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Topic: 10 years later, RP's predictions have come to pass
Conrad_73's photo
Fri 01/06/12 08:20 AM



rofl rofl rofl

Barbara Wa Wa....."WHAT!!??!?!":laughing:


Barbara Walters on Gilda Radner39s Baba Wawa Impression


Those were the days!!:laughing: :laughing:
Yep,that's when SNL was SNL!:laughing:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 01/06/12 08:34 AM

We're getting offtopic here people...respect for the OP is always a good thing

Peccy's photo
Fri 01/06/12 01:46 PM

those were 'predictions'?

lol, I can make those types of predictions right now

1. I predict that the car I ran into will have to be repaired and I will be expected to pay it back.

2. I predict that the coworker who has been causing me stress, will cool down for a time, before causing me more stress.

3.The company I work for will make promises that they are making 'improvements' to the system.

4. There will be a review of how well those improvements are working.

5. I will make several resolutions and some I wont succeed in.

6. SOme people are gonna not like other people.

7. some people will continue to help other people

and so on and so on

what 'predictions' were actually made

I honestly wonder how to tell the difference between a common sense assessment and an actual 'prediction'

most psychis bother me because they make these type of general and common sense assessments,

you will meet a handsome man (well, duh, at some point no doubt)

a PREDICTION would be detailes as in,, on your birthday a man with brown hair and blue eyes , approximate six foot three , wearing a suit,,,will enter your life and be a part of it forever more,,,

,,,,LOL,, if only
Love ya Ms, but those are hardly good comparisons. Apples to Oranges.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/06/12 04:54 PM

those were 'predictions'?

lol, I can make those types of predictions right now

1. I predict that the car I ran into will have to be repaired and I will be expected to pay it back.

2. I predict that the coworker who has been causing me stress, will cool down for a time, before causing me more stress.

3.The company I work for will make promises that they are making 'improvements' to the system.

4. There will be a review of how well those improvements are working.

5. I will make several resolutions and some I wont succeed in.

6. SOme people are gonna not like other people.

7. some people will continue to help other people

and so on and so on

what 'predictions' were actually made

I honestly wonder how to tell the difference between a common sense assessment and an actual 'prediction'

most psychis bother me because they make these type of general and common sense assessments,

you will meet a handsome man (well, duh, at some point no doubt)

a PREDICTION would be detailes as in,, on your birthday a man with brown hair and blue eyes , approximate six foot three , wearing a suit,,,will enter your life and be a part of it forever more,,,

,,,,LOL,, if only
Love ya Ms, but those are hardly good comparisons. Apples to Oranges.

obviously not in my opinion

Peccy's photo
Fri 01/06/12 05:15 PM
LOL car repair as opposed to the global economy . . . yeah those two are close.....

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/06/12 05:32 PM
1. He predicts US will pay to repair what US helped destroy in Palestine and Afghanistan.

YA THINK? doesnt US give that region money ANYWAY, do we think they use it for anything BUT repairing things that are destroyed? Do you think we wouldnt save face with the world by attempting to repair what we caused in other places?

2. Short lived peace will come to the middle east. (Can you be any more vague,,, you mean as opposed to constant and eternal war, are you speaking the ENTIRE middle east or places IN the middle east?)

3. There will be more promises of money to the allies we already are giving money too?...ya dont say,,,,

4. US troops and others will be used to monitor peace? this is something NEW?

5. an oil boycott will be imposed with oil prices soaring ...(didnt the oil prices go up long before the posted article from december of 2011 describing a 'push' for an embargo?)

6. Some of our Arab allies will be overthrown by fundamentalists....( any specific time , or just in general, like has been happening throughout history...?)

7.The US will continue to ignore the UN and their grievances about policies in the middle east. (Really? as opposed to the US suddenly giving a damn what the UN thinks and changing their policies ANYWHERE based upon the UN?)

8. Some European countries will support muslim countries (wow, you mean all fifty of those countries arent going to blatantly condemn and fight against muslims?)

