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Topic: ..........He Hangs The Earth On Nothing..........
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Tue 12/20/11 03:30 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 12/20/11 03:58 AM

..............He Hangs the Earth on Nothing..............

By the Word of the Lord the heavens were created and the earth hangs

on nothing. We are created for His pleasure to enjoy a relationship

with God forever. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and His

creative power that formed the universe, gently placed in a cell

smaller than this (.) your DNA! All the capacity for an eternal

relationship! Do you have a desire to know this awesome God


• Psalm 33: 6-9 • Job 26: 10 • Colossians 1: 11-16 • Romans 1: 18-20

...............In the Beginning God Created...............

God's wonderful creative power is beyond anything we can ever

imagine! All things came to be through the Word that became flesh:

Jesus Christ. When He spoke it came to be!

• Genesis 1 • Psalm 33: 6-9 • John 1: 1-5 • Colossians 1: 11-16

...............Law and Grace...............

The law was given to Moses to show how sinful we can become, how

much God will forgive and how much we need a Savior. Jesus fulfilled

the law and when we believe in Him we receive the righteousness of

God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

The law was never to be used as a system to achieve the

righteousness of God. If that were so, Jesus' death on the cross

for our sin was in vain.

• Exodus 20 • Romans 3: 23, 28 • Galations 3: 19-29 •

...............The First Christmas...............

Though he was born in a manger in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, Jesus

existed in the Godhead before the earth was. He was the Word that

became flesh and dwelt among us. He was the exact radiance of God

in the flesh and He emptied himself to become like us. Through this

miracle He was able to experience first hand, the limitations,

temptations and sufferings of mankind and go to the Father as our

Redeemer, Advocate, Mediator and Savior.

• John 8: 58 • 1: 1-5 • 17: 5 • Philippians 2: 8-11 • Hebrews 1: 3-14 •

...............John 3: 16...............

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,

that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal


...............The Empty Tomb..............

When Jesus rose from the dead it was the most important event in

history! It proved that He is God and what He says is true.

The viewpoint that looks out of the tomb reveals a great promise

that all believers have; that we will also have a resurrection with

a new body like His and be alive with Him forever!

• John 5: 25-29 • 20: 1-10 • Daniel 12: 2, 3 • I Corinthians 15: 3, 4 14-19, 44-58 •

...............The Four Horses...............

Jesus mentioned many times that He would come again. He predicted

that troubling times, signs and trends would occur and wickedness

would increase throughout the world. This painting introduces those

signs and events symbolically. Most of all, it reveals the

importance of having Jesus Christ as personnal Lord and Savior. He

is the victorious hope that all believers have for eternal life

through the power of His death and resurrection.

• Matthew 24 • John 5: 24 • Revelation 6: 1-8 • I Thessalonians 4:13-18

..............The Prodigal...............

We are all like the prodigal son; a sinner separated from God, lost

forever. Yet, if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to

forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And if

we confess with our mouth Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in our

heart that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved!

This painting illustrates how close to the edge we are to eternal

life, with Jesus or eternal death in Hell without Him. There is a

choice and we are all one heartbeat away from living with our


• Luke 15: 11:-32 • Hebrews 3: 7 • I John 1: 9 • Romans 10: 9-11

...............The Choice..............

This painting shows our eternal destiny with or without Christ. It

reveals dramatically that there is a choice to be made that will

determine where we go after our physical death. Jesus, the Creator

of all things, knows our beginnings; he knows the problem of sin,

that it separates us from God; He redeemed us from our sin through

His finished work sacrifice on the cross; He knows our destiny into

Heaven with Him or our destiny into Hell without Him.

We will all live somewhere forever. When our hearts stops beating

God grants us our choice.

• Luke 16: 19-31 • John 3: 16-18 • John 1: 1-18 • Revelation 20: 11-15 • 21: 7, 8 • Ephessians 2: 8 • Titus 3: 5

..............."There's Hope!"...............

This painting brings into remembrance that tragic day of September

11, 2001. The only hope that we have in any suffering or tragedy is

the hope found in Jesus Christ.

The only real hope for our country is through Jesus Christ;

repentance of our sin, receiving forgiveness, and changed hearts

that make choices based in His love, living obedient lives

according to His righteousness.

