Topic: Obama Leaves God out of Thanksgiving Speech | |
I have heard of some Christian denominations who actually teach their congregation not to associate with anyone except people of the same faith Yes, sadly it happens a lot. And, even if it's not stated out loud, it is something that is generally expected in many Christian churches. Not all, obviously. I was part of a traditional Catholic Church for some years and associating with non-traditional Catholics is strongly discouraged. This is because the non-Christians could sway you away from your beliefs. ![]() |
No, we do NOT have the freedom and that is exactly my point. Obama has been picking and choosing what religion and religious practices ONLY he wants. If you invite one, then you should invite them all. Acknowledge Ramadan,(which he did) then he should also acknowledge and allow other events too.
Now the tables are turned perhaps. Christians have been doing that for years and years. That is, acknowledging only Christianity and nothing else. Has there ever been a President elected that was not Christian?(Or claiming to be.) Nope. All of my life I have seen countless Christians imply that the only real "God" in existence is theirs, and I've been told that all other Gods and all other religions are false. NOW you want equality? This is why we are not on the same team. I'm Christian, you are not. wow just wow |
This is why we are not on the same team. I'm Christian, you are not. But, we are talking about politics, not religion. |
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Sat 11/26/11 06:36 PM
For people who believe it is important to only associate with other Christians there is a Christian Mingle dating sight.
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When we think about Thanksgiving, the first thing that comes to mind is the massive amounts of good food we're going to consume. Sure there's the whole being with family and catching up with our relatives thing, but that's also why we have a couple of drinks and a giant turkey wing. There was a time when the holiday wasn't synonymous with massive amounts of food, or any food for that matter. Up until the 17th century, Thanksgiving had deeper religious roots and was meant to be more of a time of personal reflection and meditation and that included–gasp!–fasting. Chew over that one (and try not to choke on a wishbone). Sarah Josepha Hale apparently invented the modern Thanksgiving. Love defined in human terms by human standards disintegrates. Someday there will be no thanksgiving. Humanism will cause this world to grow cold. It cannot hold a society together. The BIG PICTURE of Thanksgiving is the unity and sharing a bountiful table, or the giving of self and substance in the spirit godly gratefulness. ![]() Like Christmas, it has a higher purpose. This is not quite "off topic". ![]() |
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Sat 11/26/11 07:38 PM
Humanism will cause this world to grow cold.
I'm not sure what you mean by that or why you would say that. I think you are suggesting that Humanism is synonymous with atheism, or a secular philosophy rather than a world dominated by religions. The term "humanism" is ambiguous. wiki: In 1765, the author of an anonymous article in a French Enlightenment periodical spoke of "The general love of humanity ... a virtue hitherto quite nameless among us, and which we will venture to call ‘humanism’, for the time has come to create a word for such a beautiful and necessary thing.” In any case, I don't think your prediction that humanism will cause this world to "grow cold" has any merit. Care to explain what you mean? |
i give thanks without mentioning god all the time. Exactly!! Whatever Obama, or any other president for that matter does is going to piss off or offend someone. We all get to worship..or not, how ever we want..including Obama. There are people who will always choose to be offended, no matter what he or any other President does. Some people seem to need to be offended by something in order to happy. The good thing about this country is that we have the freedom to thank god or not thank god when we want. No, we do NOT have the freedom and that is exactly my point. Obama has been picking and choosing what religion and religious practices ONLY he wants. If you invite one, then you should invite them all. Acknowledge Ramadan,(which he did) then he should also acknowledge and allow other events too. Personally being offended does not make me happy nor do I know anyone who feels that way. Obama cannot offend me personally, he doesn't know me and if he did, I highly doubt he would be capable of offending me. I am just one concerned U.S. citizen, whether anyone likes it or not. Since when have you lost the freedom to thank god? Is there someone standing next to you, forcing you not to do so? You don't need the President's permission to thank god for anything. You also don't need the President to thank god in order to do so yourself. Stop searching so hard for something to be offended about. |
If there were no religions, and everyone had their own personal understanding or relationship with God or humanity, and they just cared for each other as living breathing human beings, and they did not draw a line of separation between themselves and someone a little different, I think the world would be a better place.