9. China will sell weapons to sell weapons to arab nations and 'align' themself with arab nations. ( the vagueness is starting to wear me down by this point. China will sell weapons? unlike the US,,,,)

10.the US with tony blair as head cheerleader (I kind of thought that was George Bush) will attack Iraq (what gives him this idea, just that BUSH has been expressing as much since the 911 attacks some seven months before this speech?)

11. China , INdia, Russia, and Pakistan will take advantage of the chaos for 'resources' (lol, I guess history taught us all the same lesson)

12. The karzai government will fail (no date, just in general)

military presence will end (Again, no date, just in general)

13. Federal reserve policy will continue (indefinitely, in general, for a specific amount of time?)

14. Gold will be seen as an alternative to paper money (seen by whom? was it not already seen by some as an alternative?)

15. The Patriot act (already signed before this speech) will be used generously (another vague description,, hard to prove or disprove)

16. Many personell and civilians will be killed ( How do you guess that? such an odd thing to happen during invasions and wars,,,,)

17. The losers of the war will be tried for war crimes ( when and where has this happened?)

18. The US will not win or lose (then who will? because for someone to lose someone must win and 17 predicts the losers will be tried?)

19. our leaders wont be tried by the ICC, (how often have they been tried in the past?)

20. military and police powers will grow (cause historically they have been diminished in this country,,right?)

21. The welfare state will expand ( I give him this, even though its still vague and seems common sense to me) it was a fifty fifty chance of being right AT SOME POINT eventually,, so I rate this one an accurate prediction)

22. Both sides will endorse military adventurism overseas. (what is 'adventurism'? is there a bill or something with the term that could verify this support?)

23. policy changes 'could' prevent everything above from occurring (yes and they 'could' also reinforce the likelihood they will)

24. the constitution will be undermined and the republic weakened (very personal and subjective opinion, cant be classified as a prediction AT ALL)

25. During the next decade the american people will be poorer and less free (Again, subjective statements with words like 'poor' and 'free' which cannot be defined on any comparable scale and also no detail regarding whether its all americans, some americans etc,,, as some americans are going to always get poorer )

26.The war will be divisive (Because wars usually bring folks together), with emotions and hatred 'growing'( again what standard is being used to determine 'growth'?)

So, I respect that he had opinions based upon what he observed and his perspective probably has verified what his opinions were.

I even respect his opinions on these things, but I just think calling them 'predictions' is a reach....

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 01/06/12 05:50 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 01/06/12 05:51 PM
laugh MsH, you could make WW3 sound like nothing more than a few kids in the backyard with fireworks laugh flowers

Owe-Bummer would say "No worries, I got em with a drone....can I have it back please?" rofl

Peccy's photo
Fri 01/06/12 05:50 PM
Yes, but this is 2012, that was 2002.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/06/12 05:56 PM

Yes, but this is 2012, that was 2002.

yes, and half of the statements were regarding what we were ALREADY doing,,,not something we are 'gonna' do

the other half were about things that 'could' happen (Also pretty mucn in line with what was ALREADY happening)

Peccy's photo
Fri 01/06/12 09:41 PM

Yes, but this is 2012, that was 2002.

yes, and half of the statements were regarding what we were ALREADY doing,,,not something we are 'gonna' do

the other half were about things that 'could' happen (Also pretty mucn in line with what was ALREADY happening)

LOL...........you don't want to give anyone credit for anything unless it's Obama. We can agree to disagree on this.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/06/12 09:42 PM

Yes, but this is 2012, that was 2002.

yes, and half of the statements were regarding what we were ALREADY doing,,,not something we are 'gonna' do

the other half were about things that 'could' happen (Also pretty mucn in line with what was ALREADY happening)

LOL...........you don't want to give anyone credit for anything unless it's Obama. We can agree to disagree on this.

not true, I did give him credit for having common sense

as I believe most of the statements are a matter of common sense and not true 'predictions'

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