II Chronicles 7: 14 says it well:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and

pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will

hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their

land. NIV

and also Titus 2: 13, 14:

Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God

and Savior Jesus Christ,who gave Himself for us, that He might

redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own

special people, zealous for good works. NKJV

..............The Fisherman..............

Imagine how it would be to see Jesus preparing breakfast for you

after his resurrection from the dead? The disciples had that

experience and were willing to proclaim that truth with great

power, even unto death! It is one of the many proofs of the

resurrection, which qualifies that Jesus Christ is God, that He is

the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father

except through Him.

• John 21 • John 14: 6 • Hebrews 1: 8 • Acts 4:12 • Colossians 1: 14-19

...............The Cleft of the Rock..............

Believers find refuge in the "Rock of their Salvation," Jesus

Christ. He hides their soul in the cleft of the rock with the

promise of eternal life. How do you approach the Rock that Christ

is; with confidence through the message of the cross or another way?

• Exodus 33: 18-23 • Romans 8: 31-39 • I Corinthians 1: 18-25 • Galations 2: 20, 21

..............The Lion and the Lamb...............

The Lion and the Lamb is a symbol of the character of Jesus Christ;

the Lion of Judah and the sacrificial Lamb of God. This painting

also shows that Christianity is a relationship that comes about

through the change of the heart. The lions heart changed and the

lamb has confidence in the message (the gospel) that changes

hearts. It also reminds us of the prophecy for the near future; a

new heaven and earth when the lion shall lie down with the

(fatling) lamb.

• Isaiah 11: 6 • Isaiah 65: 17-25 • Revalation 21: 1-8

• II Corinthians 5: 17 • Romans 12: 1, 2 •

..............The Hugs..............

The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying:

"Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with

lovingkindness I have drawn you.

Jeremiah 31: 3 • John 6: 44

The best place to be is in the center of a hug, especially when the

hug is from Jesus.

...............The Comforter..............

This painting shows Jesus sending the Holy Spirit symbolized as a

dove. A decision of the heart to believe in Jesus allows the Holy

Spirit to indwell us and remain with us forever as our comforter,

our teacher and our protector. God desires us to be holy as He is

holy and holiness is a gift to us through accepting Jesus as our

Savior and Lord.

• I Peter 1: 16 • Ephesians 1: 13,14

• John 14: 26 • 16: 7-15


2smileloudly's photo
Wed 12/21/11 01:44 PM
I think this is a more accurate version of the God/Jesus story......

I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to.

wow, what a story,
sounds .....unbelievable :(

no photo
Wed 12/21/11 06:44 PM

I think this is a more accurate version of the God/Jesus story......

I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to.

wow, what a story,
sounds .....unbelievable :(

Notice the keyword "think" there...

That is probrably why you should research those things before making assertions.

wux's photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:25 PM

Notice the keyword "think" there...

That is probrably why you should research those things before making assertions.

Research is not necessary in the case of faith.

Faith is in one of its qualities a process of believing something that has no proof or supporting evidence.

So as long as one needs no convincing evidence to have faith, then there is no need to research.

I mean, faith is not fact-based but belief-based. If you believe something that needs no facts, and facts are the only things that can be researched... then what do you suggest we research to have a faith in something, in our own way?

Nobody has seen the other side of the sun, what lies directly behind it in our view of vision, which is constantly blocked by the sun. But we can believe there is something there. I believe this thing is green and cube-chaped, you beleive this thing is yellow and banana-shaped.

A third feller who wants to believe, has the liberty of not relying for his faith what my or your belief is. He can thinkg there is a red ball there. He needs no research -- it can't be seen, it can't be tasted, smelled, touched, or inferred. It can only believed.

So what is the way to research something that has no visible outer form, has no taste, smell, texture, shape, etc. etc?

You tell me, please, how to research the unobservable and un-senseble.

no photo
Wed 12/21/11 08:20 PM

Research is not necessary in the case of faith.

You're not reading properly, or your understanding is lacking.

Re-read his first line, slowly so that you may discern what the subject is...

Faith is in one of its qualities a process of believing something that has no proof or supporting evidence.

So now you're gonna redefine faith for us? When "faith" has nothing to do with what he posted?

So as long as one needs no convincing evidence to have faith, then there is no need to research.