Yes we can spend our lives squabbling with each other, scrapping over a piece of land or scrap of bread... killing each other. And we do. But imagine what would happen if this world were invaded by flesh eating monsters from outer space and it was humans against ruthless monsters. Do you think you would draw lines between the petty differences that humans dream up? I don't think so. You would suddenly love someone simply because they are human and they are not trying to eat you. |
If there were no religions, and everyone had their own personal understanding or relationship with God or humanity, and they just cared for each other as living breathing human beings, and they did not draw a line of separation between themselves and someone a little different, I think the world would be a better place. Yes we can spend our lives squabbling with each other, scrapping over a piece of land or scrap of bread... killing each other. And we do. But imagine what would happen if this world were invaded by flesh eating monsters from outer space and it was humans against ruthless monsters. Do you think you would draw lines between the petty differences that humans dream up? I don't think so. You would suddenly love someone simply because they are human and they are not trying to eat you. Very well said. I hope it does not come to that. I do not want to be eaten. |
If there were no religions, and everyone had their own personal understanding or relationship with God or humanity, and they just cared for each other as living breathing human beings, and they did not draw a line of separation between themselves and someone a little different, I think the world would be a better place. Yes we can spend our lives squabbling with each other, scrapping over a piece of land or scrap of bread... killing each other. And we do. But imagine what would happen if this world were invaded by flesh eating monsters from outer space and it was humans against ruthless monsters. Do you think you would draw lines between the petty differences that humans dream up? I don't think so. You would suddenly love someone simply because they are human and they are not trying to eat you. Very well said. I hope it does not come to that. I do not want to be eaten. That's how I felt after watching too many monster movies and reading about the blood sucking aliens from Orion that some say are headed this way. I love you because your'e human. I don't like aliens and monsters. ![]() |
I thought this was interesting.
Christian Influences in Our World This has also been true for the United States in particular. Even today, we are supported and girded by millions of Christians and Theists who believe in the existence of God and gladly choose to respond to His existence in joy and obedience. No country in the world can match the United States for volunteerism and altruism. The number of volunteer groups, service groups, aid groups and non profit agencies in the United States can be matched by no other country on the planet. Every day, people in these voluntary organizations work to feed the poor, house the homeless, teach the young, rehabilitate the broken, assist the aging, and counsel the lost. You probably take much, if not all, of this for granted. But if these faith based groups were removed from our society, what would remain? If believing Christians were removed from our country, what would it look like? Some would say it would look a lot better, and they base this statement on a bad experience they may have had with a Christian in the past, (as if one bad experience with a car could ever remove their faith in automobile transportation!) The Faith of the Fathers But the reality is that our society exists in the shadow of its God fearing founders and on the foundation of an unshakable belief in God. Even those who would deny God in our country are only afforded the opportunity for this denial because they live in a place where Christians originally reached out in love and tolerance: #1 Patrick Henry 'It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.' #2 Charles Carroll signer of the Declaration of Independence 'Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.' #3 John Adams The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were. . . the general principles of Christianity. . . . I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God; and that those principles of liberty are as unalterable as human nature. Twenty times in the course of my late reading have I been on the point of breaking out, 'This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion at all!!!' But in this exclamation I would have been as fanatical as Bryant or Cleverly. Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company, I mean hell. #4 Samuel Adams a signer of the Declaration of Independence The right to freedom being the gift of the Almighty...The rights of the colonists as Christians...may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institutions of The Great Law Giver and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament. #5 Alexander Hamilton signed the Constitution, and became the first Secretary of the Treasury In my opinion, the present constitution is the standard to which we are to cling. Under its banner bona fide must we combat our political foes, rejecting all changes but through the channel itself provided for amendments. By these general views of the subject have my reflections been guided. I now offer you the outline of the plan they have suggested. Let an association be formed to be denominated 'The Christian Constitutional Society,' its object to be first: The support of the Christian religion. second: The support of the United States |
