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Topic: Prayers Needed
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Sun 01/22/12 12:27 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Sun 01/22/12 12:30 AM

A bit of a set back today. Last night I went to see my stepdad and the admissions girl came in and said she had great news... she told him and I that my mom would be coming tomorrow and she gave a time. Then today I was told that my mom did not come and that they put her in an entirely different nursing home. I am very upset with this. They say my mom has MRSA.... but ya know, she had MRSA years ago with the first nursing home... they are saying the MRSA is active and since he has a catheter they can't be together. I think this is nonsense and I am very upset because their 40th anniversary is approaching and he seems to do so much better with her around. He tells me how he 'loves that girl and just wants to know she is taken care of... he asks if she still has that house (their home)." All I know is that this is heartbreaking.... they both had pneumonia and the nursing home is saying it's the state law to test for MRSA and
that no record of MRSA came with him.... but the thing is they were together in this nursing home before she ended up in the hospital again.... something is amiss. I'm having a hard time buying the MRSA excuse because common sense says they have hugged, kissed, and shared germs.... both were on oxygen too. Am I wrong?

I'm not understanding how they made the decision to move your mom without your consent.
I wouldn't rely on admissions to tell me her condition nor her release date
that is second hand information... you must talk directly to her physician.

If her physician is too hard to reach or the info they give you is too vague...
ask to speak to the chief of staff.

If they are asking your mom to sign papers for her tranfer to other facilities and such,
and you are not sure that your mom is fully focused enough to make those decisions...
then ask your mom if you and her can sign temporary power of attorney documents
so that you have the say of whether she is transferred and where.

Cuts down on surprises.

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Sun 01/22/12 01:28 AM

A bit of a set back today. Last night I went to see my stepdad and the admissions girl came in and said she had great news... she told him and I that my mom would be coming tomorrow and she gave a time. Then today I was told that my mom did not come and that they put her in an entirely different nursing home. I am very upset with this. They say my mom has MRSA.... but ya know, she had MRSA years ago with the first nursing home... they are saying the MRSA is active and since he has a catheter they can't be together. I think this is nonsense and I am very upset because their 40th anniversary is approaching and he seems to do so much better with her around. He tells me how he 'loves that girl and just wants to know she is taken care of... he asks if she still has that house (their home)." All I know is that this is heartbreaking.... they both had pneumonia and the nursing home is saying it's the state law to test for MRSA and
that no record of MRSA came with him.... but the thing is they were together in this nursing home before she ended up in the hospital again.... something is amiss. I'm having a hard time buying the MRSA excuse because common sense says they have hugged, kissed, and shared germs.... both were on oxygen too. Am I wrong?

I'm not understanding how they made the decision to move your mom without your consent.
I wouldn't rely on admissions to tell me her condition nor her release date
that is second hand information... you must talk directly to her physician.

If her physician is too hard to reach or the info they give you is too vague...
ask to speak to the chief of staff.

If they are asking your mom to sign papers for her tranfer to other facilities and such,
and you are not sure that your mom is fully focused enough to make those decisions...
then ask your mom if you and her can sign temporary power of attorney documents
so that you have the say of whether she is transferred and where.

Cuts down on surprises.

Someone needs to get immediately involved with State care and that Nursing homes Administrator and FIRST,,resolve WHERE and WHEN your Mother FIRST contracted her NOW diagnosis of having MRSA?
If she was tested BEFORE going into that Nursing facility, and she did not have it,,,then she acquired it THERE!
And THAT happens everyday in Nursing homes that are not kept cleaned and aids hands not being washed and re-gloved,,after they
have worked on a patient who HAS MRSA...
ITS HIGHLY INFECTIOUS,,and its transmitted through anything,,not properly sterilized before using,,bedding, cups, hands, breathing machines, and almost anything can carry the germs of it unless very close monitoring of all the patients who have it..
And it can,,be very deadly to respiratory patients,,or anyone who's immune systems are weak..
You have the right to check THAT Nursing Homes public records
to patients families residing there, and in THAT your be able to read ANY and ALL State fines or ilegations against THEM on this matter of MRSA being possibly spread to HER by THEM.
IF they do have on record,,a violation of MRSA being tranfered to another patient there,,THEIR MIGHT BE MANY? Then THEY NEED TO TRACK DOWN HOW YOUR MOTHER CONTRACTED IT WHILE THERE,and FIX THAT ISSUE.
My Prayers are with all three of you there,,and may the good Lord keep them safe and strong through this..:heart:

kissablekiss's photo
Sun 01/22/12 03:22 AM
Prayers coming from Jamaica

Mystique42's photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:46 PM
GOOD NEWS.... my mom and stepdad are back together in the same nursing home now! YAY! Their 40th anniversary is coming up on Feb 12th... and what a wonderful thing that they are together.

My mom does now have a cyst on her elbow... seems like if it's not one thing it's another, but the most important thing is that they are together and boy what a change in him being with her. THAT IS LOVE!

no photo
Fri 01/27/12 05:00 PM

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 01/27/12 07:50 PM
Keeping you in my prayers. Sounds like you are really having a tough time.

Dealing with nurseing homes is exhausting.

Especially if parents do not give you the necessary rights you need with Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives that facilities have to abide by.

Sadly if the are needs are different in couples sometimes the marriages are not respected and they are treated as seperate entities. Sometimes an Ombudsman can help but usually they are swamped.

I know hearing the various diagnosis is tough but if a patient qualifys for Hospice care it does provide some resources that do not exist before that. Actually some of the Hopice medications help with the breathing and make them more comfortable.

glad to hear you have been assigned a better work environmnet.

mssilverfox's photo
Fri 01/27/12 09:00 PM
I had to deal with a nursing home for 4 months before I could get my husband moved.. Luckily he had to go back to the hospital and I was able to find another place but he passed away before he was able to be released...The day I picked up his things from the nursing home, it was like the world was lifted from my shoulders...Please take Terry's (Iam4u) advise.. He went thru what you are with his mom...

sparkletheworld's photo
Sat 01/28/12 10:47 PM
prayers for a co-worker who is burying her 36 yr old son on monday-young people -please open you eyes to drugs and alcohol and see that it only take one more time and your life is over FOR GOOD !! He tried to overcome but the monkey on his back was bigger or he was just too tired-prayers he had a peaceful passing-

insangel's photo
Sat 01/28/12 10:50 PM
prayers and possitive energy sent your way

Mystique42's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:41 AM
UPDATe: Last night my stepdad was taken to the hospital. He had seizures and his blood sugar dropped and they had problems getting it back up. He is not a diabetic... so not sure what happened there. Thing is he has dementia and so he believes he was having dinner and was in an accident and that is the reason he is in the hospital according to him. My mom told me he was in the bathroom and they had a hard time getting to him since the door was locked. It was a pretty traumatic experience for my mom who suffers with breathing problems due to the COPD as it is. My little boy and I spent the evening with my mom playing scrabble, while my other sister went to the hospital to be with my stepdad.

It does get exhausting, but I tell myself they are still here... one more day and that is how I live my life.... one day at a time.

My ex is now going to play games with the child support.... he's changed it twice already and I really am very upset that he can't just leave well enough alone and do his darn part. (venting)

Praying for a good week. Unfortunately my little one and I were ill on Friday and this means I missed an IEP meeting on the only half a day of work I had. Thing is when I don't go to work, I don't get paid. I continue to pray for God to open doors... and the minister's wife continues to tell me how one day God will open up the door and I will find a Christian man who treats me better than anything I ever experienced. It's been two years now and I just don't see any miracle happening. However, I have my hands full with my very special little boy and my parents as it is.

I am hoping things get better soon. This sure can get tiring after awhile... one obstacle after another. I am just SO GLAD I have my friends on Mingle!

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