That's what a lemming would say, not me though...

I mean, faith is not fact-based but belief-based. If you believe something that needs no facts, and facts are the only things that can be researched... then what do you suggest we research to have a faith in something, in our own way?

There you go again, defining faith for everyone... I have faith that you will make more grammatical and intellectual errors. I have facts that back up this faith...

Nobody has seen the other side of the sun, what lies directly behind it in our view of vision, which is constantly blocked by the sun. But we can believe there is something there. I believe this thing is green and cube-chaped, you beleive this thing is yellow and banana-shaped.

A third feller who wants to believe, has the liberty of not relying for his faith what my or your belief is. He can thinkg there is a red ball there. He needs no research -- it can't be seen, it can't be tasted, smelled, touched, or inferred. It can only believed.

That's a poor analogy, unless your faith tells you that there is no Hubble or other space exploration happening in this world.

So what is the way to research something that has no visible outer form, has no taste, smell, texture, shape, etc. etc?

You mean the scriptures??? Are you saying that the Bible isn't visible??? Get with the program here, re-read his first line if you still do not understand.

You tell me, please, how to research the unobservable and un-senseble.

You can start with self-reflection. Then work your way upto reading words and letters.

2smileloudly's photo
Wed 12/21/11 08:42 PM

I think this is a more accurate version of the God/Jesus story......

I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to.

wow, what a story,
sounds .....unbelievable :(

Notice the keyword "think" there...

That is probrably why you should research those things before making assertions.

a classic "christian believer response"....

totally avoid the subject and attack the writer :(

so is this the "truth about god/jesus" to believers....
yes or no ????????????????
"I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to."

a simple yes or no response is in order,
not more diversion from the question..
can the believers "faith-up" ??

no photo
Wed 12/21/11 08:51 PM

I think this is a more accurate version of the God/Jesus story......

I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to.

wow, what a story,
sounds .....unbelievable :(

Notice the keyword "think" there...

That is probrably why you should research those things before making assertions.

a classic "christian believer response"....

totally avoid the subject and attack the writer :(

so is this the "truth about god/jesus" to believers....
yes or no ????????????????
"I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to."

a simple yes or no response is in order,
not more diversion from the question..
can the believers "faith-up" ??

And a classic "free-thinker" brain-washed response.

Simple answer, NO.

2smileloudly's photo
Wed 12/21/11 09:19 PM

I think this is a more accurate version of the God/Jesus story......

I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to.

wow, what a story,
sounds .....unbelievable :(

Notice the keyword "think" there...

That is probrably why you should research those things before making assertions.

a classic "christian believer response"....

totally avoid the subject and attack the writer :(

so is this the "truth about god/jesus" to believers....
yes or no ????????????????
"I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to."

a simple yes or no response is in order,
not more diversion from the question..
can the believers "faith-up" ??

And a classic "free-thinker" brain-washed response.

Simple answer, NO.

It is interesting how believers buy into this story, but when they have to admit how goofy it is, they deny it.....

Today's religion will be tomorrow's mythology

no photo
Wed 12/21/11 09:32 PM

I think this is a more accurate version of the God/Jesus story......

I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to.

wow, what a story,
sounds .....unbelievable :(

Notice the keyword "think" there...

That is probrably why you should research those things before making assertions.

a classic "christian believer response"....

totally avoid the subject and attack the writer :(

so is this the "truth about god/jesus" to believers....
yes or no ????????????????
"I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I am going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself in order to save you from the sin I originally condemned you to."

a simple yes or no response is in order,
not more diversion from the question..
can the believers "faith-up" ??

And a classic "free-thinker" brain-washed response.

Simple answer, NO.

It is interesting how believers buy into this story, but when they have to admit how goofy it is, they deny it.....

Today's religion will be tomorrow's mythology

What's amazing is that you buy into that story.

Show me "original sin" in the Bible.

Show me where God ordered the sacrifice.

Show me that you have no clue...

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 12/21/11 10:57 PM

When we think of an Angel spread out like a Tree.

Science is mistical of numbers of 3.

We see in the Universe pureness at its best.

No suffering no waling Future we sea.

All brought on through suffering. You and Me.

Yet Salvation comes on a Tree.