i give thanks without mentioning god all the time. Exactly!! Whatever Obama, or any other president for that matter does is going to piss off or offend someone. We all get to worship..or not, how ever we want..including Obama. There are people who will always choose to be offended, no matter what he or any other President does. Some people seem to need to be offended by something in order to happy. The good thing about this country is that we have the freedom to thank god or not thank god when we want. No, we do NOT have the freedom and that is exactly my point. Obama has been picking and choosing what religion and religious practices ONLY he wants. If you invite one, then you should invite them all. Acknowledge Ramadan,(which he did) then he should also acknowledge and allow other events too. Personally being offended does not make me happy nor do I know anyone who feels that way. Obama cannot offend me personally, he doesn't know me and if he did, I highly doubt he would be capable of offending me. I am just one concerned U.S. citizen, whether anyone likes it or not. highly inaccurate there are actually all types of celebrations at the white house, its impossible for any house or person to literally celebrate 'all' of anything but amongst other traditional events at the white house, besides ramadan , are hanukkah, christmas, easter,,,,,and I could probably go on RAMADAN is a religious holiday, national prayer day is a day to acknowledge PRAYER,, big difference and not particularly bigoted to not 'celebrate' it since prayer is not something that christians have a monopoly on,,,,, |
If there were no religions, and everyone had their own personal understanding or relationship with God or humanity, and they just cared for each other as living breathing human beings, and they did not draw a line of separation between themselves and someone a little different, I think the world would be a better place. Yes we can spend our lives squabbling with each other, scrapping over a piece of land or scrap of bread... killing each other. And we do. But imagine what would happen if this world were invaded by flesh eating monsters from outer space and it was humans against ruthless monsters. Do you think you would draw lines between the petty differences that humans dream up? I don't think so. You would suddenly love someone simply because they are human and they are not trying to eat you. I think we can care for each other without ignoring differences,, I think differences are just as beautiful as similarities and I think its natural for people to congregate around others who share similarities ,,whether they be beliefs, traditions, culture, goals,,,etc,,, |
i give thanks without mentioning god all the time. Exactly!! Whatever Obama, or any other president for that matter does is going to piss off or offend someone. We all get to worship..or not, how ever we want..including Obama. There are people who will always choose to be offended, no matter what he or any other President does. Some people seem to need to be offended by something in order to happy. The good thing about this country is that we have the freedom to thank god or not thank god when we want. No, we do NOT have the freedom and that is exactly my point. Obama has been picking and choosing what religion and religious practices ONLY he wants. If you invite one, then you should invite them all. Acknowledge Ramadan,(which he did) then he should also acknowledge and allow other events too. Personally being offended does not make me happy nor do I know anyone who feels that way. Obama cannot offend me personally, he doesn't know me and if he did, I highly doubt he would be capable of offending me. I am just one concerned U.S. citizen, whether anyone likes it or not. highly inaccurate there are actually all types of celebrations at the white house, its impossible for any house or person to literally celebrate 'all' of anything but amongst other traditional events at the white house, besides ramadan , are hanukkah, christmas, easter,,,,,and I could probably go on RAMADAN is a religious holiday, national prayer day is a day to acknowledge PRAYER,, big difference and not particularly bigoted to not 'celebrate' it since prayer is not something that christians have a monopoly on,,,,, You're wrong , National Prayer Day is for anyone who prays. They can choose to pray to whoever or whatever. They can also choose to opt out. I can defend myself all day and will get nowhere with those who disagree. We will have to agree to disagree. |
Edited by
Sat 11/26/11 09:53 PM
If there were no religions, and everyone had their own personal understanding or relationship with God or humanity, and they just cared for each other as living breathing human beings, and they did not draw a line of separation between themselves and someone a little different, I think the world would be a better place. Yes we can spend our lives squabbling with each other, scrapping over a piece of land or scrap of bread... killing each other. And we do. But imagine what would happen if this world were invaded by flesh eating monsters from outer space and it was humans against ruthless monsters. Do you think you would draw lines between the petty differences that humans dream up? I don't think so. You would suddenly love someone simply because they are human and they are not trying to eat you. You wrote: "I don't think so. You would suddenly love someone simply because they are human and they are not trying to eat you." Oh, is that how you explain the 911 survivor's concerted efforts? I think not. With all respect, there were a lot of "foxhole prayers" sent up on that dreadful day. Those who did not know how to contact God were seeking the prayers of those who did. Desiring a greater hope than man himself. No, suddenly the lines would fade but the greater hope would come from something bigger than those monsters. Sure, we would seek scientific help and try to draw hope from one another... but in this monsters vs limited humans world, fear, panic, and hopelessness would probably overtake men. Monsters from outerspace ![]() There always that lingering question...are there extraterrestrials out there? |
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Sat 11/26/11 09:40 PM
There are those who would laugh at that question. They would say "Of course there are."
