Topic: Last to post wins! - part 87 | |
I hereby call jinx on one may post until I call their names
And the jinx is lifted as Not just bad... but EVIL topherj37 resumes his winning ways.
Hello everyone...sun's shining...birds singing...I'm winning
*Gives everyone Bronze medals*...yay!!!...I got the gold!
Hi sherrie |
i hear by give all my winnings of this thread this week too LIL only cause im
sup guys did ya miss me?
not so fast...stick 'em up!...and hand it back
Hands LiL second place.
Dance the day away....I am last last last last ...I know...but not for long I suspect
At least, someday, you'll be able to say, "I may have finished last, but at least I got to be in the same race as the undefeated not just bad, but... EVIL topherj".
Keyword "Someday"...just not today
No, not "Today". EVERYday.
*sings "You got It"
Yep, I got it... *ANOTHER* win. Undefeated winning streak rolls on.
sup guys did ya miss me? |