Nothings pure that we see.

It' Faith grew from branches on a Tree.

All Science and food all Atoms we have.

have a Foundation over looking a Tree.

Everywhere we go the lines split apart.

No answers no worries a sound that we Hear.

Is a small voice calling I saved you for ME.

2smileloudly's photo
Thu 12/22/11 06:30 AM
"What's amazing is that you buy into that story.

Show me "original sin" in the Bible.

Show me where God ordered the sacrifice.

Show me that you have no clue..."

original sin>>>>>> Romans 5:12

God ordered the sacrifice>>>> god is omnipotent, all powerful, he has his god/son die for human's sins

show me that you have no clue>>> it is amazing in the 21st century that some hang on to such an odd story....mankind will never progress until it looses it's fear of mythological zombies who want to control people :(

no photo
Thu 12/22/11 07:41 AM

"What's amazing is that you buy into that story.

Show me "original sin" in the Bible.

Show me where God ordered the sacrifice.

Show me that you have no clue..."

original sin>>>>>> Romans 5:12

LOL! Is that your response to "show me that you have no clue"???

"original sin" is NOT a Biblical concept, it is a Roman Catholic concept from the 5th century, and a Pagan one at that. All that Romans 5:12 reveals is that Adam sinned first...

Deuteronomy 24:16
King James Version (KJV)

16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

God ordered the sacrifice>>>> god is omnipotent, all powerful, he has his god/son die for human's sins

Repeating yourself does not make it true. Is that the best you got???

show me that you have no clue>>> it is amazing in the 21st century that some hang on to such an odd story....mankind will never progress until it looses it's fear of mythological zombies who want to control people :(

What? An editorial?

Mankind won't "progress" until the uneducated learn something besides the logical fallacy of "appeal to ridicule". Try showing evidence of your unfounded claims.


2smileloudly's photo
Thu 12/22/11 09:09 AM
I guess the bottom line is...
It is so nice that my friends and family close to me don't buy into this mythology...

as your responses have shown....
religion is an imaginary belief system
you can't debate or argue what people imagine in their own minds...

We obviously don't agree here...
but I think we both would agree on:
Hoping you have a Merry Christmas,
and hoping I have a safe and happy holiday :)

no photo
Thu 12/22/11 11:07 AM

I guess the bottom line is...
It is so nice that my friends and family close to me don't buy into this mythology...

as your responses have shown....
religion is an imaginary belief system
you can't debate or argue what people imagine in their own minds...

I just gotta laugh at this!

How have my responses shown that? I'm the one who actually is dealing with the facts about what is written, you are the one who is lost in your own imagination. That whole paragraph seems just like a typical cop-out.

The funny thing? I said to bring proof and NOT some lame "appeal to ridicule" and what do you do? No proof AND attempted ridicule...
Plus the added bonus of your assumptive error as I have never stated whether I believed it or not.

So, are you gonna run from conflict because you were wrong about 1 thing? Or do you contend that "original sin" is still a valid concept?

We obviously don't agree here...


but I think we both would agree on:
Hoping you have a Merry Christmas,
and hoping I have a safe and happy holiday :)

Can't agree there either.

I don't buy into that materialistic, Pagan, fake, "pretend to be nice once a year" BS that so many other people do.

I will however, leave you with a concept that you can use every day of the year.

Have FUN!!!

no photo
Thu 12/22/11 11:13 AM

You have a Merry Christmas too ,2Smileloudly.


no photo
Thu 12/22/11 11:16 AM
Peter_Pan........let's be kind now.


no photo
Thu 12/22/11 11:55 AM
"original sin" is referring to adam being the

first man to sin.....means the same thing......there is no



no photo
Thu 12/22/11 12:13 PM

"original sin" is referring to adam being the

first man to sin.....means the same thing......there is no



no photo
Thu 12/22/11 12:39 PM
There are many views...but I am talking about

what the Bible ( Word of God ) says, not just man's views.

According to the Word of God:

The term “original sin” is referring to Adam’s sin of

disobedience...and as a result,all mankind following after, have

all inherited that sin nature.

Which is forgiven and covered in the blood when we accept

Jesus as Saviour...and we now become new creatures in Christ

Jesus .


no photo
Mon 12/26/11 12:05 AM




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