "God" has no common sense (something he granted to his creation, yet he himself lacks?!)?!

You sound so bitter.

Humans should be thankful they have life and freedom.

The freedom includes the free choice to either love one another or hate, fear, and kill one another.

Make your choice.

"God" (what ever you conceive that to be) will not interfere.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:30 PM

The truth is written.
The truth is God's Word.
Take It, or leave It
But we all answer to It.

Again, I ask: which is the TRUTH, Derekkye? The Jewish version? The Muslim version? Christian? - all these "truths" are derived from a common set of mystic "truths"; the ancient Hebrews plagiarised their "sacred" texts from pre-existing mythology.
I put it to you that IF there were an Almighty Creatory of the Universe then He would have the foresight to reveal himself to ALL the peoples of the Earth in order to spare mankind from thousands of years of religious difference, war and genocide. WTF would a "benevolent God" sit back and watch the horrendous brutality we inflict upon our fellow man "in the name of the Lord"!!??!
If I were this "Master of the Universe" I would certainly do a better job of watching over my flock than this "Yawheh" has supposedly done for the past few aeons. Are we to accept that "God" has no common sense (something he granted to his creation, yet he himself lacks?!)?!
i Believe you have been misinformed about Yahweh.
Yah is the Poetic form hence Family name like Yah shua.

Yah points to existance. we see Yah in the Indian language and it is believed to be the easiests word to say in any language. we all worry about was our babies 1st words momma or daddy when most likely through science the medical comunity Yah is shown to be the most likely word you , your child anyone who has ever been born who was not mute was the Name/ sound Yah. Just as the scriptures contest to. The babes sing to my name. I believe Yah is a hebrew word/sound in the world of religion 1st found in the Torah not a pagan religion. It's thier we just through tradition just like when yahshua came can not understand it because tradition is what the religous elite want to keep because it gives them power. But who Yah is is still thier as the Breath of life

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:41 PM

You sound so bitter.

If I'm bittter then it is an aftertaste of a supposedly "all-loving" creator who sits back and watches generation after generation persecute, torture and murder specimens of his own creation, subjugate women and those of "lesser races", treat animals with cruelty, and perpetuate the ideology of superstition Vs reason - without once deeming it worthwhile to intervene and show "His children" the way. If such a Lord exists then you'd better believe I'm bitter! What rational person would not be embittered by such a cruel and heartless master?

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:45 PM

You sound so bitter.

If I'm bittter then it is an aftertaste of a supposedly "all-loving" creator who sits back and watches generation after generation persecute, torture and murder specimens of his own creation, subjugate women and those of "lesser races", treat animals with cruelty, and perpetuate the ideology of superstition Vs reason - without once deeming it worthwhile to intervene and show "His children" the way. If such a Lord exists then you'd better believe I'm bitter! What rational person would not be embittered by such a cruel and heartless master?

there are those who do all those things, there are also those who God uses to show 'his children' the way,, but his children usually listen to their own desires before the preaching or example of someone elses ,,,,,

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:58 PM
i i Believe you have been misinformed about Yahweh.
Yah is the Poetic form hence Family name like Yah shua.

Yah points to existance. we see Yah in the Indian language and it is believed to be the easiests word to say in any language. we all worry about was our babies 1st words momma or daddy when most likely through science the medical comunity Yah is shown to be the most likely word you , your child anyone who has ever been born who was not mute was the Name/ sound Yah. Just as the scriptures contest to. The babes sing to my name. I believe Yah is a hebrew word/sound in the world of religion 1st found in the Torah not a pagan religion. It's thier we just through tradition just like when yahshua came can not understand it because tradition is what the religous elite want to keep because it gives them power. But who Yah is is still thier as the Breath of life

You cannot be serious. "Yah" is one of the first sounds made by babies so that somehow lends weight to the ancient Hebrew sky daddy myths? Since virtually all babies make "Maa" and "Paa" sounds does that lend credence to the Himbala People's claims of the Great God Maalak? Or the Urushk culture and their Paalaa'm creator stories?
And not least of all because I just invented these people and their gods!
Babies babble. Their nonsense does not reveal any great mysteries even if the sounds they make happen to coincide with established words - there are only so many sounds the human mouth can make; naturally similar sounds will appear again and again.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 07:02 PM

You sound so bitter.

If I'm bittter then it is an aftertaste of a supposedly "all-loving" creator who sits back and watches generation after generation persecute, torture and murder specimens of his own creation, subjugate women and those of "lesser races", treat animals with cruelty, and perpetuate the ideology of superstition Vs reason - without once deeming it worthwhile to intervene and show "His children" the way. If such a Lord exists then you'd better believe I'm bitter! What rational person would not be embittered by such a cruel and heartless master?

That is only because you imagine a God who "sits back and watches" the goings on of humans.

You can only be bitter if you believe such a God exists.

Instead, be grateful that you exist and that love exists.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/25/12 07:18 PM

i i Believe you have been misinformed about Yahweh.
Yah is the Poetic form hence Family name like Yah shua.

Yah points to existance. we see Yah in the Indian language and it is believed to be the easiests word to say in any language. we all worry about was our babies 1st words momma or daddy when most likely through science the medical comunity Yah is shown to be the most likely word you , your child anyone who has ever been born who was not mute was the Name/ sound Yah. Just as the scriptures contest to. The babes sing to my name. I believe Yah is a hebrew word/sound in the world of religion 1st found in the Torah not a pagan religion. It's thier we just through tradition just like when yahshua came can not understand it because tradition is what the religous elite want to keep because it gives them power. But who Yah is is still thier as the Breath of life

You cannot be serious. "Yah" is one of the first sounds made by babies so that somehow lends weight to the ancient Hebrew sky daddy myths? Since virtually all babies make "Maa" and "Paa" sounds does that lend credence to the Himbala People's claims of the Great God Maalak? Or the Urushk culture and their Paalaa'm creator stories?
And not least of all because I just invented these people and their gods!
Babies babble. Their nonsense does not reveal any great mysteries even if the sounds they make happen to coincide with established words - there are only so many sounds the human mouth can make; naturally similar sounds will appear again and again.

I am pointing out that Yah the Poetic name of Yahweh is found throughout the world.. More than any other unless you can show me otherwise