They are just arguing about whether they are friendly to humans or not. I don't know what 9-11 has to do with my point. But bringing up 9-11 seems to be the thing to do these days. ![]() |
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Sat 11/26/11 09:54 PM
i give thanks without mentioning god all the time. Exactly!! Whatever Obama, or any other president for that matter does is going to piss off or offend someone. We all get to worship..or not, how ever we want..including Obama. There are people who will always choose to be offended, no matter what he or any other President does. Some people seem to need to be offended by something in order to happy. The good thing about this country is that we have the freedom to thank god or not thank god when we want. No, we do NOT have the freedom and that is exactly my point. Obama has been picking and choosing what religion and religious practices ONLY he wants. If you invite one, then you should invite them all. Acknowledge Ramadan,(which he did) then he should also acknowledge and allow other events too. Personally being offended does not make me happy nor do I know anyone who feels that way. Obama cannot offend me personally, he doesn't know me and if he did, I highly doubt he would be capable of offending me. I am just one concerned U.S. citizen, whether anyone likes it or not. highly inaccurate there are actually all types of celebrations at the white house, its impossible for any house or person to literally celebrate 'all' of anything but amongst other traditional events at the white house, besides ramadan , are hanukkah, christmas, easter,,,,,and I could probably go on RAMADAN is a religious holiday, national prayer day is a day to acknowledge PRAYER,, big difference and not particularly bigoted to not 'celebrate' it since prayer is not something that christians have a monopoly on,,,,, You're wrong , National Prayer Day is for anyone who prays. They can choose to pray to whoever or whatever. They can also choose to opt out. I can defend myself all day and will get nowhere with those who disagree. We will have to agree to disagree. so,, how was I wrong...? NPD is a day to aknowledge prayer, it is not intended just for christians so any decision regarding the day is not religiously bigoted against anyones religion specifically as suggested when the presidents ramadan dinner is compared to his NPD celebrations (upon which day he did still give the traditional oath even if no official celebration followed at the white house) Ramadan is a month specific to a religion, just as christmas and easter and hanukkah are and all are celebrated at the white house. lol |
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Sat 11/26/11 09:57 PM
You are correct msharmony. You were not wrong. And you are a most reasonable and persistent person on the Mingle threads.
I don't know what the purpose is of any day being declared National anything day, but oh well. I pray too! My prayers are always answered!! Always. I don't need a national day of prayer to do it either. |
You are correct msharmony. You were not wrong. And you are a most reasonable and persistent person on the Mingle threads. I don't know what the purpose is of any day being declared National anything day, but oh well. I pray too! My prayers are always answered!! Always. I don't need a national day of prayer to do it either. Shalom,,,IM not jewish, just had an urge to say it,,, ![]() |
You are correct msharmony. You were not wrong. And you are a most reasonable and persistent person on the Mingle threads. I don't know what the purpose is of any day being declared National anything day, but oh well. I pray too! My prayers are always answered!! Always. I don't need a national day of prayer to do it either. Shalom,,,IM not jewish, just had an urge to say it,,, ![]() Shalom! ![]() |