Topic: god cant save the government | |
well some of us any how
you're right adj4u....some of us are working hard eh brother?
well pick me up on your way to new hampshire
.... depends on the definition of illegal wars. theres a process in the bible that outlines what must be done to prevent war, and its lengthly. if these conditions cannot be met, we are told to destroy the enemy utterly, and thier families, and thier goods, ect.
People misinterpret and/or twist the words in the bible all the time to suit their own needs.
theres no twisting involved in that statement. it says what it says. theOld testament is essentaly a guidebook on how to run your family as well as the Government. Then there are several examples which shows socities which, following these laws, they grow and fourish, then at some point they think they knowbetter than God how to run things, and when falling away from his teachings, they end up destroyed. Guess whose next.
No offence Rambill, but not everyone believes in the bible. I think there should be a seperation between church and state. They are two entirely different entities and should be treated as such.
therin lies the problem.
thers a difference between seperation of church and state and elimination of church. The founding fathers were talking about a situation where a decidly ungodly church was killing all who did not believe in thier belief, not whether or not the 10 commandments should be on a courthoudse wall, or whether christmas should be called happy holidays.
"Christmas", rambill, is a PAGAN holiday - as are all the other holidays in the bible. The "founding fathers" were just as full of sh*t as the current administration, just better at disguising it
with lofty claptrap about equality and freedom. They owned SLAVES. They killed 14 million Native Americans. HELLO! WAKEY-WAKEY! This country was founded on greed, lies, theft and murder! You wrap it in a flag and call it noble or honorable? |
Yeesh, the author of this post certainly has a dark side toward life, afterlife and whatnot.
Honestly, even if you don't believe, why rain on other people's parade. Even if one's religious beliefs are false, if they are hurt nobody and only fooling themselves, why not let them? Faith in something bigger than yourself can give you hope, even purpose for living. I'd rather not live in a world filled with the cold harsh "reality" that we are nothing in the universe, pointless, and we will just die without it mattering at all... Honestly, I'd prefer something a bit more... Fantastic! |
..The bible has been through so many political re-writes..
Originally, there were multiple gods and reincarnation. Who are you to tell anyone what "God's plan" is, based on some political, machievellian rag written by Roman nobility? Or Levites? - It's the money lenders that "Jesus" was pissed at who highjacked Christianity (and most other religeons). It's a political, fear-based BOOK - It has some truth in it but you're relying on a singularity to declare it the word of "God". |
Yes CBX..America and Americans are all claptrap too...see the world was such a peaceful place before we came along..there was no Atilla the Hun ravaging and pillaging countries left and persian Empire trying to conquer the Roman Empire,Chinese Dynasties. The French, British and Spanish always loved one another and never tried to take over each other's countries. Of course there was no Hitler...who never really wanted to rule the world either..he just wanted a little extra land...and I guess we wouldn't have a Europe right would just be one big Germany if it weren't for us brutal slave owning savages coming to their rescue. I don't know where you are from...not even worth checking your profile...but if you live here...there are other places to go...that still have a thriving slave market too...go there and spread your trash.
Hey, joshyfox - Have you any idea how many people have been slaughtered throughout history in the name of the Prince of Peace? Because these bible thumping fear mongerers impose THEIR views on
Hey, sercin4myredwine - Hitler was OUR creation - not Germany's
in the first place, Einstein, and yes, I'm quite aware there's other greedy empires - thank you - but my point is, when will we learn? Nobody likes being ruled by force, especially unaccountable force. And I'll leave when you grow the balls to throw me out, toughguy. |
CBX..yes their have been many wars over religion..but not just for "prince of peace". you act like the christians started or are the only ones killing in the name of religion, for the longest time they were mostly slaves and the ones being persecuted, You need to do more homework...and most of the many brutal and deadly wars that killed millions and millions of people had absolutely nothing to do with religiuos views.
LMAO CBX..Hilter was OUR creatiion...why because they lost WW1 and were decimated...or are you going to go balistically delusional with conspiracy propaganda on How Bush's grandfather hand picked Hitler to rule the world As for throwing you so easy to make a statement like that in a forum mr big shot..but I think I'd let my 15 year old son do that
hitler must have been Bushes fault. everything else is. also, im sure the flu epidemic of 1903 was also his fault. lets not forget the salem witch trials and the dark ages.
DAMN THAT BUSH. he let my supplier ship the wrong axle for my carriage so now i cant finish it before thursday like i wanted to.
hitler was his great great grandfathers fault sshhhhzzzzzzzzz
and the witch hunt well i am not sure how many generations that is but i am sure there is a connection |